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April 11, 2017

Ways to Appreciate Administrative Professionals


Admit it, if your administrative assistant quit tomorrow, you’d be in a whole lot of trouble. Administrative assistants keep your schedule aligned, your files in order, and manage all of the little things in your office that you just don’t have time for. Your job would be a lot harder if you didn’t have your administrative assistant there to help take some of the work off your shoulders.

On Wednesday, April 26th, Administrative Professionals Day, take a few moments to give your admin assistant a token of your appreciation. Even if you regularly praise your staff members, a little keepsake can really emphasize how much their hard work means to you.

At a loss for how to celebrate? Here are some fun ideas for making the most of this year’s Administrative Professionals Day.

lunch with administrative assistant

Appreciation Lunch

It’s a classic expression of appreciation, but it’s a classic for a reason. Find a time to take your administrative assistant out to a swanky lunch to let them know their hard work is invaluable.

Gift Card of Appreciation

Use what you know about your administrative assistant’s personality and get them a gift card they can enjoy. Even if it’s just $20 to the coffee shop down the street, your administrative assistant will appreciate the thought.

Leave Early on A Work Day

The odds are, your administrative assistant is working a full 40 hours each week and trying to have a life outside of work as well. So, tell them you recognize that by letting them get to their life a little bit early – maybe they can go use that gift card you got them!

Switch the Roles for a Bit

On Administrative Professionals Day, bring your administrative assistant coffee or answer phone calls for an hour so he or she can take a long lunch. Not only will you allow them a little breath of fresh air, but you might also find a new appreciation for the work they do day in and day out.

fill-in-the-blank gift certificate

Appreciation Certificate

No matter what you get for your administrative assistant, a professionally-made certificate is a wonderful addition or can even make a great stand-alone gift. Tailor something to match your administrative assistant’s personality with something from PaperDirect’s expansive stock of options!

Let Your Admin Assistant Talk to You

Here’s the real secret to Administrative Professionals Day: talk to your administrative assistant. Make them feel comfortable and have an honest conversation about how they enjoy their job, how you could improve as a boss, and ask them what they’re interested in doing professionally.

You might just discover an entirely new side of the person who’s been sitting just a few feet away from you.

April 4, 2017

End of School Thank You Gifts for Teachers

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 1:01 pm


Kids and teachers alike are counting down the days until summer break. But, before students say goodbye to their school year mentors, be sure they show their appreciation for their teacher’s help and guidance throughout the previous year with a little gift.

As you start to shop or create, you’ll want to be sure your child is integral in this process. They are the one giving the gift, and they should have a say in picking it out and presenting it to the teacher.

Elementary School Teachers

Teachers adore homemade gifts from their littlest pupils. This is a chance for students to show off their individual creativity and newly learned skills. Set aside an afternoon to tackle one or two of these fun projects:

  • Decorative tin filled with of homemade cookies
  • Child-drawn thank you card
  • Hand-picked bouquet of flowers
  • Homemade tea bags filled with unique tea leaves
  • Personalized glass container filled with fancy nuts or chocolates
  • Tote bag adorned with your child’s colorful hand prints
  • Small potted cactus plant in a painted pot

Be sure to let the child help with gift wrapping the special surprise. Your kiddo will earn bonus points with the teacher for handwriting a “To and From” tag using A+ printing skills!

Middle School Teachers

Just because your child is getting older, don’t be fooled. He still really likes his teacher. Skip the arts and crafts gifts this year, and get their educator a little something indulgent.

We love these ideas:

  • Coffee shop gift card
  • A colorful pen set
  • Pizza shop gift card
  • Book by a favorite author
  • A baseball cap or linen scarf
  • Simple jewelry, like a beaded bracelet or tie pin
  • Gourmet lemonade mix and cute plastic tumbler

Encourage your kid to get to know the teacher and choose a gift that will inspire happiness. This teaches your youngster, to be mindful of what others enjoy and appreciate.

High School Teachers

Remind your teen that they’re never too old to express gratitude. If their algebra teacher has gone above and beyond with after-school tutoring sessions or the art teacher continually boosts confidence levels, they deserve a little thank you gift.

Try these:

  • Teacher-themed travel mug
  • Fruit, cheese and crackers basket
  • Gourmet bakery treats
  • Local restaurant gift card
  • Fresh flower bouquet
  • Novelty desk coasters
  • Book of poems or inspirational stories
  • Candy bowl (and sweet treats) for the desk

Ready to start shopping? Browse PaperDirect online for the perfect thank you gifts for teachers, from mugs and plaques to lapel pins and cards, we have everything you need to make a positive impression at school!

March 24, 2017

Certificate Wording for Sports and Athletic Completion

Filed under: Phrases & Wording — PDWriter @ 10:39 am

From increased endurance to improved strength, sports and athletic activities provide a plethora of benefits to participants. Now, you can add one more perk by presenting certificates for successful completion of sports and athletic endeavors. Fitness certificates can apply to a number of scenarios for a job well done. Examples can include:

  • Students completing a training course to become instructors
  • Volunteers taking part in a run, walk or other athletic fundraising event
  • Participants finishing a strenuous athletic boot camp
  • Employees excelling at corporate athletic challenges
  • Clients reaching their weight loss, endurance or strength-training goals

Any number of successfully completed fitness activities can call for acknowledgement in the form of a certificate. You can also give the certificate an extra-special touch based on the wording you choose. We’ve outlined some basic information each recognition certificate should include, along with five examples of certificate wording for fitness achievements.

athletic award certificate paper

Certificate Wording for Fitness Activities: Basic Info

Whether you’re giving a certificate for achievement, participation, or excellence, all fitness certificates should contain a lineup of basic information. This includes:

  • Reason certificate is being awarded
  • Name of instructor, organization, or facility awarding the certificate
  • Name of recipient
  • Official signature and date

The header or footer of the certificate can also include the facility or organization’s name and address if desired.

Certificate Wording for Fitness Activities: Examples

We put together five examples of simple, straightforward wording you can use for fitness-related certificates.

Athletic Award

This athletic award is being presented to (name of recipient)

for outstanding performance in (name of sport/activity)

while participating in (name of class/event) at (facility)

Certificate of Completion

This certificate acknowledges (name of recipient)

has met all criteria and requirements for the successful completion of

(name of program) led by (name of instructor)

at (name of facility)

red and white certificate of participation

Certificate of Participation

This certifies that (name of recipient)

has been a contributing member of (name of activity)

organized and led by (name of organization)

Certificate of Excellence

(Name of recipient) is in receipt of this

Certificate of Excellence

for exceptional achievements in (name of sport or activity)

during (name of program)

Training Certificate

(Name of recipient) is hereby certified as (title of certification)

after successful completion of (name of training program)

Feel free to take any of our certificate wording for fitness activities verbatim, or use the examples as a foundation to build upon and make the award specific to your needs. The overall goal is to ensure certificate recipients get the acknowledgement, praise, special honors, or official documentation they deserve after the successful completion of their goal.

soccer photo certificate paper

Don’t forget to shop PaperDirect’s extensive collection of certificates and awards for your next athletic event.

March 21, 2017

What to Include in Your High School Graduation Program


So you’ve been given the opportunity to craft the program for the high school’s graduation ceremony. It’s a big job, and it’s extremely important that you create a stunning, yet informative document.

A graduation program will be every parent’s step-by-step countdown to the moment they can snap a picture of their son or daughter walking across the stage to shake the hand of the school’s principal. But, what should you include on this special occasion program to ensure that your audience is always informed about what’s coming next?

Not to worry, we’ve got you covered!

Entrance Information

As students enter the venue, will there be music playing? If so, find out which songs will be used, as well as how they’ll be played. If the music is live, it’s always a good idea to credit the people playing the music (i.e. the high school band) as opposed to the person who originally composed the notes.

graduation programs for high schools

Opening Remarks

Most ceremonies will include opening remarks, often from the salutatorian. It’s an opportunity to welcome everyone for coming before the awards and/or diplomas are given. You’ll want to be sure to note who will be speaking and include their title or reason for importance.

Class Awards

Awards are special for not only the recipient but for their family as well. Be sure to list out which students won which award (cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude, Most Likely to Succeed, Most Popular, etc.) so that parents can keep track as they’re being presented.

Visiting Speaker

If you’ve recruited someone to give a few words of wisdom to your students before they graduate, this is the place to include it. You’ll want to include their name, professional title, and maybe a little snippet that explains why they were chosen as this year’s speaker. If there is no outside speaker, feel free to exclude this from your program.

Presentation of Diplomas

After the first speech and distribution of awards, it’s time to get down to the main event. Take this opportunity to shine the light on whoever’s been assigned to hand out the diplomas and shake each student’s hand. If you intend to add the names of all the graduating students, be sure to list them alphabetically and organize them evenly on the page. Also, double check that you’ve got the correct spelling of each graduate’s name. The last thing a parent wants to see is their student’s name spelled wrong on their special day. For larger-size high school classes, this may require multi-page programs or several inserts!

Valedictorian’s Speech

After everyone’s gotten their diploma, it’s time for the class valedictorian to top the occasion off with an inspirational and uplifting speech. Again, you’ll want to be sure to include their name and their valedictorian status. However, be sure to avoid posting their GPA as this is personal information.


At the end of the ceremony, students will toss their hats into the air marking that the occasion is officially over. Either the students will file out in an orderly fashion — in which case, include the song they’re marching to — or they’ll simply filter out slowly on their own.

Even if you do accidentally forget one or two things when you’re trying to craft the perfect program for your high school graduation, you can be sure that the audience will overlook it if your itinerary is printed on one of PaperDirect’s high-quality specialty programs.

March 17, 2017

Here Come the Digital Natives: Their Workplace Habits

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 2:56 pm

here-come-the digital-natives-paperdirect

Who are digital natives? They’re the incoming workforce who’ve been submerged in digital technology since the day they were born. Their childhood birthday parties were streamed via Facebook Live for friends and family to enjoy. Their toy boxes included touch screen tablets. They’ve never used a phone that couldn’t take pictures, and shopping usually means going online, not going out.

As this generation of digital savvy folk start applying for jobs, your office needs to be ready to woo and accommodate their expectations if you want to land the best-of-the-best in their fields. Consider implementing these office practices into your workplace based on the everyday habits of digital natives.

  1. They expect constant, real-time feedback. Weekly brainstorming meetings won’t cut it for these folks. Instead, start a cloud-based document that everyone on a specific project or team can access to add ideas. Then, use your weekly meeting to finalize plans and offer direction.
  1. They crave public display. Don’t be surprised to see a digital native live stream their thoughts on social media after a workplace seminar. Harness this enthusiasm and work with the young staff members to create marketing pieces to live stream on the business social media accounts. They can explain the benefits of a new service you’re developing or show off how to use a new product without being camera-shy.
  1. They see technology as an extension of themselves. If your current employee handbook dictates no personal phone calls or Internet browsing, think again. Digital natives use technology for both personal use and work. Instead, revise your rules to explain what the use of office computers is for (like creating work documents, answering work emails) and when personal communication on smartphones is appropriate (such as quick texts).
  1. They’re good with words and photos. Digital natives have figured out a way to be succinct and expressive in 140 characters or less, thanks to Twitter. Leverage this skill for writing workplace copy that needs to be direct and potent. And those selfie skills? They’ve learned a thing or two about lighting and angles, which can be used to take workplace photos for presentations and social media updates.
  1. They want to work remotely. Gabbing about traffic jams is so 1990s. With the help of cloud-based software, email, video conferencing and smartphone apps – it’s possible that your staff can work from home or even a coffee shop. This entrepreneurial spirit keeps employees happier and cuts down on office expenses. Think of this: If your entire staff is remote, you eliminate brick-and-mortar rent and utility bills.
  1. They need public validation. We all like to get a compliment every now and then, but the incoming workforce is even more performance driven. Set visible goals and reward them. For example, create a physical wall chart that shows growth toward a weekly sales goal or the completion of a project. When goals are achieved, take group selfies behind Instagram cutout frames by the chart or with fun achievement certificates and post about it to social media!

Get ready for the new recruits by stocking up on paper certificates and awards at PaperDirect. Take a page from your digital native’s book and shop online to have everything sent directly to your office!

March 10, 2017

Volunteer Appreciation Ideas: For Nonprofits and More

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 11:39 am


Famous Greek philosopher Aristotle once wrote, “What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.” The inherent assumption of that quote is that volunteering is in its own right, rewarding. And for the most part that’s true, but it’s never a bad idea to express a little appreciation for the people who work so hard to help you and your organization achieve its goals.

Not only do your volunteers deserve an outward expression of gratitude, but making your volunteers feel valued is an excellent way to help maintain engagement and increase productivity on every level.

Looking for some great ways to express your appreciation to all of your volunteers? Here are some suggestions from your friends at PaperDirect!

Consider a Pin

Whether they strap it on right then or affix it to a bag, getting your volunteers a pin that expresses your thanks for their talent and dedication is a small, kitschy way to show you care.

Consider a Personalized Letter

A few lines of gratitude on some festive border paper is a keepsake that any volunteer will appreciate. The sentiment will beautifully say thank you while including that extra touch of personalization.

Motivate With a Note

If you’re looking for a ready-made volunteer appreciation solution, why not grab some note cards with a cheerful or motivational theme already inscribed. Combined with a handwritten thought or two, these can be extremely powerful tools to keep your volunteers actively enjoying their duties.  

A Certificate Is Always Welcome

Want to honor a volunteer’s achievements? Even a general award like recognizing hard work or a cheerful attitude can be memorialized in a specialty certificate that will boost morale. An appreciated volunteer or employee will feel motivated continue doing great work.  

Celebrating Something Big? Try a Trophy

Holding friendly competitions among your volunteers can be a great way to spur initiative and improve performance. When the time comes to reward a winner, nothing says “thank you” like a personalized trophy or plaque. Immortalize their performance and give your volunteer a few bragging rights with this easy, yet memorable, gesture.

How About a Post-It?

When you want to say a pronounced “thank you” to several people at once, why not hand out Post-It Notes with specialized, pre-printed messages. Every time your volunteer uses one of their Post-It Notes — both on the job and not — they’ll get a small sense of enjoyment knowing that you appreciate their hard work.

Make it Personal

A gift is a gift, but a personalized gift will stick with someone for a lifetime. If you’re not expressing your thanks to your volunteers with the occasional reward or token of gratitude – you should be. And when you do, check out PaperDirect’s full line of personalized merchandise.

March 7, 2017

10 Simple Ideas to Celebrate Your Employee’s Birthdays

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — PDWriter @ 11:13 am


Bring on the buttercream cupcakes and rainbow of balloons!

There’s a birthday guy or gal in the office this week! So how can you make your employees feel special on their big day beyond sweet treats? Mix up their usual routine a bit and spoil them with surprises and small gifts, that’s how!

1. The Gift-Wrapped Desk

Whether they have a dedicated office or use a co-working space, grab a roll of gift wrap and embellish their desk. Don’t forget to accent the workspace with oversized bows and curly ribbons.

2. The Charity Partner

Plan to give back to the community in honor of the birthday VIP. Pick a charity they love and schedule a special visit (onsite or offsite) complete with a small donation presentation. The co-workers can meet shelter dogs or spend a long lunch hour reading to special needs kids!

3. The Early Out

A week or so before the big day, leave a handwritten note on the employee’s desk offering the option to leave early one day during their birthday week. It’s the perfect way for the birthday person to grab a special weekday dinner or start their Friday evening a little early!

4. The Snack Fix

No birthday is complete without presents. Figure out what the employee loves to grab during the workday — gourmet coffee, herbal tea, cupcakes or fresh juice — and snag a gift card to the local business they frequent for their workday snacks.

5. The Office Potluck

A week ahead, send a memo to everyone in the office (or for larger businesses, the employee’s department) about a celebratory potluck. On the day, invite everyone to the meeting room for some home-cooked treats and recipe swapping.

6. The Public Address

Does your workplace have morning announcements via an intercom system? Amp up the presentation with a birthday shout out, complete with classic off-key singing and wild kazoo choir!

7. The Card Shower

This year, instead of having everyone squeeze their name on one company card, encourage each employee to bring a card, or pick one out of a big box of stationery supplies at the office, and create a personal birthday message for the co-worker.

8. The Balloon Maze

Fill the birthday person’s office with balloons. Helium balloon bouquets on the desk and individual balloons all over the floor help create a festive workspace for the day.

9. The White Elephant

Plan to surprise the birthday person with goofy dollar store gifts. The rule: Each employee can only spend $1. Bring on the funny socks, faux flowers and plastic wine glasses!

10. The Silly Award

A birthday is the perfect time to present the employee with a funny award. Choose a fun mug, plaque or certificate that lets everyone know they’re the Top Dog for the day!

Are you ready to order those birthday cards and snazzy awards? Shop PaperDirect today and your office birthday supplies will be delivered in no time!

March 3, 2017

Certificate Wording for Tech Classes

Filed under: Phrases & Wording — PDWriter @ 10:09 am


High-tech efforts deserve high levels of recognition, and you can provide that to every member of your class with a professional certificate. You have various options for the type of certificates to award, whether they’re for specific tech certifications, completion of training or your course, professional achievement, or for overall excellence. You’re also free to use any combination of certificates you see fit to best honor and reward your successful students.

We’ve outlined five short and simple examples of certificate wording for tech classes, along with standard information that should appear on every certificate.

Certificate Wording for Tech Classes: Basic Information

Details are extremely important in tech classes, and the same holds true for tech class certificates. Each certificate should contain basic information that includes:

  • Purpose of certificate
  • Name of recipient
  • Name of tech class and/or specific certification
  • Name of instructor, department, and/or facility
  • Official signature and date

Certificate Wording for Tech Classes: Examples


Header: Name of facility, address if desired

This is to acknowledge that (recipient’s name)

is certified in (specific certification)

In recognition the successful completion of

requirements for certification through (name of class, exam, and other requirements)


Header: Certificate of Training

This certifies that (recipient’s name)

has successfully completed the training course of (name of class)

conducted by (name of instructor) at (name of department, facility)


Header: Name of facility, department, address if desired

This certificate acknowledges that (recipient’s name)

has met all the requirements and criteria for successful completion of

(name of class) conducted by (name of instructor)

at (name of department, facility)


Header: Certificate of Achievement

This certificate of achievement is awarded to (recipient’s name)

In recognition of professional achievement

for successfully completing (name of class) conducted by (name of instructor)

at (name of department, facility)


Header: Certificate of Excellence

(Name) is receiving this certificate of excellence for

exceptional performance in (class name) conducted by (name of instructor)

at (name of department, facility)

You’re welcome to use any of the certificate wording examples verbatim, or you can edit and adjust them as desired to best mesh with the style and vibe of your class and facility. The most important thing is to provide tech students with the official certification they need and recognition they deserve for successfully completing your tech course.

February 21, 2017

How to Create Hard Copy Professional Reports

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 10:36 am

Even if your facts and figures are right on the money, you’ll still lose points with your fellow employees and clients if your professional report isn’t executed cleanly and efficiently. You might be surprised how much visual appeal goes into the reports you file over the course of your daily duties.

If you’d like some tips on how to create professional reports, then you’ve come to the right place.

Smart Small, Think About Your Font

In all of the professional world — whether you’re preparing a report for a professor or some shareholders — there are exactly three acceptable fonts you should use: Helvetica, Arial, or Times New Roman. That’s it. Save the Comic Sans or Courier for your rough drafts if you must use them, but never turn in an official report that uses any font other than the approved three.

Think About Your Audience

You’re going to want to tailor your language to meet the needs of your audience. If you’re preparing an interoffice memo, for example, you can use industry jargon and possibly even make a joke or two without much fear of reprisal.

However, if you’re sending your report to a client, you’ll want to avoid industry terms (so as not to confuse or alienate your audience) and maintain a tone of authority about your topics. Don’t make jokes, don’t use slang; write succinctly and clearly.

How to Structure Your Report

It might be tempting to simply open your document, say what you’ve got to say, and then send it out. Instead, it’s likely beneficial for you to jot down a few notes considering what you’d like to say, then organize those notes before writing.

When writing, don’t try to get fancy. Every report you send out should read in the following format:

  • An introduction that hits on each of your major points.
  • Each of your major points separated into clearly defined paragraphs or sections. Be sure to include any charts or numbers as they’re mentioned in the text.
  • A conclusion that sums up your overall point (no need to mention your points once more, just close it out).

You Can Judge a Report By Its Cover

Once you’ve assembled your info and added a striking, professional flare to the whole thing, it’s time to think about your cover. Remember, your cover is the first thing your audience will see, so there’s nothing wrong with impressing them right off the bat with high quality report covers from PaperDirect.

February 17, 2017

Spring Stationery Finds from PaperDirect!

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — PDWriter @ 1:35 pm

Spring is *almost* in the air! We only have one month left of constant, fridged cold and we’re celebrating with spring stationery. For those of you looking for spring border paper, envelopes, or other paper products, we want to highlight some of our favorite designs for spring 2017.

Check them out and brighten up your office and customer’s mailboxes!

Spring Bike Ride Border Paper

Spring Biking Border Paper


Buy it.

Perfect for: Bike shops, schools, outdoor industries, home improvement, lawn, and landscaping!

Bumble Bee Border Paper

Bumble Bee Border Paper


Buy it.

Perfect for: Everyone, but especially schools.

Lollipop Flowers Paper & Invitations

Lollipop Flowers Border Paper

Buy it.

Perfect for: Florists, country clubs, healthcare, boutiques, schools, and coffee shops.

Fresh Lemonade Postcards

Fresh Lemonade Postcards

Buy it.

Perfect for: Food & drink, menu promos, boutiques, actual lemonade stands.

Happy Days Border Paper

Happy Days Border Paper

Buy it.

Perfect for: Churches, bible camps, schools, childcare.

Whether you’re marketing your business, giving recognition, or providing in-office fun, these papers will have you singing springtime. Most of our products come in bundles of 25 so shop today! To see our entire selection of border paper, visit PaperDirect.

February 14, 2017

How to Market Your Online Course and Get More Signups

Filed under: Business Marketing Ideas — PDWriter @ 2:12 pm



So you’ve created an awesome online course that can help dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people–if only they’d sign up for it. And the only way they’re likely to sign up for it is if they know the course exists and are intrigued enough to explore it. How do you market an online course to achieve just that? By tackling three distinct strategies, each of which are packed with various methods designed to spread the word and arouse curiosity.

Stir up Intrigue

Giving folks a taste of what’s in store with your course is easy: give them a sneak peek of what to expect. Here you can offer a portion of the course at no cost, a free test drive of the course for a certain number of days, or a few interesting course graphics or takeaways. Podcasts and webinars featuring some of your core course content can also work.

If people have a real feel of what they’ll be learning, and the subject excites them, your sneak peek may be just enough to get them hooked.

Provide Credibility

Bolstering the credibility of the course – and yourself – is another handy strategy that goes on the list of how to market an online course. Strengthening credibility in both departments can be done by:

  • Getting endorsements for your course from satisfied customers.
  • Contacting bloggers and podcasters in your field who can help you spread the word. Pitch your course by sharing some of most useful tips the course offers.
  • Strengthening your brand image. People aren’t likely to enroll in an online course unless they trust the source or your brand. The most trustworthy brands will typically have a quality website, informative blog, strong social media presence, business cards, professional stationery, and consistent message and look across the board.
  • Proving your expertise in the field. Consistently post and share articles that showcase your knowledge, experience, and overall expertise in your field and industry. Become active on LinkedIn and other social channels. Consider joining industry groups to further share your knowledge and expand your audience.

Solve a Problem

While some folks may sign up for an online course to learn for learning’s sake, even more people are likely to enroll if your course offers a specific solution to their problem. You may have various target groups with various problems, all of which can be solved by your online course. Reach out to each group individually, showcasing how your course solves their problem. If your course is about building confidence, for instance, you could market to:

  • People new to the job market or changing careers
  • Mid-career employees seeking promotions
  • People returning to school after a hiatus
  • Would-be public speakers and performers
  • Women or men in the dating scene

Let each group know exactly what they’ll get with your course, both the overall lessons they’ll learn and the benefits they’ll receive.

A detailed overview of your course, which you can post on your website, is another must when developing a plan on how to market an online course. Provide the class title, description, and syllabus so people can clearly see what’s in store. Make sure you offer enough info to pique people’s interest, provide credibility, and make it clear how the course could solve a problem they’re facing in their professional or personal lives.

February 10, 2017

Boosting Confidence of Those Around You: It’s Your Job

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — PDWriter @ 10:59 am


Confidence is powerful. Self-respect not only improves mental health but also translates to productivity at the office. Confidence empowers people to face obstacles head-on, see the positive in situations and take smart risks. Any boss would be happy to see these qualities in their employees.

You can easily improve the confidence level of your staff by making a few changes to the way you communicate and present information. Get started with one or two of these tactics this week and watch confidence levels soar at your workplace!

Recognize Strengths and Achievements

A pat on the back does wonders for employees who have a low self-esteem. In a small office, make it a point to recognize something positive with each employee every few days. Congratulate them on reaching a goal or compliment progress on a project. In larger work environments, use the company newsletter, intranet or daily announcements to give positive shout outs.

Promote Positivity Each Day

The negative voices in our heads that make us second guess our choices can squash confidence quickly. Try adding positivity quotes to your email signature, post inspirational memes on the company social media accounts and create a cheerful upbeat environment. Diffusing invigorating citrus essential oils, offering daily meditation breaks and starting the day with a joke over the office intercom is sure to spark a few smiles.

Celebrate Employee Accomplishments

Whether you do it monthly, or annually, set aside time to truly focus on the staff and what they’ve brought to the business over the years. An appreciation dinner or work retreat that highlights long-term achievements, work anniversaries and pivotal ideas that have ensured company success deserve to be celebrated. Reward the staff with certificates of achievement, a little goodie bag of their favorite treats and a small monetary reward or gift card to show gratitude from the company.

Set Realistic, Monitored Goals

Every business creates internal benchmarks for success. Why not make them known to the entire staff, and break them into individual steps to be celebrated? For example, rather than focusing on a year-end financial goal, celebrate each week or month when you’re on track to hit the ultimate goal. This builds confidence gradually and the momentum of success lasts throughout the year.

If you’re ready to make some changes, now is the time to stock up on awards, certificates and small gifts to use as tokens of appreciation from the company. Browse the PaperDirect online store today for ideas!

February 7, 2017

7 St. Patrick’s Day Marketing Ideas for Your Small Biz

Filed under: Business Marketing Ideas — PDWriter @ 3:30 pm


Everyone knows that St. Patrick’s Day can be loads of fun with friends and family getting together for parades, corned beef, green beer, and traditional Celtic singalongs. So why not take the opportunity to inspire your customers to get into the Irish spirit on Friday, March 17, 2017.

Help your shoppers finding the pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow with these seven St. Patrick’s Day marketing ideas.

Prepare for the Green Surge

Prepare ahead of time for St. Patrick’s Day by stocking up on anything and everything green and/or related to Irish culture. Rename any services offered with St. Patrick Day’s monikers. When March rolls around, you’ll be ready to share pictures and descriptions of everything St. Patrick’s Day related that your business has available. Displays of green products or merchandise exclusively from Ireland will play extremely well.  

A Trip to Ireland

Of course, you probably can’t afford to send your clients to Ireland, but that doesn’t mean they can’t feel like they’re already there while they are visiting your business. Decorate for St. Patrick’s Day, play Celtic music, and offer seasonal treats to anyone who comes in.  Mail invitations to past customers and potential leads to join you and your staff on a journey to Ireland that doesn’t require a passport.

Save a Pot o’ Gold Promotion

An easy way to promote a sale during the month of March, tie in promotions with St. Patrick’s Day themes. From lucky savings on items marked with four-leaf clovers to major savings at the end of the rainbow – get creative with how you incorporate St. Patrick’s Day into your marketing efforts.

Host a St. Patrick’s Day Happy Hour

It’s always a good time to enjoy a cocktail and some appetizers, especially when it’s St. Patrick’s Day. Invite clients to a St. Patrick’s Day happy hour complete with Irish whiskey, Guinness, green beer and a sampling of Irish delicacies. This event is the perfect opportunity to re-engage former clients and connect with potential new ones.

Wear Green, Save Green

No coupon necessary! Use social channels and email marketing to let shoppers know that they can save a certain percent on their purchases if they come in wearing green for St. Patrick’s Day. Snap pictures of your customers in green to use on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other digital marketing platforms to encourage more people to come in.  You can also promote the discount by sending on St. Patrick’s Day themed mailers.

Create a Social Media Experience

Use Facebook or Instagram as a platform for a contest where users submit photos of their favorite leprechauns (kids and/or pets decked out in their finest green attire). Anyone who submits a photo can receive a small discount on their next purchase. The photo that gets the most likes can win a gift certificate to your business.

Share St. Patrick’s Day Info

In the days leading up to St. Patrick’s Day, use social media to share Irish recipes, trivia, historical facts, funny pictures, and anything else interesting that relates to this holiday. While you might be skeptical because these social media posts don’t directly promote your business, don’t be. This content will engage users and raise awareness for your brand, thus encouraging clickthroughs and purchases.

February 2, 2017

Certificate Wording for Elementary Teachers and Schools

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — PDWriter @ 2:08 pm

See Jane improve. Watch Sam excel. Then feel free to award each of them a certificate for doing their best in your elementary school classroom.

Certificates of appreciation or achievement can be an ideal way to recognize students for a job well done, whether it’s acing the spelling test, making momentous improvements in their math scores, or even showing compassion, kindness, and a positive attitude throughout the year.

As long as they’re not given out willy-nilly for no real reason, certificates can be useful tools that help motivate students, boost self-esteem, and provide recognition in front of their peers. When given for no apparent reason they can start to lose significance or meaning. You want certificates to help your students feel special when they’ve done something special and because they’ve truly earned it.

Check out what we mean with several examples below, complete with the wording you can use for your awards.

Certificate Wording for Elementary School: Basic Info

Before we dive into the examples, it’s essential to note the basic information that should appear on every certificate. This includes:

  • Name of student receiving the honors
  • Name of teacher, department, or school awarding the honors
  • Reason the student is receiving the award
  • Date and signature

Certificate Wording for Elementary School: Examples

Student of the Week

Congratulations to (name)

for earning Student of the Week honors

in/at (classroom/school)

for his/her (reason).

Certificate of Excellence

This Certificate of Excellence goes to

(name) for his/her outstanding efforts in (subject)

in/at (classroom/school).

Certificate of Achievement

You Did It!

(Name) is receiving this

Certificate of Achievement for

successfully completing (task/project/activity)

in/at (classroom/school).

red certificate paper for your school

Certificate of Improvement

Way to Go!

(Name) gets this certificate for

his/her notable improvement in (subject)

in/at (classroom/school).

Graduation Certificate

Great Job!

This certificate is for

(name), who successfully completed

(grade) at (school name).

pre-printed diploma certificate design

Simple wording works best for elementary school students, and you can simplify some of the examples further by putting the teacher’s name, classroom, or school name at the bottom of the certificate instead of in the middle with the rest of the text.

Lastly, choose bright colors, upload a cheery image or two and your certificates can be ready for action the next time one of your students does something genuinely great.

January 27, 2017

Certificate Award Wording for Healthcare Workers

Healthcare Certificate Wording

Nurses who consistently go far beyond the call of duty.

Doctors with bedside manners that make patients feel incredibly cared for and safe.

Phlebotomists that take blood with ease and precision, making people totally forget they had a fear of needles when they walked in the door.

The healthcare field abounds with professionals who deserve to be recognized for their amazing dedication, talent, or other characteristics that make them standouts at their jobs. Appreciation certificates can provide recognition for their greatness, and we have with several examples of effective certificate wording for healthcare honors.

Basic Information

Regardless of the specific skill or aspect for which a person is being honored, you want to include a lineup of basic information. This includes:

  • Name of healthcare professional receiving certificate
  • Name of facility, department, practice, or medical office awarding the certificate
  • Reason the person is receiving the certificate
  • Official signature and date

The reason the person is receiving the certificate is where you can vary the wording. We’ve listed five simple, yet effective, examples below.

Certificate Wording for Healthcare Examples

Certificate of Appreciation

This Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to (name)

with gratitude for (his/her) dedication and service to our organization.

certificate of completion award

Certificate of Completion

This is to certify (name)

has successfully completed (facility’s) (course) on this (date).

Certificate of Special Recognition

This Certificate of Special Recognition is awarded to (name)

for (his/her) extraordinary performance.

certificate of excellence award

Certificate of Excellence

This Certificate of Excellence is awarded to (name)

for exceptional dedication to (his/her) position in the healthcare profession.

Certificate of Outstanding Service

This Certificate of Outstanding Service is awarded to (name)

for going above and beyond the call of duty for our organization.

While you’re free to use any of our examples verbatim, keep in mind you can also mix, match, and edit the information as desired to make the certificate extra-special for your extra-special recipient.

January 23, 2017

How to Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day on March 3, 2017

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:32 am

Bagels for Employee Appreciation DayMarch 3 is the twelfth annual celebration of Employee Appreciation Day. Even better, in 2017, Employee Appreciation Day falls on a Friday, which opens up so many opportunities for recognizing your hardest working staff members.

So take some time to let your people know you appreciate them because your company couldn’t run without them. What’s more, your team deserves it, don’t they?

If you’re out of ideas on how to celebrate this Employee Appreciation Day, here are some ways to do it right.


If you’ve got a little extra cash to spend on Employee Appreciation Day, consider bringing in food. Breakfast, lunch–it doesn’t much matter. If you want to go all out, bring in a breakfast burrito bar/station. Grab tortillas, eggs, potatoes, cheese, and extra toppings. Don’t forget the coffee and creamer!

Get Your Employees Personalized Certificates of Appreciation

There’s no better way to celebrate your employees’ accomplishments than by giving them a little token that they can appreciate for months to come.

Happy Hour

In most states, restaurants hold happy hours from 3-6ish. (if your state doesn’t celebrate happy hours, we are sorry) Take your team out of the office, find a chill pub, and buy everyone’s first round. This gets them talking and puts them in good spirits for the weekend.

Communicate Your Appreciation

Everyone knows you’re busy running the show, so you might not have time to plan some kind of employee appreciation event. If that’s the case, then take some time to express how much you appreciate your employees’ hard work. Be specific.

Catch Some Zzs

If your work can swing it, announce that your team gets an hour to sleep in come Monday morning. Instead of the 8-sharp start, have people report by 9 am.

Send Them to the Movies

Get some movie tickets for a Friday matinee and then send your employees out to have some fun during the middle of the work day.

Tell Them to Get Out

Your team can spend the time together or they can each retire to their own homes, but you have zero chance of anyone complaining about being told to go home a few hours early.

Let Them Pick

Call a meeting in advance, set the budget, and then have your team pick whatever activity you guys will do on Employee Appreciation Day. Whether you hit a bar, do lunch, go bowling, or just stay at home, when the group decides your chances of a popular celebration skyrocket.

Most importantly, your employees want your appreciation to be genuine and specific. Simply letting them know they’re doing a good job doesn’t cut it. Be specific about what parts of the job they perform well and they’ll appreciate your taking the time to notice.

January 18, 2017

Enter to Win PaperDirect’s Recognition Giveaway!

Filed under: Helpful Resources — PDWriter @ 9:46 am

It’s time to recognize your employees with PaperDirect’s Recognition Giveaway! Head over to our Facebook page where you can enter our most recent giveaway and earn $200 in product plus $25 in design services.

It’s finally time to start a recognition program at your place of work. We’re making it easy!

Enter here

Giveaway Details

Recognition Giveaway

Prizes– Two winners will receive one prize of $200 in PaperDirect products and up to $25 in design services from our experienced team.

Dates– Giveaway will run from January 18, 2017 to February 28, 2017. We will choose and contact a winner by mid-March.

Enter here

January 10, 2017

Why Meditation at Work is Beneficial

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas,Office Fun — PDWriter @ 8:25 am

meditation at work

No matter which industry you’re in, every productive office has the same kind of vibe. It’s a group of talented professionals (and part-time oddballs) who are coming together to get a lot of work done in as little time as possible. Any motivated office can be a breeding ground for stress, it’s only natural. However, you don’t need to simply put up with it. There’s one simple tactic you can use to help keep yourself calm and focused without sacrificing any quality.

Just take a few moments to meditate your cares away. It really does work, and it can help make your time in the office much more relaxing.

Why It’s a Good Idea to Simply ‘Be’ in the Workplace

Study after study has been released that indicates meditation “boosts energy, helps with focus, reduces stress and anxiety, increases resilience and possibly, subtly, changes your life and your brain for the better.” How much more proof do you need that meditation could be a great on-the-job ally?

If you can convince yourself and your coworkers that taking a few moments each day to silence the din of work noise and simply focus on being in the moment, then there’s no end to the potential benefits that translate to your job.

Give Meditation Some Time to Take Hold

The first thing you should know if you’re interested in meditating on the job is this: meditation is a learning process. You can’t just close your eyes and skip straight to nirvana.

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve spent years training your mind to multi-task, to think about things beyond your current task. Grasping meditation is about concentrating on your present surroundings. It’ll take some time for the positive benefits of meditation to really take hold.

First, those calm thoughts have to make it past your cynical subconscious.

It’s Not All Sitting Cross-Legged and Chanting

The best way to begin meditation is to take it a little bit at a time. When you drink water at work (which you should absolutely do), take a few seconds to think about the fact that you have pure, clean water to drink. When you’re in the bathroom, take an extra thirty seconds to appreciate the fact that you’re not sitting at your desk.

You don’t need to drastically disrupt your day to enjoy a little mindful meditation, either. There are several techniques you can utilize at a moment’s notice that will help you center yourself and simply enjoy a few moments of letting your brain rest.

These little bits of mindful thinking are the first steps on the road to meditation.

You Can Start a Meditation Program at Work

If you’re in a position to start one, a company-wide meditation program may be perfect for increasing productivity and reducing stress. Don’t make it mandatory, just let those people who participate know their contribution and participation is well appreciated and you shouldn’t have any issues filling out the program.

January 5, 2017

Budgeting for Employee Recognition: Tips & Advice

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — PDWriter @ 10:13 am

Budgeting for Employee Recognition

You love spoiling your staff. Now, make it fit into your yearly budget! With a few simple steps, HR pros and administrative staff can add a well-planned line item to the expense proposal when budgeting for employee recognition. This will make your employees feel appreciated throughout the new year!

Calculate the Number of Employees

First, you have to know how many people you realistically are going to recognize throughout the coming year. In addition to active staff, don’t forget to factor in potential new hires and temp employees that you will pull in for special projects. You might also include independent contractors who dedicate ample time helping to grow your business!

Estimate a Realistic Budget Per Person

Start by getting a rough idea of how much you spent last year on employee recognition by looking at old receipts or accounts payable files. A simple estimate is a good starting point.

Then, do some research to learn the cost of your most popular recognition gifts, including certificates, plaques, trophies, gift baskets or gift cards. Add an extra 10 percent or so to pad for increases in costs of goods and unexpected expenses. Once you have an estimate, multiply it by the number of people you plan to recognize.

A Per Person Budget Might Look Something Like This

  • 10+ Year Employees – $500 in gifts and recognition X # of employees
  • 5+ Year Employees – $300 in gifts and recognition X # of employees
  • Below 5 Year Employees – $100 in gifts and recognition X # of employees
  • CEO or leadership recognition

Create a Separate All Staff Budget

After budgeting for employee recognition on an individual basis, think of the entire office as a whole. Set aside funds for a few all-company parties, include holiday gatherings, birthdays, celebrating company successes or employee milestones. Decide how many of these gatherings you can afford per year, and put a price cap on each to cover decorations, food, entertainment and party favors.

An office Recognition budget May Look Something Like This

  • Company Wide Parties – $1,000 X 3 Parties
  • Holiday Party or Event – $5,000
  • Company Breakfast $100 X 12 months

Stick to Your Annual Spending Plan

Finally, the only way to make a budget stick is to actually follow it! When prepping for any employee recognition or company party, inform all planning committee members of the budget. To stay in line, you may need to get a little creative and shop around for the best prices, use coupons or shift your plans a bit to stay on track. Potluck, anyone?

As you work on your budget, and price gifts for your employees, stock up on the most popular way to recognize a job well done — a certificate of appreciation! Shop Paper Direct’s online store today so you can have several varieties of these go-to awards on hand.

January 2, 2017

How to Host a Chili or Crock Pot Cook-off at Work

Hosting a chili or crock pot cookoff is a simple and easy way to get the office to mingle during lunch. Also, food!

Here are some quick tips and an email template that you can use during your office’s next cook-off challenge.


Email Twice – People forget. Make sure you let your employees know about 10 days in advance and then email them the day before too.

Calendar Invite – Include a calendar invite as well.

Kitchen Signs – Tape festive signs in the kitchen to keep this cook-off top of mind.

Provide Ideas – Providing some inspiration will increase cook-off participation. (example in email template below)

Make it a Contest – At the end of your lunch, have people vote; for the best, the worst, and the most unique. Give the winners a small prize (coffee gift card or treat) to provide more incentive.

Provide Drinks or Fixins’ – As a company, you can make the cook-off better by providing something to compliment the food. Whether they are beverages or fixings (crackers, seasoning, cheese) this is a way to take your lunch to a whole other level.

Bowls! – Don’t forget disposable bowls and flatware for an easy cleanup.

chili pepper stationery for chili cookoffs

Email Template

Feel free to use this email template to send to your team.

The time has come…

To dust off your crock pot and put on your chef’s hat. We’re having a chili cook-off on [DATE]!

How it works:

  1. Sign up to bring your signature chili (any style you want)
  2. Everyone will gather at lunch to taste, enjoy, and vote
  3. Top chili chef wins an awesome prize (plus bragging rights)

Provided by us: Chips, sour cream, cheese, and tortillas 

Please let us know if you’re planning on making a chili for the cookoff by emailing back. If you’ve never made homemade chili before, check out this Pinterest board for inspiration. 

Other Cook-off Ideas

If chili isn’t your office’s jam, there are plenty of other cook-off ideas, including:

  • Soups & Stews (perfect for Fall!)
  • Anything Crockpot
  • Dips
  • Super Bowl Recipes
  • Holiday-themes (St. Patricks Day, 4th of July, etc)
  • Breakfast potluck

Best of luck to your employees; time to get cooking!

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