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Solid Color #10 Envelopes

Solid Color  #10 Envelopes make weekly, monthly, or other really mailings stand-out! The convenient size of these #10 envelopes can accommodate folded letter papers and brochures, so you let everyone from students and parents to employees and volunteers the information they need. Keep a healthy stock of these #10 Envelopes on hand for personal and professional letters, orientation brochures, flyers, awards, welcome to the team letters, and much more. And don't forget to match the bright colors of your envelopes to your event or holiday or our full-color Border Papers for a coordinating look.
  • 4-1/8” x 9-1/2”. 
  • 28lb stock
  • Square flap
  • Laser and inkjet compatible
  • Holds up to six 8-1/2” x 11” sheets, folded in thirds