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Cupcake Party Postcards

Our Cupcake Party Postcards are must-have mailers for any celebration involving these sweet treats. Personalize your postcards for all sorts of holidays and events; recipients will love the yummy cupcake and sprinkles design on the pink background. Add your custom text to these Cupcake Party Postcards for birthday party invites, bakery grand openings, anniversary celebrations, Employee Appreciation luncheons, cupcake exchanges, and more.
  • 65lb cover stock
  • Full-color, 2-sided design
  • Customize using our Free PaperTemplates, online eTemplates, or any word processing program
  • Laser and inkjet compatible
  • 8½”x 11” sheet
  • Perforates into four 4¼” x 5½” Standard postcards
  • Perforates into two 5½” x 8½” Jumbo postcards