Flyers are, perhaps, one of the most under-utilized tools to get information out to a
large number of people in a short amount of time and at a fairly low cost. You will most often see flyers advertising new businesses, promoting upcoming concerts, touting certain religious beliefs, or spreading political messages.
Why You Need Back to School Flyers
The uses for flyers are practically endless. And with back to school time quickly approaching, let’s think about some ways you can use back to school flyers to get your message out. A lot goes on at the beginning of the school year: sports teams, cheerleaders and dance teams often hold tryouts at the beginning of the year. Clubs, such as the Student Council and Young Republicans, are often formed at the beginning of the year, and sometimes class elections for “Class President” are held early in the year. Here are some tips on how to design flyers for any occasion, especially those related to back to school events.
Back to School Flyer Content
One of the first and most important things that needs to be done is to plan your content. Gather all necessary information that must be included in the flyer and organize it so it’s easy to read and fun for the recipients. Too much content will be unappealing and your flyer will likely end up in the trash. Use short, succinct sentences and lots of vibrant language representative of whatever you are promoting. People are busy and attention spans are short. In order for your flyer to get noticed, it must stand out. If you don’t consider yourself a creative person, then enlist the help of others who are. Be sure the content is error free, and if contact information is necessary, make sure that it’s included: name, phone number, email address, physical address and even the website URL are all important information if some type of response is necessary.
Eye-Grabbing Graphics
Choosing attention-getting images related to your back to school event is the next step in designing your back to school flyer. Football team tryouts flyers could include helmets, footballs, goal posts and a scoreboard. Glee Club back to school flyers could include music notes and images from the popular TV show, “Glee” that has taken the nation by storm over the last three years. One important tip is to make sure your content does not get lost in the images. You do want to have enough appealing images to entice your recipients into becoming involved in whatever you’re announcing or advertising.
Do-it-yourself Back to School Flyers
If you want to design and print your own back to school flyers, there are some things to consider. First, your file layout may need to account for bleed and trim if you’re working with a commercial printing service. You can save yourself a lot of time and effort by ordering your flyers from PaperDirect, an online store with an extensive line of flyers for your back to school announcement.
Flyer Production Made Easy
PaperDirect will custom design and print your back to school flyers. Simply provide the information and in no time at all, you’ll have durable, professional, attractive flyers printed on high quality, durable paper.
Save time and money by using PaperDirect’s flyer templates; follow these easy steps and your back to school flyers will be done quickly and professionally:
- Pick out the flyer design from the hundreds offered from PaperDirect.
- Next, customize your flyer template by using personalization tools such as text boxes to fill in necessary information. Choose the font and text size, add images, borders, tabs, and continue to format your back to school flyer.
- Continue to format the flyer to achieve your desired look. Click the big blue “help” button in the upper right hand corner at any time you need help.
- Preview the flyer to ensure it is exactly what you want. When it’s perfect, click the “next” button to see what the flyer will look like.
- Click the “checkout” button to pay for your purchase.
- Finally, load blank stock paper (available from PaperDirect) into your printer and start printing. You can print one single flyer or hundreds at one time.
PaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for business supplies, event planning necessities and party supplies including invitations, place cards and table tents.