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February 22, 2019

5 Unique Ways To Recognize Students & Staff

Recognizing students and staff is crucial in building a productive school environment. Create special recognitions at your school that will turn into traditions that your staff and students will love by congratulating them with a variety of tangible awards.

Student of the Month Awards

Creating a ceremony where students, parents, and teachers can come together to celebrate a student’s achievements is wonderful for recognizing students. When you recognize students for their exemplary academics and character, you set the right tone for how you want your students to act. Reward them with customizable certificates that they can display in their room and show off to their friends.

student of the month certificate

Teacher of the Month Awards

Recognizing teachers for their hard work really pays off. Have students vote for their favorite teachers, and recognize those teachers with breakfast and a ceremony. Award each teacher with a trophy they can display proudly on their desk or a plaque they can hang up on the wall. This recognition is great for celebrating a teacher’s hard work and dedication to their students.

Celebrate Staff Birthdays

Birthdays should be celebrated! Celebrate a staff member’s birthday by decorating their workspace with a customized banner. When they walk in and find their workspace decorated, they’ll be proud to work at a school that notices the details. If a staff member doesn’t like their birthday to be a big deal, create a custom message using a stylish border paper to recognize them in a smaller way.

chalkboard banner for schools

Student Attendance Recognition

Not missing a day of school can be tricky for many students. This may be an achievement that goes unnoticed in some schools, but handing a student a certificate that acknowledges their dedication to their academics goes a long way. Complement their attendance certificate with a coordinating certificate jacket that’ll display their award beautifully. 

Recognition Awards with Swag

Everyone loves some swag! Your staff will appreciate all the different ways they’ll be able to show their school pride: apparel, tumblers, and more! Show your appreciation by including some of these items in a gift basket or as a surprise gift in their mailbox.  Your staff will be proud of their school as they walk through the halls with their cool items.

These award and recognitions ideas are great for building a happy school environment. Your students and staff will desire these recognitions and work hard for them. Recognize with style and use PaperDirect for all your recognition needs.

February 15, 2019

5 Positive Impacts of Recognizing Student Achievement

Recognizing your students’ achievements has amazing outcomes. When you recognize individual student achievements with a tangible award, they will all feel appreciated and motivated to continue to work hard in the classroom.

Awarding Good Behavior

Awarding good behavior sets the foundation for your classroom and how your students should act. When students follow the rules of the classroom, you create a safe learning environment where students can learn without distractions. Award each outstanding student with a pin that they can show off in the classroom with pride.

achievement recognition lapel pin

Make Students Feel Appreciated

Recognizing your students’ achievements will let them know that you see their efforts and are proud of their achievements. An appreciated student won’t give up on their work and will feel like doing something that matters. Handing them a certificate that you have customized to be specific to that student is the perfect recognition gift. 

Encourage Student Pride

When students have something they can be proud of, it shows in the way they act. Awarding students with trophies and plaques is a great way for them to feel a sense of pride. They’ll be able to show off their awards to their friends and family, or hang them up in their rooms. The pride that your students will feel in school will continue to move them in the right direction.

Black Marble Recognition Plaque

Motivate Students

Recognition is a great way to keep students motivated any time of year. When you introduce certificates, pins, trophies, and lanyards that can be awarded for different achievements it will motivate your students to work harder. This motivation will provide the drive your students need to excel in their studies.

Happy Students

Students that are successful with their studies are happy. By recognizing your students’ achievements, you are encouraging them to continue to work hard and be productive. When you reward your students you’ll make them feel appreciated and happy.

Achievement Certificate paper for students

Making sure that you are recognizing achievement when you’re supposed to is important. Award your students with certificates, pins, and other recognition items to show that you appreciate all their hard work. Check out PaperDirect for more recognition items!

May 19, 2015

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Kids love praise. Knowing they’ve reached a goal or completed a task motivates them to continue doing well. Although Sunday School classes may seem like a fun place to socialize with friends, play games and listen to inspiring stories, there’s a lot of learning going on too. Let’s celebrate it!

Here are four Sunday school recognition ideas to keep your youngest parishioners engaged and active in their religious studies.

Sunday School Growth Award

Progress should always be recognized and commended. The Sunday School Growth Award is ideal for students who’ve completed assignments and projects in a timely manner and shown a deep understanding and appreciation of the lessons they’re learning. These children are often eager to learn more, ask questions and have a genuine interest in growing within the congregation.

Heavenly Cooperation Award

Do you have students break into groups to learn songs and verses together? Take note of the children who work exceptionally well with others. They deserve a Heavenly Cooperation Award. Let them know how much you appreciate them being helpful and friendly to the other children in their group. This award will inspire others to be just as cooperative in the future!

Religious Leadership Award

As Sunday school students get older, they often take on leadership roles within the church. Some teach younger students, volunteer to be a teacher’s assistant, or conduct special lessons for other classes. The Religious Leadership Award is for those students who go above and beyond to help others as a mentor and role model to other students.

Finding Faith Award

Every Sunday school teacher knows of a few students who are working on finding their place in the church. This award should be presented to students who’ve experienced a defining moment and have newly accepted their faith. This award is perfect for presenting during the final class of the session or during a ceremony with family and friends present.

crystal cross stationery paper

Do you need paper certificate to print your Sunday school recognition awards on? Paper Direct has a wide variety of festive, fun certificates to make your presentation perfect.

April 30, 2014

27 Unique Ideas for Elementary Student Awards

elementary student awards

You love your students, and they each bring something special to the classroom. This year, thank them for being uniquely them by creating end-of-the-year awards. Every student loves to be appreciated, and these awards will do this that! Here are some unique ideas for elementary student awards:

photo quality soccer certificates

Elementary Student Award Ideas

  • Math Whiz
  • Historian
  • Kickball Champ
  • Future Picasso
  • Rocket Scientist Award
  • Best Line Leader
  • Best Handwriting
  • Fashionista Award
  • Harry Potter Award (for anyone who truly loves Harry Potter)
  • Mr./Miss Congeniality
  • Class Clown
  • Grammar Master
  • Reading Rockstar
  • Tetherball/ Wallball champ
  • Didn’t Miss a Thing (attendance)
  • Mascot Award
  • Little Einstein Award
  • Future Pop Star
  • Rising Star
  • Best Dancer
  • Most Likely to Become President
  • Next Stop: The NFL
  • Soccer Star
  • Olympics Bound
  • Smile Award
  • Best Sense of Humor
shooting star specialty certificate

Receiving these fun awards are sure to boost confidence and morale in the classroom and are a great way to end the school year. Purchase quality certificates from PaperDirect and show all your students what rockstars they really are.

March 17, 2014

9 Ways to Boost Student Morale

Perfect Attendance Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Spring is nearly here, which means the end of school is nearly here. With summer so close, you might notice that your students are starting to get daydream in the classroom. From elementary schools to high schools, finding ways to boost student morale will help them reach the end of the academic year without a drop in grades or a loss of interest.

1. Plan a Field Trip

One way to get students excited about learning again is to get them out of the classroom. Plan a field trip to a museum or historical site that is relevant to what your students are studying.

If you have a tight budget, visit a public park and learn about the native plants and animals.

Athletic Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

2. Hold an Awards Ceremony

Create award certificates that recognize student’s achievements each week or month. Hold a short awards ceremony at the end of certain days or weeks to hand out the certificates. Giving out an award for perfect attendance, top test scores, or most creative essay will encourage students to keep working hard, even as spring fever sets in.

3. Get Interactive

Think of ways to get students involved in what they are learning. If you’re studying an historical event, have students act it out. Some popular activities include: The Oregon Trail and Student Government.

4. Focus on Interests

Students are more likely to pay attention if what they are learning interests them. Try to tie the lessons into contemporary students’ interests or assign projects that relate to their individual interests.

encourage students to set goals

5. Set Goals Everyday

Keep students going through each school day by asking them to set a small, achievable goal at the beginning of each lesson. The students can share their goals with others or keep them private if they prefer.

6. Offer Extra Credit

Some students love the sound of extra credit. Offer the chance to earn a few extra points on a test or essay by asking a particularly challenging question. If the students answer correctly, they get a bonus. If they don’t, it doesn’t hurt their score.

7. Ask Students How They Are Doing

Get a read on your students by asking them how they feel at the start of class. If students are having a bad day, they can give you a thumbs down sign. If they’re having a good day, they can give a thumbs up.

8. Add a Game

Games make class time go faster. Students learn while having fun. One of our favorite ideas is to have a Jeopardy! style contest in which students have to answer class-relevant questions in the form of a question.

Citizenship Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

9. Be Encouraging

Always have a kind word to say to your students. They might not get the answers right all of the time, but keep in mind that they are trying.

When student morale is high, your students are more likely to engage with you and to do his/her best. And when everyone is getting involved and doing their best, grades will soar–giving you more opportunities to recognize their success. Implement any or all of the above ideas to boost student morale at your school.

September 25, 2013

5 Awards Ideas for Students that Say “Keep Up the Good Work!”

When it comes to students, a little award can go a long way. Whether you’re emphasizing behavior or trying to motivate students to be good friends, awards for students should be part of your day-to-day teaching, outside of the awards for academic achievement that are built into the school year. As you consider creative ways to award your students, consider these five award ideas for students:

Stacked Stars Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

The “Faithful Friend” Award

Reward your more social students with their very own “Faithful Friend” award. When you see students going above and beyond for friends, consider awarding them. This is behavior you want to encourage, as being a good friend is a valuable life skill, so have a stash of “Faithful Friend” awards to hand out.

The “Happy Helper” Award

Confetti Stars Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Teachers and educators want to foster a sense of community in the classroom, and one way to do this is to encourage your students to help in the classroom. Rewarding those who help with an eager attitude will create a community of helpers. Add some “Happy Helper” student awards to your stash.

The “Excellent Effort” Award

If you’ve been teaching for long, you know that all your students are different, and they all learn differently. Sometimes, a simple “good job” or “excellent effort” goes a long way to boosting a student’s confidence in the classroom. When you catch them giving their all, they should be awarded for this, even if you can’t give them an “A” on the grade card. Reward them for their effort with an “Excellent Effort” certificate showing them that you noticed.

Paint Drops Casual Certificates by PaperDirec

The “Classroom Creativity” Award

Creativity is sometimes stifled in the midst of the daily grind of the school year, but you want to foster it in your students. Purchase some “Classroom Creativity” award certificates to give out to those students who show superior creativity in art, imaginative play, or writing activities. The more you reward creativity, the more it will grow.

The “Class Citizen” Award

Do you have a student who is careful to follow the rules? This student may not get much positive reinforcement from peers, especially if he is apt to tattle. Reward the good behavior, while working on the tattling at another time, with the “Class Citizen” award. This will show that you value a student who pays attention to the rules and tries to follow them, and it might encourage other students to follow.

Students who do well academically are rewarded many times throughout the school year. You can ensure that others get awarded for their strengths as well with these creative award ideas for students. Ordering them couldn’t be easier with the help of PaperDirect. Simply find the award you love, customize it for your specific category and order conveniently online!

January 31, 2013

Creative Recognition Awards for Your Students

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , , , — PDWriter @ 10:58 am
Perfect Attendance Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Teachers, are you running out of ideas for student recognition awards? PaperDirect has you covered! While Student of the Month, Most Improved, and Highest Grade Point Average are wonderful award certificates to hand out, there are a lot of creative ideas out there for recognition awards for students of all ages.

Most teachers have such busy schedules that the thought of having to come up with one more creative task can be daunting. PaperDirect is here to help. We have award certificates that can be customized to award anything you choose. Our huge variety of styles will allow you to find certificates you really love. Just fill in the name and date and you have creative recognition awards the students will really appreciate!

Reading Award Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Academic Award Ideas

Instead of awarding students for good grades or most improved classroom performance, try these unique award ideas and make any changes necessary to fit the age of the student:

  • The Albert Einstein Award (future brilliant scientist)
  • The Lewis and Clark Award (most excited to try explore something new)
  • The Deep Thinker Award (best problem solver in the class)
  • The Survivor (the one who never gives up)
  • The Emily Dickinson or Robert Frost Award (the best poet in the class)
  • The William Shakespeare Award (best playwright in the class)

Candy Bar Student Awards

  • The Butterfinger Award (the kid most likely to drop things or break things)
  • The Payday Award (the kid who forgets his lunch money)
  • The Three Musketeer Award (always surrounded by friends and supportive of others)
  • The Almond Joy Award (always happy and optimistic)
  • The Snickers Award (the class clown always making others laugh)
  • The Milky Way Award (the student who loves astronomy)
  • The Watchmacallit Award (the student who forgets the names of things)
  • The $100,000 Bar Award (the student most likely to be a millionaire)
On the Spot Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

Other Creative Recognition Awards

  • The Dale Earnhardt Award (the student who speeds through the hallways and is always told to slow down!)
  • The Emily Post Award (the most well-mannered student)
  • The American Idol Award (the kid who loves to sing)
  • The Bobby Flay Award (the future chef in the class)
  • The Edgar Allan Poe Award (the kid who loves a good horror story)
  • The Rolex Award (the student who is always asking what time it is or who watches the clock)
  • The Patrick Mahomes Award (future football star)
  • The Dr. Phil Award (the kid always giving advice)
  • The Anderson Cooper Award (the student who loves current events)
  • The Barbara Walters Award (for the student who loves asking personal questions)
  • The Justin Bieber Award (for the student who just loves to perform)
  • The Joe Biden Award (for the kid who wants to be President)
  • The Florence Nightingale Award (for the student who loves taking care of others)
Festive Streamers Casual Certificates by PaperDirect

This is just a short list to get your creative juices flowing. PaperDirect has hundreds of recognition award certificates for kids. With our “Print Right Now” option, simply customize your certificate and print them out on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper in any color you like. PaperDirect certificates are designed to print on our Perfectly Plain 28lb paper.

July 25, 2012

How to Design a Certificate for Student Achievements

Excellence Specialty Certificates

With the new school year just a few weeks away for many students in the United States, it’s time for teachers, other school personnel, and parents to begin thinking of ways to reward students for good grades, improved behavior, better attendance, a more positive attitude, and increased effort, just to name a few. There are a number of student achievements that can be acknowledged with a certificate that you can design and print (with a little  help from PaperDirect) in no time at all. Whether you want to print a single certificate or a large number at once, PaperDirect can help you produce lovely, professional-looking student award certificates for all types of school achievements for children of all ages!

Design Your Own Student Achievement Certificates

Festive Streamers Casual Certificates

Standard certificates are inexpensive, and PaperDirect has student achievement templates available to download allowing you to print certificates in a matter of minutes because the layout and wording have already been done for you. All you have to do is put the recipient’s name and date on the certificate and print it out! With the ease and convenience of designing and printing your own student award certificates, what, at first, may have seemed like a daunting task, is a breeze!

Templates for Student Certificates

PaperDirect has templates for virtually every occasion, and if you have a student achievement that requires a certificate of appreciation template that is not featured on our website, making changes to templates is easy. And the certificate design templates are  to the exact specifications of the paper so there they will come out perfectly every time.

Festive Starlight Specialty Certificates

To really jazz up student achievement certificates, you can order certificate frames for them. Not only do the frames look great, but they will preserve the quality of the certificate, so it can last forever. Low cost, ease of production and flexibility with the student achievements templates make giving student award certificates one of the best parts of a very challenging job!

PaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for all your student (and employee) recognition needs. If you need ideas on how to recognize students for a job well done, check out these PaperDirect blogs:

November 9, 2011

The Importance of Student Recognition

importance of student recognition

If you’re a teacher, you know that positive student recognition is a great incentive and motivator of continued student progress and good behavior. Here is why it’s so important to recognize students, and some fun ways to honor their accomplishments.

Why is Student Recognition Important?

When students are given nothing but negative feedback, they may feel beaten down and may lack any desire to put forth effort in the classroom. They know their efforts will only be met with criticism, so why bother trying?

When students are given positive feedback and are rewarded for a job well done, it’s only natural for them to continue to work hard and do their very best. Even the slightest positive student recognition does wonders for a child’s morale and enthusiasm about school work and their outlook on school, in general.

Here are some very easy ways to give student recognition awards that are inexpensive (or free) and take very little effort on the teacher or parent’s part. Even the smallest student recognition gesture will mean a lot to the recipient.

Ideas for Student Recognition

  • Certificates and plaques
  • Special with his/her teacher of choice and his/her parents
  • Positive notes/phone calls home to the parents (a phone call works especially well because phone calls to the home are almost always associated with bad behavior or poor grades)
  • Line leader
  • Lead the Pledge of Alliance over the intercom
  • Inexpensive personalized pens, paper, notebooks, etc.
  • Announcement of achievement in school newspaper or newsletter home to parents
  • Class party
  • Class-wide recess extension
  • Office errand person
  • Achievement board in the classroom or hallway with weekly or monthly student recognition
  • Popsicle Day
  • Trophies
smiley face trophy for students

For more student recognition ideas, please check out PaperDirect, your online source for certificates, plaques and other awards.

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