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LetterTop Certificates

Exclusive LetterTop™ Certificates combine a letter and certificate into one convenient piece of stationery. Personalize the top portion with a letter, promotional details, and/or event specifics and then customize the bottom portion as an invitation response. It’s the ideal invitation choice if you need a large space for an R.S.V.P. for weddings, graduations, anniversaries, holiday parties, and more.

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Need Versatile Stationery? Try Detachable LetterTop Certificates.

Many special events and celebrations require a response card or fancy R.S.V.P. Our exclusive LetterTop Certificates feature a top portion (7 3/8" x 8 1/2") and a perforated bottom portion (3 5/8" x 8 1/2"), giving you two stationery papers to customize! Add custom wedding details, surprise birthday information, Christmas party details, conference agendas, etc., to the top portion. Then, add custom response cards, fill-in R.S.V.P.s, and even gift certificates or coupons to the bottom. Add stationery seals as finishing touches to these one-of-a-kind papers! Stock up on formal and/or festive LetterTop Certificate designs for every event throughout the year.