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November 25, 2011

Proper Wording for Wedding Thank You Cards

Elegant Thank You Specialty NoteCards

Writing thank you notes after your wedding is a must. Even in this world where most correspondence is done electronically, when it comes to thanking your guests for the wedding presents you received, nothing but a handwritten thank you card is acceptable. An email, voicemail, and especially a text message saying “thank you” for the gift are all simply unacceptable. By taking the time to hand write a wedding thank you card with proper wording, you have shown your gift givers that you truly appreciate their thoughtfulness and generosity.

Estate Embossed NoteCards

Proper wedding thank you card wording involves being very specific about the gift you received and including what you plan to do with that gift. It’s also imperative that you address the thank you card properly. For example, if the gift is from your aunt and her boyfriend, then you must address the thank you card to acknowledge both your aunt and her boyfriend. It is important to be specific when thanking the gift giver because if you’re not specific, the gift giver may feel as though you are just writing hundreds of generic thank you notes and that you don’t even remember their gift.

Ribbon of My Heart NoteCards

Wording Example for Proper Wedding Thank You Card:

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you so much for the beautiful China tea set you gave us on our special day. We are planning a get together for Mom, Dad and you both in November, and this will be the perfect addition to our afternoon of great food and delicious tea. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are greatly appreciated.

Jenny and Jack

When it comes to proper wedding thank you card wording, and the gift you received was money, it’s important to not say “thank you for the cash” or “thank you for the money.” Instead, you can word your thank you card something like this:

Dear Aunt Pat and Uncle Tom,

Thank you very much for your generous wedding gift. That will come in very handy when we start remodeling the den into a nursery for the baby we hope to have in the next couple of years. As always, you were much too generous, but we appreciate your thoughtfulness very much.

Can’t wait to see you again,
Jenny and Jack

PaperDirect is your online source for all types of thank you notes. Shop for the perfect note cards for your wedding today.

November 14, 2011

Company Business Cards That Get Attention

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Lighthouse Business CardsYour company business cards say a lot about you. In one quick flash, people are handed a small card with information about your business, and they sometimes make a decision right then and there whether or not they will patronize your business in the future.

You’ve heard the saying, “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” Keep that in mind as you think about a design, logo and slogan for your company business cards. But also keep in mind that in this day and age of everything electronic and innovative, it’s important to stand out from the pack. In order to do that, you may have to consider doing something outrageous like coming up with one-of-a-kind company business cards like the ones from this Odd Stuff Magazine .com

If you are looking for something more traditional, PaperDirect is your online source for professional company business cards. Here are some suggestions for making your company business cards memorable:Gems Business Cards

  • Eye-catching design (be sure the colors on your business card match your company’s colors)
  • Choose easy-to-read font (size and style)
  • Include all standard contact information: company name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, website URL, your name and title
  • Include the logo, picture or graphic image that you use consistently for all company materials
  • Always keep information on your business card up to date
  • Be succinct
  • Utilize the back of the business card with a discount, testimonial or couponDaydream Business Cards

To maximize the potential benefit of handing out your company business cards, carry them with you at all times, and if you give one out, ask for one in return. You can also post them on bulletin boards in grocery stores, restaurants, and anywhere that allows companies to post business cards.

PaperDirect is your online source for everything you need to make your business a huge success. From letterhead and envelopes to advertising materials like flyers and brochures, PaperDirect has it all.

November 10, 2011

Golf Party Awards for Kids and Adults

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Gimme Casual InvitationsWhat kid doesn’t love to play putt-putt golf? In fact, a lot of adults enjoy miniature golf (and some even make it interesting by betting on holes). Since we don’t want our children gambling, but we do want to make the game fun and maybe even a little competitive, how about offering a golf party award at the end of a day on the putt-putt course? Children as young as five and teenagers, too, like to be rewarded for a job well done, and golf party awards is an added to incentive to participate in a wholesome family outing for your child’s friends who attend a party with miniature golf as an activity. For the adult golf fanatics who play the “real” game of golf (and you golf “widows” out there know what we’re talking about), PaperDirect has several golf awards from which to choose including a crystal golf ball paperweight, a 10″ golf statue award, and a variety of plaques and trophies you can have engraved with a personal golf award message.Crystal Golf Ball Paperweight

Why not kick off golf season (which is year-round in many areas) with a golf party on your favorite course? Men, women and children of all ages enjoy this challenging sport, and who knows, maybe your child will be the next Arnold Palmer or Phil Mickelson.

Shop online at PaperDirect today to get all your golf party invitations, accessories and golf party awards.

November 9, 2011

The Importance of Student Recognition

importance of student recognition

If you’re a teacher, you know that positive student recognition is a great incentive and motivator of continued student progress and good behavior. Here is why it’s so important to recognize students, and some fun ways to honor their accomplishments.

Why is Student Recognition Important?

When students are given nothing but negative feedback, they may feel beaten down and may lack any desire to put forth effort in the classroom. They know their efforts will only be met with criticism, so why bother trying?

When students are given positive feedback and are rewarded for a job well done, it’s only natural for them to continue to work hard and do their very best. Even the slightest positive student recognition does wonders for a child’s morale and enthusiasm about school work and their outlook on school, in general.

Here are some very easy ways to give student recognition awards that are inexpensive (or free) and take very little effort on the teacher or parent’s part. Even the smallest student recognition gesture will mean a lot to the recipient.

Ideas for Student Recognition

  • Certificates and plaques
  • Special with his/her teacher of choice and his/her parents
  • Positive notes/phone calls home to the parents (a phone call works especially well because phone calls to the home are almost always associated with bad behavior or poor grades)
  • Line leader
  • Lead the Pledge of Alliance over the intercom
  • Inexpensive personalized pens, paper, notebooks, etc.
  • Announcement of achievement in school newspaper or newsletter home to parents
  • Class party
  • Class-wide recess extension
  • Office errand person
  • Achievement board in the classroom or hallway with weekly or monthly student recognition
  • Popsicle Day
  • Trophies
smiley face trophy for students

For more student recognition ideas, please check out PaperDirect, your online source for certificates, plaques and other awards.

November 8, 2011

Business Stationery Ideas to Maximize its Value

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Development Letterhead PapersYour business stationery says a lot about you and your business, so it’s important to have attractive, professional business stationery to represent or communicate the image or message of your company. Here are some business stationery ideas to keep in mind as you plan out the type of business stationery you would like to use for all your company’s communication:

First and foremost, business stationery must have all necessary information and graphics organized neatly and professionally. By including the following components, you will have professional business stationery that will accurately convey who you are and what your business is about.

  • Your business stationery must include all of your contact information. Keep in mind that with everything electronic these days, it’s no longer sufficient to have your company name, mailing address, phone Fundamental Letterhead Papersnumber and fax number. You must also include your email address(es), website URL, Facebook account, Twitter account, and any other social media you may use to market your business. This may seem like a lot of information to include on your stationery, but you want potential customers and clients to be able to reach you, and providing all of your contact information will also allow prospects to learn about you by reading your website, Facebook page, etc.
  • Your company logo, which is the image that identifies your company, should be prominently displayed on each piece of business stationery you order (envelopes, seals, letterhead, etc.). Most business owners put the company logo at the very top of the business letterhead, but you can put it wherever you like.
  • Another business stationery idea that will ensure your stationery looks professional and neat is to have a coordinated color scheme for all pieces of stationery. Your letterhead and envelopes must match. You really don’t want to be “artsy” when it comes to business stationery and go with wild colors that really don’t go together. Keep it simple, elegant and professional. If you are in an artistic field, then, of course, vibrant colors and interesting designs would make perfect sense.
  • Choose a legible font when designing your business stationery. Again, you don’t want to to fancy with your font if your company is more professional and less “fun.” You want to choose a font style and size that is easy to read. Most business stationery uses Time New Roman, Ariel, Georgia, Calibri or Verdana. You would want to avoid Gothic-like fonts, calligraphy-like fonts, and “fun” fonts like Comic Sans (unless, of course, those particular fonts match your what your company sells or serves).
  • The last decision you’ll have to make after choosing contact information, logo, font choices and color scheme, is the type of paper you want to use for your business stationery. You must choose a sturdy paper, known as “professional stock paper” because flimsy, less expensive paper will look cheap and the ink may bleed. It’s best not to cut corners when it comes to business stationery design for a new business.Fundamental 10 Envelopes

PaperDirect has a full line of business stationery, so visit the PaperDirect for more business stationery ideas to get you up and running in no time at all.

November 7, 2011

How to Write a Great Business Letter

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Teamwork LetterheadThough we live in a world in which most correspondence is accomplished electronically, the old-fashioned business letter on paper is not entirely obsolete. Writing a great business letter is a skill that all business owners must have, and if you require your employees to write business letters, you must provide them with the education on how to write a great business letter, too.

Younger employees, especially, are very dependent upon writing/corresponding using only electronic media, but there may come a time when they will be called upon to write a business letter the old-fashioned way–in paragraph format to be printed out and mailed (or sent electronically). Here are some tips to write a great business letter:

  • Keep it short by avoiding useless words and unnecessary information.
  • Avoid cliches and other trite sayings.
  • Use familiar language.
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs.
  • Write in conversational style, if appropriate (if it’s more formal, then use more formal language).Paint Cans Letterhead
  • Get to the point quickly (in the first paragraph).
  • Stay on topic.
  • Be sincere, friendly and professional.

When writing a great business letter, it’s important to use only active verbs, not passive. Here is an example of a passive verb phrase. Note how long-winded and formal it sounds:

  • The documentation of the purchase will be provided by our marketing staff two weeks from today.  (passive voice)
  • Our marketing staff will provide documentation of the purchase two weeks from today. (active voice)

Active voice is more informal and more akin to how we speak to other people in everyday conversation.Light Bulb Letterhead

There are basically two formats used when writing a great business letter: block and modified block style.

To learn more about business letter writing and other aspects of being part of a successful business, please read other PaperDirect blogs on the subject of branding your business.  And don’t forget to look at PaperDirect’s  full line of business stationery, brochures, and business cards.

November 4, 2011

Wedding Ceremony Program Ideas 101

Filed under: DIY Wedding Accessories — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Lavender Brocade ProgramsYour wedding ceremony program is one of those little touches that outlines your special day for your guests and allows them to know what is happening and what is to come during your beautiful wedding ceremony. Wedding ceremony programs also introduce the wedding party to your guests. During elaborate church weddings, and especially during Catholic weddings, it’s helpful for guests to know what is taking place because they may not be familiar with how Catholic weddings with mass proceed. Your wedding ceremony program is also a token of that special day that you and your guests can cherish forever. Here are some suggestions as to when you should provide a wedding ceremony program for your guests:

  • If you are having a religious or traditional wedding, with many guests who are of another faith (or culture)
  • If you are having a large wedding, where guests do not know the bridal party
  • If you are having a particularly long ceremony where guests will want to know how long it will be and what will take place
  • If you have many people to thankFloral Elegance Programs

Wedding programs need not cost a lot of money. You can find a simple wedding program style for a very affordable price, but the more elaborate the program, the more it will cost, of course. What should you include your wedding program? Here are some wedding ceremony program ideas so you know what you should include your program:

The cover of the wedding ceremony program typically includes the date and/or the names of the couple and may also include the location and time of the ceremony, a picture, or design element (flowers or some other symbol).

Order of events should be included in the wedding ceremony program. If the cover has no information, you should list the date and names of the couple and location of the ceremony on the inside just before the order of events. Then list what will happen during the ceremony including processional music, greeting, readings, prayers, vows, ring ceremony, unity candle ceremony, pronouncement of marriage, recessional music, and anything else that will take place. Be sure to list the events in the order they will occur so guests can follow along.

You must include the names of the members of the bridal party and other participants.

  • Officiant
  • Parents of the bride
  • Parents of the groom
  • Stepparents of the groom
  • Grandparents
  • Maid of Honor
  • Best Man
  • Bridesmaids
  • Groomsmen
  • Readers

Calla Lilies ProgramsHere are some additional wedding ceremony program ideas that are optional:

  • An explanation of traditions in your ceremony
  • A request for audience participation in certain parts of the ceremony (e.g. affirmation of the marriage, communion, singing, offering of the peace, standing or kneeling)
  • Memorials (special family or friends who are no longer with you)
  • A short sentence about each of your bridesmaids and groomsmen describing why they are important to you.
  • An explanation of the significance of the location, theme, first dance song, etc. (For example: the reception will be held at The Chop House, the site of the bride and groom’s first date.)
  • Quotes or poems about love or marriage
  • Directions to the reception

PaperDirect is your online source for everything you need for your DIY wedding including wedding invitations, wedding program paper and wedding place cards. Read the PaperDirect blog for more DIY wedding program ideas.

November 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Ideas for Kids

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Golden Grove Deluxe Thanksgiving Greeting CardsThanksgiving is a holiday to be enjoyed by all ages, and it’s a day when we express how thankful we are for all of our blessings. Even young children can participate in Thanksgiving by participating in one (or more) of these creative Thanksgiving ideas for kids (and adults, too):

  • Read or write a Thanksgiving poem or prayer before dinner.
  • Read a Thanksgiving Bible verse.
  • Write or read a Thanksgiving story to everyone.
  • Share a meaningful, special Thanksgiving memory (can go around the table and do this before eating)
  • Invite a friend to your home for Thanksgiving dinner.Majestic Turkey Folded Place Cards
  • Watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade or a Thanksgiving-themed movie or show together as a family.
  • Volunteer at a shelter,  or prepare a care package to give to the homeless or to a shelter near your home.
  • Plan a family football game in the yard.

PaperDirect is your online source for fall party invitations, place cards and Thanksgiving greeting cards and thank you notes.

Turkey Time Casual Invitations

November 2, 2011

Inexpensive Employee Gifts They’ll Love

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Orleans Standard Certificate PaperOne way to give recognition to employees is by giving a small gift to the deserving employee to show your appreciation.

Employee award certificates mean a great deal and serve the purpose of acknowledging good work, but small gifts show you went the extra mile and will boost employee morale even more!

During the holiday season, you will find a number of inexpensive employee gift ideas online and in stores to make shopping for your employees a breeze!Sparkle Specialty LetterTop Certificates

Gift Cards

One way to make employee recognition easy is to learn a little bit about each of your employees such as their favorite restaurant, coffee shop or bookstore. Some ideas:

  • Restaurant Gift Cards
  • iTunes Gift Cards
  • Smazon Gift Cards
  • Air Fare Gift Cards
  • Movie Theater Gift Cards
  • Gas Cards

Gift giving will be easy if you find out what your employees do in their time away from the office. If you have a movie buff on your staff, a gift card to a local movie theater would be greatly appreciated. For only about $20, you can get two nighttime movie tickets for your employee and a guest to enjoy.


If one of your staff members enjoys a certain hobby such as gardening, you can get her/him a book about the hobby or supplies for their hobby to show your appreciation for a job well done.

Chocolate Star on a StickIf one of your team members is a dog lover, why not have a picture of his dog put into a digital frame? You can ask someone in a nearby cube, or a friend of the employee, to somehow get you a photo so your employee doesn’t know what you’re up to. And since you can get just about anything personalized these days, you can take that photo and have it put on a coffee mug, tee-shirt or even a necktie!

Gift for Everyone

Pretty much everyone in the office loves getting a bottle of wine. If you’re at a loss for gift, something like this is simple and sure to please.

PaperDirect is your source for everything you need to make your business a huge success. Need employee recognition ideas? The PaperDirect blog has some great tips.

October 27, 2011

Fall Event Accessories for All Occasions

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Fall is the favorite season for many people for a variety of reasons. The weather in many parts of the country is simply beautiful with temperatures in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s; leaves change from green to vibrant shades of yellow, red and orange; and there is a crispness to the air that just makes you want to be outside as much as possible. Fall is also the time of year when the most joyous holidays are fast approaching, football season is in full swing, the kids are back to school and the stress of summer vacations has passed.

September, October, and November are perfect months for many social activties such as backyard barbecues, tailgating get togethers, weddings, Halloween parties, back-to-school activities and holiday preparation. If you are planning a Fall social event, you should choose fall stationery or fall invitations to announce your get together and set the mood for the autumn festivities coming soon.

If you are hosting a Halloween or Thanksgiving party, you can choose from PaperDirect’s extensive line of Fall-themed invitations, place cards, greeting cards, border papers, menu cards, post cards and envelopes. With images of autumn leaves, pumpkins, gourds and other symbols of this wonderful season, your guests will know that the time to celebrate the wonders of Fall is upon them. Fall stationery can be used for your family newsletter or to thank someone for a special gift or gesture. With a great deal of communication being done electronically these days, the recipient of a handwritten letter or thank you note on Fall paper will appreciate the extra effort you put into saying thank you.

Shop PaperDirect’s extensive selection of event accessories such as stationery, invitations, thank you notes, place cards, banners and everything else you will need to host an event this fall.

October 17, 2011

Fall Newsletters

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Keep your employees and your customers informed with Fall Newsletters.  Fall Newsletters are perfect for sales updates, recognizing employee anniversaries, safety issues, new product information and other important company happenings.

Ornamental Fall NewslettersSunflower Garden NewslettersSwirls of Autumn NewslettersPalermo Newsletters

October 14, 2011

Homecoming Tips for Military Marriages

Filed under: Wedding Wording & Etiquette — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

All American Casual InvitationsMilitary weddings can be both exciting and difficult. There is nothing more exciting than pledging your love to your soul mate and vowing to love and honor that person for the rest of your life. But after your military wedding, one or both of you may be deployed, and separating a newly married couple can sometimes complicate marital issues.

First and foremost, the time apart causes the spouses to miss each other, and with that, comes sadness, but that sadness can quickly turn to joy when you find out that your loved one is coming home. If you had a  military wedding, your spouse left, and now is coming home again, there are some homecoming tips for military marriages that may help make the transition of an emotional reunion go much more smoothly. These suggestions apply most to military marriages in which one spouse has been gone for several months or even years.

  • Take things slowly upon reuniting. Do not rush getting to know each other again.
  • Understand and accept that things may be different. Your spouse’s personality may be different because he/she has witnessed combat or other wartime experiences that many people will never see in their lifetime.
  • Ask your spouse if he/she wants to talk about those experiences. If not, don’t take it personally and lash out at your spouse. Simply give him or her time and eventually the stories may begin to unfold.
  • Get to know each other again by going on dates and spending a great deal of alone time together. If you have children, ask family members or friends to babysit so you and your spouse can get reacquainted.  But don’t isolate your children from their mom or dad. Include your children in family activities as they will be frightened and curious about this parent that they may not know very well. Gradually involve the entire family inFreedom Casual Invitations activities that will put everyone at ease and give the kids the sense that things are “normal.”
  • Plan a welcome home celebration when you feel your spouse is ready.

Military weddings bring with them many issue that civilian weddings do not. If you are planning a military wedding, please visit PaperDirect online for all your Welcome home party needs. If you need help with planning your military wording, you can read about military wedding invitation wording here.

October 13, 2011

Halloween Fun Facts for Your Cool Halloween Party

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Smiling Jack InvitationsIf you want to try a cool Halloween party idea at your Halloween party this year, include Halloween trivia and fun facts in the festivities. You can organize the kids (or adults) into teams or have them take a Halloween fun fact quiz and award prizes to the winners. Here are some questions you can include in the verbal quiz game or hand-written quiz. Or, you can present a list of questions and have a competition to see who can get all the answers to the questions the fastest. This would be a great activity to have in a library where the children have access to several different sources to find the answers. You could call your local library well in advance to see if you can reserve a small space for an hour or so.

  • What is the origin of Halloween?Good Ghost Invitations
  • How did the tradition of trick-or-treating begin?
  • How did the tradition of dressing up in a costume begin?
  • What other colors do pumpkins come in besides orange?

Here are Halloween trivia and fun facts you can share at your Halloween party this year:

  • Jack o’ Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts.
  • Pumpkins can be orange, white, blue and green.
  • Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.Black Magic Invitations
  • Tootsie rolls were the first wrapped candy in America.
  • Ancient Celts began wearing masks and costumes to avoid being recognized as human by spirits and ghosts on Halloween night.
  • Halloween candy sales average over $2 billion in the U.S. each year.
  • Snickers is the number one chocolate candy treat for children on Halloween.
  • Halloween is second only to Christmas as commercially successful holidays.

Looking for cool Halloween party ideas and need Halloween invitations? Check out other PaperDirect blog posts and shop our online store for all your party needs.

October 12, 2011

Great Ideas for Classroom Recognition

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Motivate your student to do their very best in all they do, use certificates to congratulate for special accomplishments, reward good behavior or citizenship with gift certificates, and motivate with motivational gifts.

Confetti Stars Casual CertificateReading Award Casual CertificatesStar Glow Fill-In-The-Blank Gift CertificatesHand Prints Lettertop Certificates

October 7, 2011

Examples of Wedding Card Thank You Note Wording

Elegant Lilies Specialty NoteCardsWhen you just have just a few short sentences to express your gratitude for a generous gift, you want to make sure the wording of your wedding thank you note is spot on. Don’t get hung up on the length of your wedding thank you note. You can say what you have to say in just a few sentences, and the more specific and to the point you are, the better.

We recently published a blog about thank card etiquette and when to send thank you notes. The blog also included information about what components should be in thank you cards and suggestions for wording. Here, we will focus on examples of wedding thank you card wording only.

If you are sending a wedding thank you card to a close relative or dear friend, you can include more personal details than you would to someone you barely know. Here is one example:

“Dear Grandma Susan and Grandpa Tim,

Thank you so very much for the beautiful hand-crafted cedar chest! It looks amazing in the master bedroom and matches the rest of the furniture very well. As usual, you put so much thought into your gift and picked out something we will both treasure forever. It was nice seeing you and we can’t wait to see you again at Mom’s birthday party this September. Thank you again for your generous gift.


Julie and Jason”

Here is an example of wedding card thank you note wording to someone you don’t know so well:

“Dear Dr. and Mrs. Anderson,

Thank you for the lovely lace tablecloth you gave us for our wedding. It was so nice to finally meet you after having heard so much about you all these years from my parents. Now I can see why they consider you their best friends. Again, thank you so much for your generosity.


Jason and Julie Thompson”

Here is wedding card thank you wording when the gift is cash (you want include what you plan to do with the money):

“Dear Aunt June and Uncle Bill,

Thank you so much for the generous check you gave Jason and me for our wedding. We are going to use it to re-do the guest room into a nursery for the baby. As soon as the baby’s room is finished, we’ll have you over for dinner so you can see what we’ve done.


Julie and Jason”

Here is an example of how to word a wedding thank you note if you don’t really like the gift:

“Dear Sherry and David,

Thank you so much for the velvet painting. You are always so generous, and it was so nice to share our special day with you.

See you soon,

Jamie and Jason”

PaperDirect is your online shopping source for everything you need for your Do-It-Yourself Wedding.

October 6, 2011

Fall Party Themes

Filed under: Seasonal & Special Events Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Oktober Festivities Border PapersFall is the perfect time of year to have a party because the leaves are turning colors, the air is cool and crisp, and the holiday season is just around the corner. When you are considering outdoor fall party themes, you want to keep your guests’ preferences in mind and select an appropriate fall party theme based on your guests’ ages and interests. Here are some fall party themes to get your wheels turning:Fantasy Football Casual Invitations

  • Football themed party: Men and women and children of all ages look forward to football season all summer, and hosting a football themed fall party is a great way to “kick off” college and professional football seasons. Just about every family has at least one football fan, and many families have several members who are devoted to one particular team. To get your fall football party underway, choose (or make) an invitation with a football theme. If you live in San Francisco, and you know all your guests are 49ers fans, you can buy an invitation in the shape of a football with the team logo and include all party information such as time, location, what to bring, what the theme is, whether children are invited, etc.
  • Fall Harvest theme: Select an Fall invitation with any one of the symbols of Fall Poppies Casual Invitationsautumn such as colorful leaves, pumpkins, acorns, gourds, and apples. You can plan craft projects at the party or have a pie judging or pie-eating contest. You can ask your guests to bring their favorite fall-inspired food, dessert or drink to your fall party theme. You can bob for apples, roast pumpkin seeds and serve cider and cider doughnuts.
  • Oktoberfest themed party: Plan a traditional German Oktoberfest party for early or late October.  You’ll need plenty of beer, and traditional German foods such as sausages, bratwurst, and knackwurst. Side dishes such as German potato salad and red cabbage with apples, bacon and sauerkraut will surely please even those with no German in their blood. Display the traditional blue and white diamond pattern on cups, plates and napkins.  If you want to make it really authentic, hire an Oompah band to play Oktoberfest music and allow your guests to wear costumes if they like to really get into Oktoberfest. This is one fall party theme your guests will love!

For more party ideas including spring and Summer themed parties, please read the PaperDirect blog.

September 30, 2011

Thank You Note Etiquette–Do You Know What’s Acceptable?

Mom Baby Geese NoteCards

In a world where technology rules and handwritten notes are practically extinct, there is one handwritten note that will never go out of style or become obsolete–the handwritten thank you note. There is absolutely no acceptable replacement to writing a thank you note to show your appreciation for a gift you received or a kind gesture someone extended to you in a time of need. A phone call is nice but just isn’t enough, an email is lazy, and a text message is simply offensive. If you were recently married or hosted a party in which you received gifts, you better settle in and start writing those thank you notes, but before you do, here are some thank you note etiquette tips to keep in mind.

Springtime Notecards

When to Send a Thank You Note:

  • Wedding gifts
  • Birthday gifts
  • Shower gifts
  • Bar/Bat mitzvah gifts
  • Graduation gifts
  • First communion/Confirmation gifts (yes, even kids must write thank you notes)
  • Housewarming gifts
  • Baby gifts
  • When someone sends you a sympathy letter, mass card, or a donation in the deceased’s name

A Nice Gesture

Thank-you notes are not absolutely necessary, but are a nice gesture in the following situations:

  • After a job interview
  • When a host has treated you to a dinner or cocktail party
  • Anytime you feel indebted to someone who went out of their way for you
Balloons Confetti Notecards

What to Write

Thank you note etiquette dictates that should you include these components in your thank you note:

  • Address the gift giver with “Dear” rather than just starting the first sentence.
  • Express your gratitude by specifically describing the gift. Instead of “thank you for the picture frame,” you could write, “Thank you very much for the beautifully hand-crafted silver picture frame that will match our master bedroom decor perfectly.” This shows you truly remember the gift and appreciate its value.
  • Discuss briefly how the gift will be used. For example, “The photo album you gave us will be the perfect place to keep all our honeymoon pictures…”
  • If you were given money, do not say “Thank you for the cash.” Instead, say something like, “Thank you very much for your generosity. It will really come in handy when we build the nursery.”
  • Go the extra mile by including something personal that shows your relationship to the gift giver. For example, “It was so nice seeing you at the wedding, and we’re looking forward to seeing you and the kids again at the family reunion this fall.”
  • End by reiterating your gratitude with a simple, “Thank you again for your kindness.”
  • Sign it with “Sincerely” or something similar.

Thank you notes need not be lengthy. You can write a gracious thank you note in just a few sentences.

A common question is how soon must we send a thank you note? The answer is that you must send the thank you note within a week of receiving the gift (or attending the event).

Shop PaperDirect for thank you notes for all occasions.

September 28, 2011

Diploma Wording & Style Made Easy

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Graduation ceremonies are not just any celebration. Graduation day is a moment that students will cherish for the rest of their lives and only happens once in a lifetime. Whether the graduation is from middle school, high school, or college, you want to make sure the diploma wording is correct and professional.

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Finding the proper college graduation diploma wording, style, and layout can be challenging. You want to convey the thoughts and emotions of the day in the right way with the right tone and proper message.

Use the 7 ideas below and the diploma shown at right to refer when creating your custom diplomas for your middle school, high school, or college graduation.

1.  Your school name can be arched across the top of the diploma in a Gothic-style font

2.  The next several lines can be used for the city and state of your school, or for a school motto

3.  The student’s name on the sample above is shown in hand calligraphy. Or you can use the same font as the school name.

4.  Choose the wording for the center line of the diploma. You may select “College Preparatory Course,” “Honors Course of Study,” or whatever fits the particular student.

Graduation Embossed Seals

5.  Include a saying something like this, “He is thereby granted this high school diploma and is entitled to all the rights and privileges which pertain thereto. Dated fifth day of June two thousand twenty-three.

6.  Include signatures and titles beneath the signatures. Leave space between the signatures to accommodate a center seal.

7.  Add an engraved seal toward the bottom of the diploma. Many schools position it in the middle, but you can leave space by either corner for it.

No matter which of these diploma wording ideas you use, make sure you keep one thing in mind. Customize all of your diplomas to fit your school and traditions. If something seems “off” about the overall presentation, change it. Create diplomas that are true to your school!

September 27, 2011

How to Market a Home-based Business

Tools Business CardsWorking from home means marketing is the most important aspect of getting your company up and running. Since location may not play a role in marketing your home-based business, you must create amazing marketing campaigns to increase your customer base. Reaching prospective customers only in your immediate area will not do much to help your business succeed. Online, home-based businesses must reach prospective customers from all over the country not just your local market.

Home-based business marketing may be challenging, but it’s not impossible by any means. Here are some suggestions that will help you market your home-based business to help ensure success.Music Staff Notes Business Cards

Print business cards and keep them with you at all times. Make sure they are the standard size professional business card so they fit into all business card holders that people carry in their wallets. Make the business card appealing and easy to read. Do not include too little or too much information. Also make sure your contact information is easy to find and easy to read. Avoid difficult-to-read fonts and anything else that might turn off the recipient of your business card.

Network by word of mouth, social media, and attending small business meetings. The more people who know about your home-based business, the more money your company will take in.Signature Golf 3 Panel Brochures

Even small home-based businesses should have a website. Fancy websites do not impress prospective customers. Make sure your website is simple but gives all the necessary information about your home-based business. Again, including your contact information is absolutely imperative; make sure it’s easy to find and error free.

Create brochures and hand them out everywhere you go. Brochures are inexpensive to make and can reach a large number of people in a short amount of time. Professionally printed brochures should include some information about your company, graphics that show products you offer and, as always, your contact information.

PaperDirect has a full line of business products that will help you set up your home-based business. Please visit our online source for all your business needs today.

September 23, 2011

Wedding and Anniversary Banners

Filed under: DIY Wedding Accessories — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Mark your special day with a Wedding banner or Anniversary Banner.  Vinyl Banners add an extra quality to your event, use banners to announce your wedding, anniversary, or engagement.

Love Blooms Vinyl Banner

I Do Vinyl Banner

Soiree Vinyl Banners

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