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Economical Feature Frames are quick and easy ways to frame almost anything. Use a variety of these affordable frames for diplomas, certificates, large photos, convention exhibits, and directional signs.
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18 are currently available.
82 more will be available on 08/19/2019.
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Custom Foil Border Gold Leatherette Certificate Holder
Price: $31.49
Leatherette Mini Award Boards
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Leatherette Mini Award Holder
Price: $28.99
Leatherette and Certificate Bundle
Price: $159.49
Mini Award Certificate Folio
Price: $25.99
Glisten Certificate Folios
Price: $41.49
Stars Certificate Folios
Price: $26.99
Certificate Folios
Price: $39.49
Leatherette Certificate Holder - Gold Stamped Horizontal
Price: $30.99
Leatherette Certificate Holder - Plain Vertical
Price: $25.49
Border Gold Leatherette Certificate Holder
Leatherette Certificate Holder - Plain Horizontal