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May 29, 2015

How to Keep Adults Engaged During a Training Seminar

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 9:34 am

Training is a necessary evil in the corporate world. As the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, once said, “Job training empowers people to realize their dreams and improve their lives.” Additionally, training helps your staff remain up-to-date on procedures and policies so they can work effectively and efficiently.

Even though you’re dealing with adults, they can still be childlike in their ability to lose focus quickly or become easily distracted.

When hosting an online training seminar, you want to keep participants engaged throughout the presentation so they retain the information. But how do you that? These nine tips will help you  keep people engaged during your training seminar.

Administer a Pre-Test

This lets you gauge the group’s understanding of the training material and allows you to make changes as needed. For example, if the participants seemed thoroughly-nuanced with Topic A of your seminar, go over the main points briefly so you can address the other topics that they weren’t as familiar with on the pre-test.

Engage Every Learning Style

There are several learning styles to consider when hosting a training seminar: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or cognitive.

It is up to you to engage these various learning styles throughout the seminar so that everyone finishes with same general understanding of the material. Brainstorm ideas for different exercises people can work through for every subject you’re covering during your training seminar.

Encourage Prop Usage

Distribute a list of materials participants will need for the seminar beforehand. These materials, which can range from practical tools to totally silly ones, should be incorporated into the training as a method for kinesthetically engaging and teaching your audience.

Plus, if you suggest that a bright yellow balloon represents something related to the training material, participants will always associate yellow balloons with that lesson. Kids aren’t the only ones that enjoy playing with toys.

Training Seminar

[photo via]

Playing Games

Training can be monotonous. Therefore, it’s up to you to make it fun for everyone. Since you might be hosting your training seminar online, the sky’s the limit when it comes to making the material fun. Host a five-minute contest during one of the lessons that asks participants to find the funniest picture/meme/video online that represents the material being discussed.

The Student Becomes The Teacher

Begin a portion of your training seminar with some general material for participants to look over, then ask them to present the information to one another. Not only does this encourage interaction and engagement amongst the training group, you might discover a new method for teaching a topic you hadn’t considered previously.

Break Time

Build in break times during your seminar. Tell attendees to step away from their computers for 10 minutes to refresh their brains and energy levels. If you try to execute a four hour long seminar without any breaks, people are only going to remember fragments of your presentation.

Taking a few breaks throughout the seminar will help people retain the information.

Incorporate Creativity

An online training seminar means you can make use of the wonderful content available on the Internet. Videos, GIFs, photos, and interactive tools are some great options for incorporating creative teaching into your seminar.

Let’s say you’re training a group on a new database system. Find a funny GIF that illustrates the process of using (or not using) this database correctly. Think outside of the box, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.


Keep it simple, smartypants! The more complex your training seminar is, the harder it is going to be for your participants to remain engaged. Comb through your seminar material, edit any dense portions to be more user-friendly, and remove redundancies that aren’t reinforcing crucial takeaways.

Physical Takeaway

After participants have completed your online training seminar, offer them some kind of token, such as a certificate. Having some kind of physical representation of the time and work they dedicated to the seminar will encourage them to revisit the information while they show pride in completing the course.

May 19, 2015

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Kids love praise. Knowing they’ve reached a goal or completed a task motivates them to continue doing well. Although Sunday School classes may seem like a fun place to socialize with friends, play games and listen to inspiring stories, there’s a lot of learning going on too. Let’s celebrate it!

Here are four Sunday school recognition ideas to keep your youngest parishioners engaged and active in their religious studies.

Sunday School Growth Award

Progress should always be recognized and commended. The Sunday School Growth Award is ideal for students who’ve completed assignments and projects in a timely manner and shown a deep understanding and appreciation of the lessons they’re learning. These children are often eager to learn more, ask questions and have a genuine interest in growing within the congregation.

Heavenly Cooperation Award

Do you have students break into groups to learn songs and verses together? Take note of the children who work exceptionally well with others. They deserve a Heavenly Cooperation Award. Let them know how much you appreciate them being helpful and friendly to the other children in their group. This award will inspire others to be just as cooperative in the future!

Religious Leadership Award

As Sunday school students get older, they often take on leadership roles within the church. Some teach younger students, volunteer to be a teacher’s assistant, or conduct special lessons for other classes. The Religious Leadership Award is for those students who go above and beyond to help others as a mentor and role model to other students.

Finding Faith Award

Every Sunday school teacher knows of a few students who are working on finding their place in the church. This award should be presented to students who’ve experienced a defining moment and have newly accepted their faith. This award is perfect for presenting during the final class of the session or during a ceremony with family and friends present.

crystal cross stationery paper

Do you need paper certificate to print your Sunday school recognition awards on? Paper Direct has a wide variety of festive, fun certificates to make your presentation perfect.

May 1, 2015

15 Ways Schools Can Appreciate Their Teachers (on the Cheap)

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 10:34 am

Day in and day out, teachers go above and beyond. From staying late to help students with projects, to arriving early to perfect lesson plans, this profession isn’t celebrated enough. So on May 5th it’s time to say Thank You!

15 ways schools can appreciate teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day!

appreciation ideas on the cheap

1. Have the school secretary reach out to parents and students. Ask for positive comments and words of gratitude to share in the teacher newsletter or on the bulletin board in the staff break room.

2. Organize a staff potluck (or have it catered!) on a Friday afternoon to spoil and thank educators for their dedication all year long.

3. Allow teachers to go casual and wear jeans on a specific day. Be sure to get a group picture to remember the event!

4. Hold a drawing for an exciting weekend outing that includes tickets to a local ball game, dinner at a new restaurant, overnight stay at a luxury hotel or tickets to a show.

5. Coordinate a special assembly with the students and present each teacher a certificate of appreciation in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.

Thank You Vinyl Banners by PaperDirect

6. Ask the students to write messages on a huge “Thank You” banner during their lunch break. Then prominently display the sign at the entrance of the school for all the teachers to see.

7. Feature each teacher on the school’s social media accounts. Post a photo and a behind-the-scenes look at what the teacher does each day for the children.

8. Email each student an anonymous questionnaire asking who their favorite teacher is and why. Print out these comments on colorful paper and post them around the school for everyone to read.

9. In a small school, have the students prepare a short play to present to the teachers that focuses on gratitude and the things they’ve learned from their teachers.

Personalized Mugs by PaperDirect

10. Present each teacher with a personalized mouse pad or mug for their desk that highlights Teacher Appreciation Day.

11. Coordinate a special assembly to honor a Teacher of the Year. Have the students and parents vote on who should win.

12. Tuck a note into each teacher’s paycheck paperwork letting them know they’ve earned a free PTO day to use as they wish.

13. Have fresh doughnuts and gourmet coffee delivered to the staff break room early on a Monday morning for a delicious surprise.

14. Have a key school supervisor, such as a principal or superintendent, hand write a Thank You card to each teacher and personally deliver it throughout the day on Teacher Appreciation Day.

15. Organize a staff outing, such as bowling or lunch, so the teachers can mingle and socialize outside school grounds.

What are you waiting for? Choose a few ideas and start planning! Paper Direct has festive paper certificates and decorative border paper to help you get started.


March 9, 2015

Promote a Positive Environment with Middle School Recognition

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 5:00 pm

Middle School Recognition

Successful teachers know that middle school recognition ideas are more than just simple certificates; they are tools that mean the difference in academic success.

One of the most important aspects of teaching middle school is creating a positive environment.  It is also the most challenging.

middle-schoolTeachers know that in order to support student advancement, they need to battle such things as student burnout and lack of motivation on a daily basis using the most effective tools available to them—  with recognition ranking at the top.

Everyone loves recognition, including students. That’s why genuine recognition is so important and valuable in the classroom.

If you are looking for some fresh ideas to recognize your students, here are some of our favorites.

Observational  Awards

One of the best ways to show students that you are tuned-in is by awarding recognition based on observations. Keep a list of positive achievements of each student, especially ones not directly related to scores.  Here are some observational ideas:

  • Most insightful answerAtaraxia Modern Certificate Papers by PaperDirect
  • Most creative essay
  • Best application of the lesson
  • Outstanding demonstration of leadership
  • Demonstrating inclusiveness
  • Outstanding determination
  • Daily Positivity
  • Organizational Awards
  • Most cooperative lab group
  • Best demonstration of problem solving
  • Successful time management
  • Best use of tools such as asking for help, study aids, library
  • Most willing to try new things
  • Productivity awardsFantasy Stars Modern Certificate Papers by PaperDirect
  • Most complete classroom notes
  • Best demonstration of humor
  • Most enthusiastic
  • Class/school spirit
  • Most interactive
  • Fostering class discussion
  • Most compelling question
  • Stump the teacher
  • Art that inspires
  • Incredible computer skill
  • Reading for fun
  • Patriotism
  • Fostering unity outside the classroom

The best thing about using observational awards for middle school recognition is that the list can go on forever because unique student achievement never ends.

Beautiful certificates are lasting and meaningful for students, they help improve the learning environment, and help shape a positive future for the students.

April 22, 2013

The Do’s & Don’ts of Teacher Gift Giving

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:33 am

Teacher's Apple Post-it® Notes Although you can give a teacher a gift anytime, it’s especially appropriate during Teacher Appreciation Week, which is May 7-11 this year. This week is your reminder to let inspiring teachers know what a difference they have made in your life or the life of your kids. Teachers receive lots of gifts, so choose yours carefully to ensure it’s meaningful and useful for the teacher.

When Giving a Teacher a Gift, Do:

  • Consider what the teacher may need for the classroom and pick a gift that meets those needs, like personalized Post-it® Notes with the teacher’s name on them.

  • Get your child involved in the process of selecting the gift, wrapping it, and adding handmade touches, whether it’s a drawing of the teacher or a small craft project.

  • Choose a classy greeting card and include a personalized note Floral Vine Specialty Thank You NoteCards about why you appreciate the teacher. These notes are often what teachers cherish most because it gives their job purpose.

  • Add a gift card to an office supply store or bookstore so the teacher can get classroom supplies, which are often more meaningful for the teacher than gifts to use personally.

In Your Teacher Gift, Make Sure You Don’t:

  • Include baked goods or other foods that the teacher may not be able to eat. Dietary restrictions are very common these days, so unless you know a teacher absolutely loves a particular treat, leave it out.

  • Go overboard on the teacher-themed gifts with apples or pencils or mugs saying “World’s Best Teacher.” They have probably been getting these for years and don’t need any more.

  • Choose scented items, like lotions or candles, that the teacher may not actually like. Many of these end up getting re-gifted because the teacher doesn’t like the scent and won’t use them.

Difference is You Tote Bag Teachers have one of the most challenging and underpaid jobs around, so take the time to choose a unique gift that recognizes the time and energy the teacher has put in during the year. The teacher should be able to look at the gift the next day and remember exactly who it is from and what they liked about it. As you’re deciding what to give this year, browse our catalog at Paper Direct to find high-quality gifts for each teacher on your list.

April 19, 2013

5 Ways to Make National Volunteer Week Special

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:20 am

Outstanding Volunteer Post-it® Notes Whether you work at a non-profit organization that works with volunteers who help to improve the community, or you are a teacher in a classroom who relies on parent volunteers, it’s important to remember those special people who are dedicating their time to your cause. National Volunteer Week takes place this year from April 21 through April 27, so be sure to do something that week to make your volunteers feel special. The following ideas will help you create a week they won’t soon forget.

5 Ways to Make National Volunteer Week Special for Your Do-Gooders

  1. Organize an awards ceremony to honor your dedicated volunteers. Consider distributing special, custom awards to each contributor on your team. Ideas for awards include “Volunteer Who Logged the Most Hours” or “Most Creative Volunteer.” Just make sure everyone gets something at this event, and don’t forget to create personalized awards to hand out.

  2. Write each volunteer a personalized thank you note. Using the custom volunteer note cards available on PaperDirect, you can take the time you need to truly express your gratitude for the efforts of your volunteers.

  3. Give the gift of a personalized tote bag. This is a practical gift that your volunteers will use for many years to come. It will help them bring supplies to and from the volunteer site, as well as provide many uses in their personal life.

  4. Create personalized coffee mugs for your volunteers. The volunteer mugs on PaperDirect include sayings like “The Difference is You” and “We Appreciate You.” These sentiments express your gratitude, and the volunteer receives a great gift that will make them feel appreciated each morning as they enjoy their cup of coffee.Volunteers a work of Heart Pin

  5. Take them to lunch and give them a lapel pin to thank them for their time and effort. Everyone enjoys a delicious meal, and awarding them with a special lapel pin will make it all the more memorable. Volunteer lapel pins that state “Volunteers, A Work of Heart” are available.

We Appreciate You NoteCards No matter which route you decide to take, just make sure your volunteers know how much you appreciate them. Chances are you couldn’t get your job done without these special individuals who are donating their time and skills to your organization. To make personalized gifts, note cards and awards quickly and easily, stop by PaperDirect. We have specialty volunteer products that will work great for this particular occasion.

February 26, 2013

Positive Reinforcement Works Wonders for the Struggling Student

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 7:47 am

“Finish your homework or you’re grounded!”

“If you don’t get those grades up, I’m taking away privileges!”

If you’ve ever uttered these words – or others like them – you’re definitely not alone. As parents, finding the best ways to help your children succeed in school can present a challenStar Student Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirectge.

But while attempting to change your kid’s behavior by threatening to enact punishments may be a completely natural parenting fallback – and, let’s face it, sometimes just a whole lot easier – it’s actually not the best way to help a struggling student.

Though it may seem counter-intuitive, offering rewards is actually a more effective method of getting your kids (or students) to do what you want.

Here’s why.

Skinner’s Box

The year was 1948, and psychologist B.F. Skinner had a problem. He was trying to do something that many felt impossible – train pigeons. After all, pigeons aren’t exactly known for their staggering intellectual capacity.

After much trial and error, Skinner discovered that if the pigeons received positive reinforcement – in the form of a treat — every time they did what he wanted them to do – which was pushing a tiny lever — the birds learned the desired behavior very rapidly.

Skinner named his method “operant conditioning” – and the fields of psychology, education and behavior management were never the same!

The Power of Positive ReinforcementFestive Streamers Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

If positive reinforcement can work wonders on a bunch of pigeons, just imagine what it can do for your student! Positive reinforcement can be something tangible, like a sticker, a lollipop, or a special certificate acknowledging their improved effort.

Positive reinforcement can also be intangible, like a hug or a smile. Praise is effective, too. When offering verbal positive reinforcement, be specific. Tell your child exactly why you’re proud of them, such as:

  • “You got most of your spelling words right this week! I can tell you’ve been working hard.”
  • “I can’t wait to tell the family about the good grade you got in math. How wonderful!”
  • “Your teacher told me that you’ve been trying harder in class. I’m so proud of you!”

Citizenship Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirectPositive reinforcement works best when it’s delivered immediately after the desired behavior takes place, or at least as close as possible. Best of all, you don’t have to wait until your student’s behavior is absolutely perfect in order to offer positive reinforcement; in fact, you should reinforce every incremental step in order to encourage continuing progress.

Studies show that random rewards are the most effective way to change behavior –so mix it up! Reward all positive behaviors with a smile or a hug, and dole out the special stuff, like treats or certificates, at random intervals. Above all, be consistent and emphasize positive reinforcement over punishment.

January 31, 2013

Creative Recognition Awards for Your Students

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , , , — PDWriter @ 10:58 am
Perfect Attendance Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Teachers, are you running out of ideas for student recognition awards? PaperDirect has you covered! While Student of the Month, Most Improved, and Highest Grade Point Average are wonderful award certificates to hand out, there are a lot of creative ideas out there for recognition awards for students of all ages.

Most teachers have such busy schedules that the thought of having to come up with one more creative task can be daunting. PaperDirect is here to help. We have award certificates that can be customized to award anything you choose. Our huge variety of styles will allow you to find certificates you really love. Just fill in the name and date and you have creative recognition awards the students will really appreciate!

Reading Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Academic Award Ideas

Instead of awarding students for good grades or most improved classroom performance, try these unique award ideas and make any changes necessary to fit the age of the student:

  • The Albert Einstein Award (future brilliant scientist)
  • The Lewis and Clark Award (most excited to try explore something new)
  • The Deep Thinker Award (best problem solver in the class)
  • The Survivor (the one who never gives up)
  • The Emily Dickinson or Robert Frost Award (the best poet in the class)
  • The William Shakespeare Award (best playwright in the class)

Candy Bar Student Awards

  • The Butterfinger Award (the kid most likely to drop things or break things)
  • The Payday Award (the kid who forgets his lunch money)
  • The Three Musketeer Award (always surrounded by friends and supportive of others)
  • The Almond Joy Award (always happy and optimistic)
  • The Snickers Award (the class clown always making others laugh)
  • The Milky Way Award (the student who loves astronomy)
  • The Watchmacallit Award (the student who forgets the names of things)
  • The $100,000 Bar Award (the student most likely to be a millionaire)
On the Spot Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Other Creative Recognition Awards

  • The Dale Earnhardt Award (the student who speeds through the hallways and is always told to slow down!)
  • The Emily Post Award (the most well-mannered student)
  • The American Idol Award (the kid who loves to sing)
  • The Bobby Flay Award (the future chef in the class)
  • The Edgar Allan Poe Award (the kid who loves a good horror story)
  • The Rolex Award (the student who is always asking what time it is or who watches the clock)
  • The Patrick Mahomes Award (future football star)
  • The Dr. Phil Award (the kid always giving advice)
  • The Anderson Cooper Award (the student who loves current events)
  • The Barbara Walters Award (for the student who loves asking personal questions)
  • The Justin Bieber Award (for the student who just loves to perform)
  • The Joe Biden Award (for the kid who wants to be President)
  • The Florence Nightingale Award (for the student who loves taking care of others)
Festive Streamers Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

This is just a short list to get your creative juices flowing. PaperDirect has hundreds of recognition award certificates for kids. With our “Print Right Now” option, simply customize your certificate and print them out on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper in any color you like. PaperDirect certificates are designed to print on our Perfectly Plain 28lb paper.

January 21, 2013

Fun Facts: Valentine’s Day Trivia

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:59 am

Valentine Mailbox Border Papers by PaperDirectThe country’s holiday of romance is right around the corner. Check out these fun Valentine’s Day trivia tidbits to get in the mood for every couple’s favorite day of love. Be sure to get your Valentine’s Day stationery at PaperDirect. Compose the most romantic love letter of all time on lovely, vibrant Valentine’s Day paper from PaperDirect.

  • According to the Chocolate Manufacturer’s Association, 36 million boxes of chocolate were sold for Valentine’s Day in 2003.
  • The oldest known Valentine love letter was written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife and is now located in the British Library in London. The Duke wrote the a poem when he was being held in the Tower of London following his capture.
  • According to the Greeting Card Association, 86% of Valentine’s Day cards are bought by women.
  • Second only to Christmas, Valentine’s Day sees more greeting cards sent than any other holiday with about 1 billion cards each yet.
  • Cupid was the son of Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty.Heart Prints Border Papers by PaperDirect
  • The average American will spend approximately $120 on Valentine’s Day this year.
  • Men spend twice as much as women on Valentine’s Day.
  • More than one-third of men say they’d prefer not receiving a gift on Valentine’s Day, but only 20% of women say they’d prefer to not receive a gift.
  • Around Valentine’s Day, a long-stemmed red rose will cost about $75, about 30% higher than its normal price.
  • Nine million pet owners will buy gifts for their pet this Valentine’s Day.
  • 15% of women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day.
  • More at-home pregnancy tests are sold in March than in any other month.
  • Teachers receive the most Valentine’s Day gifts of all groups.
  • Over half of all Valentine’s Day cards purchased are bought six days before the holiday.
  • Hallmark produced its first Valentine card in 1913.
  • The start of St. Valentine’s Day can be traced back to the Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, when a young man would draw the name of a young woman in a lottery and would then keep the woman as a sexual companion for the year.
  • Celebrity Valentine’s Day weddings: The Captain and Tennille, Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, Jerry Garcia and Deborah Koons and Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee.
  • Flower colors have different meanings. Red roses mean love, yellow roses indicate friendship, and pink roses mean friendship or sweetheart. Red carnations mean admiration, white carnations mean pure love, red chrysanthemums mean love, and primrose means young love.
  • In the medieval times, doves are widely believed to choose their mates on February 14. It has become a favorite symbol for Valentine cards.
  • Children ages 6 to 10 exchange more than 650 million Valentine cards every year.

Heart Shaped Wishes Casual Invitations by PaperDirectPaperDirect also has Valentine’s Day invitations if you’re hosting a party this year.


July 25, 2012

How to Design a Certificate for Student Achievements

Excellence Specialty Certificates

With the new school year just a few weeks away for many students in the United States, it’s time for teachers, other school personnel, and parents to begin thinking of ways to reward students for good grades, improved behavior, better attendance, a more positive attitude, and increased effort, just to name a few. There are a number of student achievements that can be acknowledged with a certificate that you can design and print (with a little  help from PaperDirect) in no time at all. Whether you want to print a single certificate or a large number at once, PaperDirect can help you produce lovely, professional-looking student award certificates for all types of school achievements for children of all ages!

Design Your Own Student Achievement Certificates

Festive Streamers Casual Certificates

Standard certificates are inexpensive, and PaperDirect has student achievement templates available to download allowing you to print certificates in a matter of minutes because the layout and wording have already been done for you. All you have to do is put the recipient’s name and date on the certificate and print it out! With the ease and convenience of designing and printing your own student award certificates, what, at first, may have seemed like a daunting task, is a breeze!

Templates for Student Certificates

PaperDirect has templates for virtually every occasion, and if you have a student achievement that requires a certificate of appreciation template that is not featured on our website, making changes to templates is easy. And the certificate design templates are  to the exact specifications of the paper so there they will come out perfectly every time.

Festive Starlight Specialty Certificates

To really jazz up student achievement certificates, you can order certificate frames for them. Not only do the frames look great, but they will preserve the quality of the certificate, so it can last forever. Low cost, ease of production and flexibility with the student achievements templates make giving student award certificates one of the best parts of a very challenging job!

PaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for all your student (and employee) recognition needs. If you need ideas on how to recognize students for a job well done, check out these PaperDirect blogs:

July 18, 2012

Creative Student Recognition Ideas for the New School Year

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Achievement Border Specialty CertificatesComing up with creative student recognition ideas can be a challenge with each new school year. PaperDirect is here to help. If you’re a veteran teacher, or even if you’re a rookie, you may be struggling with student recognition ideas so you don’t give out the same old rewards that are given out each year and have come to be less meaningful to the recipients. The first step in the process of buying or making creative student recognition “prizes” for the new school year is to spend some time getting to know your students.

Show Interest by Asking Questions

Many teachers, on the very first day of Honor Roll Award Casual Certificatesschool, ask their students to fill out a questionnaire so they can find out what their students are “into” when they’re not in school. If you have not tried this, you will find yourself amazed at what some of your students do in their free time. Many have jobs, fascinating hobbies, interesting family lives and other things going on that you’d never suspect had you not shown interest through your questions. Of course, you must be careful to not ask personal questions concerning religion, ethnicity, political beliefs, etc.

If you’re a new teacher, have a veteran teacher review your questions just to make sure they’re “politically correct.” What you may consider an innocent question, such as “What does your father do for a living?” may be a sore subject with a student and cause him/her to shut down and refuse to answer any other questions. Be as neutral and benign in your questions as possible. To be safe, you can make the questionnaire optional or emphasize that the students answer only the questions they feel comfortable addressing.

Match the Reward to the Accomplishment and Student

PaperDirect has a large selection of award certificates, plaques and trophies that you can Academic Award Casual Certificatesengrave or design with special messages to your students. Whether it’s most improved, best attendance or highest grade, be sure the reward matches the accomplishment and the student’s personality. If you think a student will find a certificate or plaque corny, then that’s where the creativity must come in. Here are some creative student recognition ideas to get the new year started off right:

  • Buy the student breakfast
  • Award privileges to the student (leaving early, running errands to other classrooms, time in the library or media room)
  • A homework pass
  • Ice cream party at end of day
  • Pizza party
  • Gift cards to favorite hangouts and restaurants
  • Hand-written thank you card
  • Positive phone call home to the parents
  • Lunch with the principal
  • Lunch off campus
  • Lunch delivered to the student compliments of the school or teacher

Creative student recognition ideas need not be expensive. Some of the most meaningful rewards for well-deserving students don’t cost any money at all! Check out these PaperDirect blogs to get more ideas about student recognition for the new year:



July 11, 2012

Motivational Pins Are Cost Effective Student Rewards

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Together we make a Difference Pin by PaperDirectStudents of all ages (no matter how “cool” they are) appreciate being acknowledged for doing a good job or for improving upon something like behavior, perfect attendance or grades. While certificate awards are definitely morale boosters and plaques and trophies look great on the wall or shelf, there really isn’t any way a student can take his/her reward around where it can be seen (nothing wrong with showing off a bit, right?).

Motivational pins can be used as a reward for student achievement and as an incentive for other students striving to better themselves. While some students may act as though recognition is not a big deal, every parent and teacher knows that children of all ages like a pat on the back every now and then. Motivational pins are inexpensive, attractive and can be worn on any type of clothing.

Recognition awards like motivational pins not only shows the student his good work, attitude, behavior, or attendance is being acknowledged, but they show other students that good work does not go unnoticed. Whether it’s an award for achievement such as “Highest Math Grade” or an award for someone who is showing improvement like “Most Improved Classroom Behavior,” motivational pins can be worn every day and serve as a constant reminder of what the student did to earn that pin.

Perfect Attendance PinStudent recognition awards like motivational pins actually serve two purposes. They’re designed to show appreciation for deserving students, and they’re designed to help boost morale amongst in other students. Having a recognition program using certificate awards, lapel pins, plaques and trophies is an effective tool to reward and motivate students throughout the school year.

Seeing all the awesome recognition lapel pins available from PaperDirect will give you ideas about how to best utilize them for motivating and rewarding students.

May 23, 2012

Ways to Tell Your Teachers How Much They Mean To You

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Appreciation Border Specialty CertificatesBeing a school teacher is one of the toughest, most admirable professions one can choose. It’s an often thankless job that requires hours and hours of work after the school day is over, evening meetings, event chaperoning, and sometimes even weekend work grading papers and preparing for the following week’s lessons.

If you are a teacher, were a teacher or know a teacher, you understand that teaching is not easy. You have lives in your hands each and every day, and everything you say and do somehow impacts the students in your classroom. If you’re not a teacher but appreciate the work they do, or if your child has told you how much a teacher has meant to them, there are many ways you can show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Let’s take a look at some teacher appreciation ideas that are thoughtful and affordable.

Feel free to come up with your own teacher appreciation ideas or use any of these. Teachers will be so thankful that their work has not gone unnoticed. Shop online at PaperDirect for teacher appreciation gifts today!




April 4, 2012

Field Day Sports Certificates

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Good Sport LetterTop Certificates

Who doesn’t remember your school’s “field day” toward the end of the school year–the day the whole school competed in a variety of outdoor competitions like the egg toss, three-legged race and relay races? If your principal were cool enough, you may have even gotten to have a dunking booth with your teachers in the hot seat. Field day is a day that both students and teachers look forward to because it’s a way to celebrate the end of a great year, teach sportsmanshipand just have fun outside of the classroom.

If you’re getting ready for your field day, you will need sports certificates to award the winners and for those who participated but may have fallen short of first, second or third place. PaperDirect is your online shopping source for award certificates to fit just about any occasion and any age group.Fantasy Stars Casual Certificates

PaperDirect has certificates for just about every accomplishment, so the only problem you may have is choosing which design you like best. Want to design and print your own? We can teach you how to make do-it-yourself award certificates for all occasions. All you need to provide is the computer! If you want to create your own professional-looking sports certificates, PaperDirect has award certificate templates to help you design and print certificates, and you will be amazed at how easy it is. Our free desktop printable templates format your certificate automatically, with preset margins, borders and tabs. We also offer a certificate template CD with a variety of certificate headings so you can make as many certificates as you like whenever you like.Athletic Award Casual Certificates

If you would like a pre-designed desktop printable certificate, we offer free individual certificate templates. Simply find the certificate design you wish to purchase and click “Choose a Template” on the product page of our website. Then select either a Word or Publisher template. PaperDirect will email a certificate template right to you at no charge.

Award certificates are fun, and with added features like certificate seals and certificate jackets and folders, they can last forever.

March 28, 2012

Attendance Certificates for Your Star Students

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Perfect Attendance Award Casual CertificatesOne of the keys to student success is good attendance–it’s hard to succeed in school if you’re not there every day. If you’re a school teacher and want to reward your students who have shown perfect attendance throughout the year or semester, attendance certificates from PaperDirect are a great way to acknowledge students and provide them with something they can keep forever.

Certificate seals, certificate jackets and certificate folders and laminating certificates will enhance the attendance certificates and preserve their condition, so they look brand new even years later. PaperDirect is your one-stop online source for everything a teacher needs to reward good attendance.Star Student Award Casual Certificates

PaperDirect offers you the best variety of award certificates for students and do-it-yourself award certificates for all occasions.  We can do just about anything you want with printable certificates and certificate paper, and you’ll find everything you need to custom design attendance certificates for students of all ages with our award certificate templates. The templates make designing and formatting professional-looking certificates easier than you ever imagined.

With dozens of award certificates to choose from, you can pick the certificate paper design that best matches the accomplishment, so attendance certificates can be custom printed to say exactly what you want to say: “Perfect attendance,” “Improved attendance,” dates, names, and any other information you’d like to include. Check out our vast selection of award certificates:

Golden Star Casual CertificatesPaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for everything you need for student, employee and team recognition ideas. Need some tips on how to make DIY (do-it-yourself) certificates? Check out this PaperDirect blog: “Do-It-Yourself Certificate Tips.”

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