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February 15, 2019

5 Positive Impacts of Recognizing Student Achievement

Recognizing your students’ achievements has amazing outcomes. When you recognize individual student achievements with a tangible award, they will all feel appreciated and motivated to continue to work hard in the classroom.

Awarding Good Behavior

Awarding good behavior sets the foundation for your classroom and how your students should act. When students follow the rules of the classroom, you create a safe learning environment where students can learn without distractions. Award each outstanding student with a pin that they can show off in the classroom with pride.

achievement recognition lapel pin

Make Students Feel Appreciated

Recognizing your students’ achievements will let them know that you see their efforts and are proud of their achievements. An appreciated student won’t give up on their work and will feel like doing something that matters. Handing them a certificate that you have customized to be specific to that student is the perfect recognition gift. 

Encourage Student Pride

When students have something they can be proud of, it shows in the way they act. Awarding students with trophies and plaques is a great way for them to feel a sense of pride. They’ll be able to show off their awards to their friends and family, or hang them up in their rooms. The pride that your students will feel in school will continue to move them in the right direction.

Black Marble Recognition Plaque

Motivate Students

Recognition is a great way to keep students motivated any time of year. When you introduce certificates, pins, trophies, and lanyards that can be awarded for different achievements it will motivate your students to work harder. This motivation will provide the drive your students need to excel in their studies.

Happy Students

Students that are successful with their studies are happy. By recognizing your students’ achievements, you are encouraging them to continue to work hard and be productive. When you reward your students you’ll make them feel appreciated and happy.

Achievement Certificate paper for students

Making sure that you are recognizing achievement when you’re supposed to is important. Award your students with certificates, pins, and other recognition items to show that you appreciate all their hard work. Check out PaperDirect for more recognition items!

May 19, 2015

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Kids love praise. Knowing they’ve reached a goal or completed a task motivates them to continue doing well. Although Sunday School classes may seem like a fun place to socialize with friends, play games and listen to inspiring stories, there’s a lot of learning going on too. Let’s celebrate it!

Here are four Sunday school recognition ideas to keep your youngest parishioners engaged and active in their religious studies.

Sunday School Growth Award

Progress should always be recognized and commended. The Sunday School Growth Award is ideal for students who’ve completed assignments and projects in a timely manner and shown a deep understanding and appreciation of the lessons they’re learning. These children are often eager to learn more, ask questions and have a genuine interest in growing within the congregation.

Heavenly Cooperation Award

Do you have students break into groups to learn songs and verses together? Take note of the children who work exceptionally well with others. They deserve a Heavenly Cooperation Award. Let them know how much you appreciate them being helpful and friendly to the other children in their group. This award will inspire others to be just as cooperative in the future!

Religious Leadership Award

As Sunday school students get older, they often take on leadership roles within the church. Some teach younger students, volunteer to be a teacher’s assistant, or conduct special lessons for other classes. The Religious Leadership Award is for those students who go above and beyond to help others as a mentor and role model to other students.

Finding Faith Award

Every Sunday school teacher knows of a few students who are working on finding their place in the church. This award should be presented to students who’ve experienced a defining moment and have newly accepted their faith. This award is perfect for presenting during the final class of the session or during a ceremony with family and friends present.

crystal cross stationery paper

Do you need paper certificate to print your Sunday school recognition awards on? Paper Direct has a wide variety of festive, fun certificates to make your presentation perfect.

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