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Patriotic Border Papers

Celebrate America with Patriotic Border Papers. It's easy to customize these freedom-themed printable papers. Available in several dozen red, white, and blue designs to represent the American Flag, Patriotic Border Papers are must-haves for many holidays throughout the year.

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American Flag Stationery Shows Off Your Patriotic Pride!

With so many stunning red, white, and blue designs to choose from, these patriotic border papers are must-have stationery any time of year. Customize your papers for Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, and many special events for military service. Add custom information regarding patriotic parades, holiday fireworks, carnivals, picnics, elections, and more. HINT: If your school has a "Patriot" mascot, stock up on Border Papers featuring the stars and stripes. Use them for student awards, letters to parents, flyers, and more.