Honor the employees that have gone above and beyond on the work that they have done. There are many ways that you can honor employees for their achievements. Recognizing and celebrating employee achievements should be frequent for your company and should honor dedicated employees.
Frequent Recognition
Continuous recognition for everything your employees do is a wonderful way to show that you are aware of their efforts. Specialty certificates are perfect for coordinating with a certificate jacket for stylish representation and display! Reward your employees right when they’ve gone above and beyond in their work. Recognize them with a certificate that recognizes their excellence in the work place.
Recognize Employee Loyalty
Honor the employees that have been loyal to your company! Recognize employees with pins that represent their years of hard work. Pins are wonderful recognition pieces because they can be keepsakes and proudly shown off. Honor the years of excellent service and volunteering with customizable certificates to add that personal touch.
Gift Certificate Award
Everyone loves a gift certificate to a restaurant or a movie theater! Make sure the gift certificate matches each employee’s personality; it’ll show just how much you care. Our gift certificates are desktop printable, which makes them wonderful customizing. Your employees will love this recognition and will spend the gift certificates gladly.
Recognizing employees’ hard work and commitment is perfect for keeping spirits high. Awarding employees frequently with certificates and plaques, acknowledging their loyalty, and handing out gift certificate awards or trophies are great ways to recognize employees. Visit PaperDirect for more stationery products that your employees will love
Recognizing your students’ achievements has amazing outcomes. When you recognize individual student achievements with a tangible award, they will all feel appreciated and motivated to continue to work hard in the classroom.
Awarding Good Behavior
Awarding good behavior sets the foundation for your classroom and how your students should act. When students follow the rules of the classroom, you create a safe learning environment where students can learn without distractions. Award each outstanding student with a pin that they can show off in the classroom with pride.
Make Students Feel Appreciated
Recognizing your students’ achievements will let them know that you see their efforts and are proud of their achievements. An appreciated student won’t give up on their work and will feel like doing something that matters. Handing them a certificate that you have customized to be specific to that student is the perfect recognition gift.
Encourage Student Pride
When students have something they can be proud of, it shows in the way they act. Awarding students with trophies and plaques is a great way for them to feel a sense of pride. They’ll be able to show off their awards to their friends and family, or hang them up in their rooms. The pride that your students will feel in school will continue to move them in the right direction.
Motivate Students
Recognition is a great way to keep students motivated any time of year. When you introduce certificates, pins, trophies, and lanyards that can be awarded for different achievements it will motivate your students to work harder. This motivation will provide the drive your students need to excel in their studies.
Happy Students
Students that are successful with their studies are happy. By recognizing your students’ achievements, you are encouraging them to continue to work hard and be productive. When you reward your students you’ll make them feel appreciated and happy.
Making sure that you are recognizing achievement when you’re supposed to is important. Award your students with certificates, pins, and other recognition items to show that you appreciate all their hard work. Check out PaperDirect for more recognition items!
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Certificates are a great way to award teachers and students who are going above and beyond in their sports or studies. Traditional and styled certificates make great awards that turn into keepsakes. Show students and teachers you appreciate and recognize their achievements.
Graduation is a monumental part of a student’s life and should be celebrated in style. Awarding students with their diploma is one of the most important achievements in a student’s life. Choose between styled or traditional certificates that will be cherished forever.
Honor Roll:
Give your students the recognition they deserve! Students that have made it onto the honor roll have gone above and beyond in their studies and have achieved academic excellence. Award them with a stylish certificate that they can hang up in their room.
Student Of The Month:
Awarding a student for their achievement and excellent citizenship is what Student Of The Month is all about. When teacher’s hand students their certificate, it will become a keepsake they can show their parents and families. Choose a certificate that goes perfectly with your school’s colors.
Athlete Award:
Athletics is an important part of every school and exceptional athletes are hard to come by. Award your above and beyond athletes at your sports banquet or at the end of the year ceremony.
Teacher of the Month:
Teachers often times aren’t awarded properly but with the right certificate they can be! The teacher of the month is influential and important in a student’s life, recognizing and awarding those teachers is a great way to show teachers how much you appreciate them.
Celebrate and recognize your students and teachers the right way with customizable certificates. Handing them graduation diplomas, teacher awards, honor roll or excellence certificates is a wonderful way to award teachers and students. Don’t forget to check out PaperDirect for your entire certificate needs.
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One of the most highly regarded techniques for recognizing an employee’s dedication and hard work is with a promotion. Promotions demonstrate your company’s efforts to promote from within to the staff, while communicating to the promoted individual that his/her time and energy has been well spent. Use these methods to announce promotions to your entire staff so you can further cultivate a positive workplace.
Digital Announcements
From e-newsletters to social media channels, announce promotions online.
Snap a quick picture of the person and write a short blurb explaining the reason for the promotion to post/share. This not only helps to build your brand image (when posted on a public channel such as Facebook or LinkedIn) but also demonstrates your pride in your employees and all of their hard work.
Physical Awards
When the employee accepts the promotion you’ve offered him/her, have a certificate prepared to give to him/her. Rarely do people have something physical they can hold that represents the hours of work they’ve given to their job. As you award these certificates, watch as people start showing them off in their offices, hanging them for others to see. Sooner or later, other employees will start working towards their own promotion certificate.
Public Announcements
Call a company-wide meeting to publicly announce recent promotions. This is an opportunity to say a few words about the individuals who were promoted while recognizing their dedication. Their peers will applaud their accomplishments while thinking to themselves, “Maybe I can work hard enough to earn a promotion.” You’ll see productivity and morale increase after you’ve made a few of these announcements.
Personal Announcements
Whether it’s a thank you note or a lunch date, take some one-on-one time to personally announce the promotion to the employee. This personal effort to announce the promotion will make a lasting impact on the employee that s/he will share with workmates. A personal touch goes a very long way and makes a lasting impact on the individual but also reverberates throughout the staff as people hear about the time you allotted to recognizing the hard work and dedication of an employee.
Educational Opportunities
A staff member who is promoted has learned a thing or two about your business. Following his/her promotion, ask this person to host a brief seminar in the office to share their knowledge with the rest of the staff. For instance, if you recently promoted an individual from IT, ask them to teach a workshop about using smartphones for more than Angry Birds and Instagram.
Whether you choose one or more of the above promotion announcement ideas, PaperDirect is always here to help. Browse our blog to find a wide range of recognition ideas and more. Or start shopping our website to find the perfect recognition awards for all employees who have recently been promoted.
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Revered, brilliant mathematician Albert Einstein said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”
Teacher Appreciation Week is an important part of the school year–it’s when students, parents, and administrators recognize the hard work and dedication of educators. This year, have some fun during Teacher Appreciation Week with some award ideas for acknowledging the efforts of your educational staff. Awards don’t have to be fancy trophies. An elegant certificate is a thoughtful gesture on Teacher Appreciation Week that makes an impactful statement.
Perfect Attendance Award
A Perfect Attendance Award is a classic recognition award in any school. A teacher who receives this awards shows up for class in rain, sleet, or snow. The award recipient sets an example for students and fellow teachers, making his/her way into school regardless of the weather or any nasty illnesses circulating in the hallways.
Coolest Classroom Award
This award recognizes the teacher who transformed his/her classroom into an inspirational haven for learning and creativity. Taking the time and dedicating energy to turning a plain room filled with desks into an educational escape is an effort that should absolutely be celebrated.
No-Nonsense Nurturer Award
This teacher is known for his/her tough love approach to teaching. At first, this person might seem gruff or uncaring but on closer inspection, it becomes quite clear that this educator is dedicated to nurturing students and encouraging them to achieve at their highest level.
Walking Wikipedia Award
Ms. Smith teaches biology but everyone knows they can go to her with questions on a wide variety of topics and receive a thorough explanation. This particular teacher dedicates him/herself to educating people whenever s/he is presented with the opportunity to do so.
Top First-Year Teacher
Teaching can sometimes be treacherous and grueling, and surviving the first year of it is truly an accomplishment. Acknowledge the first year triumphs of this newbie teacher with an award they’ll cherish for decades to come.
School Spirit Award
This award goes to any teacher who attends every school play, supports each fundraiser, and cheers from the sidelines of every game. This teacher represents the heart and soul of your school. Both in and out of the classroom, this person goes above and beyond to set the example for school spirit and that should be rewarded.
Humanitarian Award
You would use the words “kind” and “generous” to describe this teacher because s/he is always there to lend a helping hand to another person, whether it’s a student, parent, colleague, or otherwise. This teacher puts others before him/herself and is probably an educator because s/he wanted a career where they could focus on helping others.
Green Guru Award
From setting up a recycling program for the school to composting lunchroom waste, this teacher is driven to educating the world, while also making it a greener place. Say “thank you” for all of the environmentally-conscious efforts this teacher has dedicated to the school and its students.
Tech Whiz Award
Busted laptop or malfunctioning tablet, this teacher can fix any tech gadget with just a few taps. Like a magician pulling rabbits from a hat, s/he can easily resolve vexing technical issues and doesn’t mind lending their digital expertise to students and colleagues alike.
Class Clown Award
This title isn’t reserved for students. Some teachers have that incredible ability to teach through comedy, allowing students to learn and laugh at the same. Of course in the faculty lounge, this teacher is surrounded by his/her peers, cracking jokes and make everyone smile.
The [School Name] Peace Prize
Schools can be hotbeds for conflict, but luckily yours has one teacher that always knows how to keep the peace and work out the issues. Recognize the hard work it requires to have the patience, understanding, and talent to cool tensions between people at odds.
Say thank you to your teaching staff this year with these inspiring awards. Shop for the perfect certificate to accompany their new title on PaperDirect today!
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Whether your students successfully finished your dog grooming course or your employees completed a four-day team-building seminar, certificates of completion can put the crowning glory on their achievements. However, what you write on the certificate can mean the difference between one that gets hung on the wall and one that ends up tucked in the back of three-ring binder.
Basic Info Required
Most certificates of completion include the following basic information:
Name of person receiving certificate
Name of institution or facility providing the certificate
Course, training, seminar, or other event or activity the person completed in order to be eligible for the certificate
Official signature and date
While you can certainly decide to include only those details on the certificate, it could make for a rather boring document. Jazzing up your certificate of completion wording can convey the excitement of the training, the power of the achievement, and add a bit of flair to the mix.
Straightforward Certification of Completion Wording
Keeping it simple is the easiest way to go, with wording such as:
This Certificate of Completion is awarded to (name) for the outstanding completion of (course) at (facility)
Certificate of Completion: This is to certify (name) has successfully completed (facility’s) (course)
Elaborate Certification of Completion Wording
If straightforward is too dry for your taste, feel free to flower it up a bit with more elaborate prose:
This honorable Certificate of Completion is hereby bestowed upon (name) for the exceptional performance that led to the successful completion of (facility’s) (course)
(Facility) proudly presents this Certificate of Completion to (name) for the dedication and hard work that resulted in the successful culmination of (course)
The faculty at (facility) are honored to present (name) with the official certification for completing (course). Your achievement will be remembered and your participation cherished.
Humorous Certificate of Completion Wording
Those who dare to add even more flair to certificates can do so with humor:
Who Knew? Despite doubts, groans and arriving late on a regular basis, (name) gets this official Certificate of Completion for (course) at (facility). Whew, that was a close one!
You Did It! Way to go, (name)! This Certificate of Completion is yours, all yours, for your brilliant completion of (course) at (facility). Go home and hang it on the wall, will ya?
Way to Go! (Facility) is thrilled to present (name) with this super-cool Certificate of Completion. Now that you’ve successfully finished (course), you can finally go out and party!
Aside from the basic information that indicates who is receiving the certificate and why, the playing field is wide open for any certificate of completion wording you like. Please feel free to mix, match, add, and subtract from any of the examples above with the main goal of getting the certificate on the wall instead of filed away. If you want to find the perfect template for your certificate of completion, browse hundreds of options on PaperDirect today! Take special of our certificate papers with a “Certificate of Completion” or “Certificate of Training” header already printed on it!
An honor roll certificate provides students of all ages a sense of accomplishment, and awards can be great motivators to continue to do good work. Honor roll certificates for student recognition are inexpensive, easy to create, and greatly appreciated by the recipient. PaperDirect has an extensive line of casual certificates that can be used for all types of student recognition including honor roll lists, citizenship awards, attendance awards, and improved behavior recognition.
PaperDirect has everything you need to create unique certificate awards for students of all ages. You will find exactly what you’re looking for in our huge selection of designs from traditional and subdued to vibrant and festive. Choose from several high-quality stock papers in standard 8.5″ x 11″ size and use our FREE downloadable templates to customize them on your own computer and printer AND on your own time. We also offer Custom-Made Certificates–imagine the time and money you will save by having PaperDirect create your honor roll and other student recognition certificates for you.
PaperDirect also has certificate “accessories” to jazz up your wonderful student recognition awards. For instance, certificate jackets in a variety of designs, embossing and sizes, will keep your certificates safe from wear and tear. Certificate seals add a glimmering finishing touch to your honor roll certificate and come in a variety of styles to match your award and/or school mascot.
Certificates are an excellent means of recognizing someone’s good work, improved academic standing, superb attendance, work promotion, retirement or any other type of achievement you can think of. Designing and wording your own award certificates is a great way to save money, expend creative energy and make someone feel good all with one piece of paper and a few minutes of your time. And the great part is that you can do all of this by shopping PaperDirect’s online store.
If you have been asked to prepare award certificates for your company or you have decided to reward your employees or students with award certificates, you have come to the right place. PaperDirect has some great do-it-yourself certificate ideas and everything you need to get started creating your own certificates today!
Certificate Tips and Accessories
PaperDirect offers a huge selection of printable certificate paper, and using certificate templates is super easy! PaperDirect has award certificate templates to help you design and print certificates. Free desktop printable templates actually format your certificate automatically and set up the margins, borders, tabs, and font. Our certificate template CD is a great idea if making certificates is something you do often or will now be doing regularly at work or at home. The certificate template CD includes 25 headings in three different styles and includes suggested wording for over 20 different types of awards. Once you design and print your certificates, you can jazz them up even further by placing them in a certificate folder, certificate holder or placing an embossed certificate seal on them. The possibilities of DIY award certificates are endless with PaperDirect on your team!
Do-it-yourself certificates can be printed using a word processor in a matter of minutes. The templates do all the work for you—all you have to do is fill in the personal information such as the recipient’s name, date, etc. Just hit the “print” button and voila’! You can print one single award certificate or generate several with the touch of a button.
PaperDirect has DIY certificate templates for virtually every occasion, and if you have an occasion that may be a bit unique, you can simply make changes to an existing template to custom design a very special certificate. By placing the award certificate into a frame, the honoree will certainly feel special and appreciated. Check out PaperDirect’s selection of DIY certificate frames; we’re sure you’ll find one you love!
One way to enhance your employee recognition program is by giving certificates to well deserving employees. With all the great blank certificates available you can give a certificate for virtually any occasion and finishing them off with a certificate seal adds that extra layer of “atta-boy!” and validation to the entire process. While certificates are great things to receive as an employee, receiving one that has a seal on it are received as being a bit more ‘heartfelt’ by the company as ones that aren’t.
Making certificate awards for achievements and successes is actually an easy and inexpensive way to boost employee morale and show them just how much they’re appreciated. Adding certificate seals to awards you’ve designed and printed on great certificate award blanks makes them look totally professional as well. This means you can use your favorite word processor, download the free template for your certificate award, custom print one for each employee to be honored and apply the seal. Not only will you have an award that the employee will be proud to receive but you’ll save a ton of money in your employee recognition budget as well.
Having certificates made for you can be a laborious and expensive process. You have to have the employee names and the certificate wording at the print shop weeks in advance of the ceremony in case there are errors that have to be fixed. And you have to rely on the print shop scheduling so you know you’ll have them in time. Also, their certificates, while not any better quality are certainly more expensive. Plus, you’re usually forced to accept whatever design they’ve got available. Keeping the job in-house means you’re not restricted by the limitations of a print shop.
By keeping complete control over how the certificate looks, how it’s worded and being able to control when they’re printed enables you to make sure you’re able to give exactly the certificates you want. If there are errors they can be instantly corrected and having total control over the layout means you can put the certificate seal anywhere you want on it.
Another great thing is being able to put different seals on certificates to enhance differences in them. They can be used to separate achievement from recognition awards, can be used to make certificates different for times of year they’re give or for any other difference that you want.
Certificate seals take giving certificate awards to an entire new level. Between enhancing the options you have in giving awards but it adds a new level of appreciation for the recipient. The awards look far more professional and everyone who receives one or that sees it will think they look awesome. Check out all the great blank certificate and certificate seals and see how you can use them in your recognition program.
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Employee recognition is an aspect of corporate America that is becoming more and more recognized as an essential tool in retaining quality employees. Every time you acknowledge an employee’s accomplishments or abilities, you’re validating them and letting them know that the company is paying attention to what they’re doing. Issuing positive acknowledgments like certificate awards not only makes the employee that receives it feel good, but it gives other employees the motivation to try harder. That’s only good business acumen.
But wording a good certificate award can be a confusing and daunting prospect. Trying to find the phrasing to be both appreciative of the employee receiving the award and encouraging to other employees at the same time seems downright impossible. However, that simply isn’t the case. Wording an award that is both motivational as well as appreciative is actually quite easy.
Truth be told, as long as you’re being uplifting such as “This company recognizes –Employee- for their efforts and loyalty, and hopes to see that same continued effort in the future” then both purposes are served. The employee receiving the award gets to appreciate the recognition that their efforts are being seen, and other employees get to see that recognition and the encouragement being offered. There are a lot of ways to bring those attitudes out, and doing so will continually reward the employee being given the award and motivate those who get to see that award hanging on the recipient’s office wall.
The benefits of a good employee recognition program are many. They manifest themselves in continued good productivity and great employee retention. If your company has a good employee recognition program, odds are you’re working for a great company.