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January 29, 2015

How to Make a “Specials Menu” for your Restaurant

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — Tags: — PDWriter @ 11:17 am

Keep regular customers coming back for more by offering surprising new dishes and great deals. Daily specials can do the trick. After announcing your culinary creation of the day on Facebook and Twitter, greet restaurant visitors with colorful table menus complete with juicy descriptions and Instagram-like snapshots.

Here’s How to Make a Specials Menu Quickly

Have your Camera Handy

food-photography-tips-diyphotography-011When preparing a test-run of the special, get a few snaps from every angle. Show the texture and drool-worthiness of the food. Close-up photos work best. Use a frosty beverage or a few fresh ingredients as props near the plate. Here are tips for photographing your food to make it look scrumptious.

If you don’t have time to devote to this, its best not to use images. Just be sure to describe your food instead!

Name the Dish

Give the special a clever name that highlights a flavor (seasonings, uncommon ingredients) the origin of the ingredients (local, imported, rare) or uses a fun play on words to coordinate with a local news topic or holiday.

Write a Description

In addition to listing the ingredients and mentioning if the dish is allergen friendly (egg-free, wheat-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan) briefly tell customers what it tastes like. Keep it simple and use one or two words like zesty, tangy, mild, refreshing or bold.

Keeping it even simpler? List the ingredients (from most-used to least) and let your customer’s imagination create the flavor in their minds.

specials menu Design the Menu

Choose decorative paper that coordinates with the restaurant theme and washable acrylic easels. Format the names of the specials, their descriptions and prices in one simple-to-read column, leaving wide margins to display the photos.

Consider placing the menu is a menu holder to keep it from getting crinkled or damp. If not, be prepared to print and toss copies every night.

Post the Special

Now take a quick snapshot of the specials menu and share the photo. Add it to the restaurant’s blog, social media accounts, website and restaurant directory listings to get as much exposure as possible.

That’s it! Now place the specials menus on each table, by the entryway, on the bar and in other highly visible places to let customers in the restaurant know about the day’s delicious deals.

PaperDirect offers print at home menus that are perfect if your specials are always changing or rotating. Simply order menu paper in bulk and print when your specials change.

Are you getting ready to feature a great special at your restaurant? While you concentrate on the cuisine, let us serve up some eye-catching paper choices and menu holders to delight your customers.


January 27, 2015

5 Ways to Celebrate National Fun at Work Day

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 11:16 am

Let’s face it. Most of us would rather by lying on a beach somewhere instead of cooped up in an office cubicle. Why? Because it’s FUN!balloons

For some reason, the word “fun” isn’t usually associated with work. Far too often, words like stress, boredom and drudgery spring to mind instead.

But why shouldn’t work be fun? More and more studies are showing that encouraging employees to have fun and play during work is a smart business move. According to the nonprofit,, play can relieve stress, improve brain function, boost creativity and improve relationships. All things that can help companies grow and prosper!

If you’re not quite ready to pass out hula hoops or build a playground in the breakroom, start slow by celebrating National Fun at Work Day on January 28th.

Start preparing for the day by asking employees what they think would be fun. If people are stumped (because how often do we get asked about fun at work?), here are a few ideas to get you started.

Plan a potluck

easy thanksgiving potluck recipes apple cheesecakeAll too often, employees work through lunch or eat at their desks. A potluck will encourage your staff to step away from their computers and connect with their coworkers.

Set it up in a large communal area or outside if you live in a warm area of the country.

Provide a few simple games like a bean bag toss or a dart board to loosen people up and get them laughing.

Set up celebration stations

Arrange to have different tables throughout the office with an assortment of fun activities. For example, one might have sketchbooks or coloring books while another might have chess or checkers. Allow employees to access these stations throughout the day as they wish.

Have a “decorate the cubicle” contest

Christmas Cubicle Decorating ContestIf your employees work in the dreaded “cubicle farm,” they may find it less than inspiring. Why not encourage them to have a little fun and decorate their spaces any way they like? You can either stick with a central theme (i.e., tropical paradise) or allow them to come up with their own.

Bring in supplies like streamers, confetti, balloons or anything else that makes sense. End the event by handing out awards in categories like “most creative” or “best use of materials.”

Dress down or dress up

For a change of pace, shake up the dress code. If your office is typically a buttoned-up, suit-and-tie environment, let employees know that, for one day only, they can wear jeans! If you really want to go crazy, tell them to haul out the flip flops. If your office is already casual, declare a “crazy costume” day. Or you could even go in the opposite direction and encourage employees to put on the ritz by donning formal or cocktail attire.

Have a garage sale

Okay, since it’ll be held in your office, it won’t be a garage sale exactly. Instead, maybe call it “desktop deals” or “cubicle close-out.” But the idea is the same.

Encourage employees to bring in items from home to sell. These items can include knick knacks, clothing or even their own crafts. Allow everyone to “shop” at each other’s desks or set up your business bazaar in a conference room or break room. To keep it simple, make sure that everyone brings and accepts cash only.

These are just a few suggestions but the possibilities are endless. And don’t stress too much about it! After all, that defeats the purpose of a “have fun at work day,” doesn’t it?


January 16, 2015

“Reply to All” and Other Business Email Woes

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — PDWriter @ 10:25 am

reply button For years now, emails have been the go-to mode of communication in office and business settings. It’s fast, easy and a great way to keep a virtual paper trail.

However, email can have the unfortunate effect of being a little too informal at times. There are certain things most of us would never dream of doing in a formal company letter that slip into emails far too often.

Some of these tendencies can make the sender (or the responder) look unprofessional at best or just plain clueless at worst.

So the next time you type up an email to your boss or a customer, remember these tips before you hit “send.”

Ask yourself if you really need to “reply to all.”

Anyone who has ever worked in a corporate office for any length of time has likely been trapped by the vicious “reply to all” cycle. It takes just one person to start it and suddenly, your inbox is inundated with emails you probably care nothing about, forcing you into constant “delete” mode lest a really important email get lost.

Be considerate of others by not replying to all unless you’re absolutely sure everyone needs the information. And if you’re the one sending out an email to a long list, keep this from happening in the first place by putting your email address in the “To” field and blind copying everyone else.

Don’t! Get! Carried! Away! With! Punctuation!

The well-placed exclamation point is a great way to express enthusiasm. For instance, closing an email with “Thank you!” lets the recipient know that you really are appreciative. But too many exclamation points can seem disingenuous. On the other hand, finishing every sentence with a period can come across as abrupt and unfriendly. The key, as with most things, is to strike the right balance.

Caps lock. Just…no.

Luckily, it seems that fewer and fewer people are doing this these days. But if you’re one of them, it’s time to get acquainted the shift key. Typing in all caps not only makes your emails hard to read, it has the effect of making the recipient feel as if they’re being yelled at.

In other words, PLEASE STOP.

Eject the emoticons.

emoticonLike exclamation points, emoticons (you know, those little sideways smiley or frowny faces) have their place. They can help lighten the mood or let a coworker that you’re joking.

However, using them in emails to your boss or, worse yet, a customer can make you seem silly or unprofessional.

Emails and texts aren’t the same thing.

In the fast back-and-forth of texting, especially on a touch screen, it’s sometimes necessary and more efficient to take spelling shortcuts. However, business emails simply are not the place to use “UR” instead of “you are.” Taking the time to properly spell out words and use correct grammar shows the recipient that you’re someone they can trust to not take shortcuts in your job. To that end, be sure to run spell check or quickly proofread your email before sending it off.

January 9, 2015

How to Start an Employee of the Month Program in 2015

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 10:12 am

With the new year comes new opportunities for your business. No doubt, gearing up with fresh ideas, promotions and marketing tactics. So why not include a brand new program to recognize and reward your most valuable asset: your employees!

Employee of the Month

Keeping employees happy is an important part creating and running a successful business. In fact, research conducted by the University of Warwick found that happiness increased productivity by 12 percent.

Professor Andrew Oswald, one of the lead researchers on the study, noted that, Employee of the Month Kit by PaperDirect“Companies like Google have invested more in employee support, and employee satisfaction has risen as a result. For Google, it rose by 37%.”

In other words, says Professor Oswald, “Making workers happier really pays off.”

And the best news? Just a little bit of effort on the part of the employer goes a long way. Even small gestures can reap big rewards.

Wondering where to begin? Consider implementing an Employee of the Month program. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Form a committee

While this is not an absolute necessity, it’s helpful to have more than one person in charge of selection. Ask for volunteers and make sure they’re from different levels and departments (managers, administrative, creative, etc.).

Decide on selection criteria

What types of traits, attributes or accomplishments will the committee consider? Some ideas are teamwork, outstanding customer service, innovation, money or time-saving ideas, etc. Ask the committee to discuss and decide upon the criteria that makes the most sense for your company.

Establish eligibility

Employee of the Month Plaque by PaperDirectIt’s important to make it clear who is eligible for the award and how often. Will every employee be eligible for the award every month? Or will winners be excluded from winning again for a period of time? Will managers and executive staff be considered or is it just for those “in the trenches”?

Define the nomination process

Decide how nominations will be determined and/or accepted. Will the selection committee come up with the nominees? Or will the names be submitted by managers only or open to the entire staff? Establish a monthly or quarterly deadline and create a short nomination form.

Determine what the winner will receive

2015 award Depending on your budget and resources, the options are almost limitless. You could reward your Employee of the Month with a gift certificate to a local restaurant, paid time off or a parking place close to the door. And of course, an elegant award certificate that they can display in their work space is always appreciated.

Feel free to get creative and have fun. An employee recognition program doesn’t require a lot of time or money to have a big impact on your staff and your bottom line!

Shop PaperDirect today for all your certificate, trophy and plaque needs and show your employees how much they matter to your


December 26, 2014

Let it Rain! How to Plan for Rain on Your Wedding Day

Filed under: DIY Wedding Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:51 am

rainy day

Outdoor weddings are becoming more and more popular every year.  Perhaps it is because an outdoor wedding offers elements of freedom and chance which are lost in the certainty of an indoor space.

However, with that freedom comes the necessity of dealing with the unexpected elements, such as rain.

Rain might seem disastrous when it comes to the most important day of your life but, with a few genius tips and a back-up plan, it doesn’t have to ruin the event.

Plan for Rain, Don’t Hope it Won’t

If your wedding falls in a month with any chance of rain, plan as if rain is a certainty.   If it does rain, you’ll be able to act with certainty instead of wasting time trying to figure out what to do in the moment or collapsing in tears.

Have Tents Available

Even if you want to do without tents or canopies if possible, have them available just in case. While they may not be ideal in some cases, it is important to think of the comfort of your guests.  Another great option is to plan to have the reception under tents that way you can move to the space quickly if necessary.

Choose Water Proof

Another way to rain-proof your big day is to rain-proof it! Choose a hair style that will look great wet or dry, bridesmaid dresses that can withstand elements, umbrellas that worth with your colors, and bring in some stepping stones for the aisle if needed.

Keep Them Warm

Remember to keep your guests warm. Consider serving warm drinks and having fire pits.

Make Rain Prep Camera Ready

Rain or no rain—you can still have stellar wedding pictures.  In fact, you can even make rain part of the pictures with fabulous results! Think of rain gear as props and get cute matching umbrellas and fun rain boots to add visual interest.

With the right planning, rain can not only not be a problem, but be a beautifully romantic addition to your special day.

Looking for wedding invites to include in your wedding? Rain or shine, PaperDirect has what you need. 

Pristine Blue Wedding Invitations by PaperDirect

December 22, 2014

Inspired Ways to Use Canning Jars at Your Wedding

Filed under: DIY Wedding Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:13 am

Just about everyone (including us here at PaperDirect) is head-over-heels over canning jar ideas, crafts, and décor so incorporating them into a wedding is the perfect match!  We love the sense of Americana and visions they evoke–, visions of savvy citizens putting up staples, generations of children catching fireflies, Aunt Bee’s pickles, and lemonade so cold it freezes your teeth.

Yes indeed, that is the stuff love is made of.

Now we lift our glass (a canning jar, of course) to love and weddings, and offer you some fabulous ways to incorporate this simply marvelous piece of ingenuity into your wedding.


canning jar centerpiece The ways to use canning jars as a centerpiece are endless with results from elegant to rustically beautiful.  Some of our favorites include these uses as center pieces.

Here is an idea for a beautiful centerpiece using a mossy tree cutting, canning jars and flowers, and another use fit for even the most refined wedding.

We love that you can incorporate stunning blasts of color like in this example using these bright yellow and blue flowers and colored glass stones.

Canning Jar Wedding Favors

Wedding favors are always so much fun!

Not only is it nice to give guests a keepsake for your special day, you can tell a fun story of who you met, common interests, or the theme of the wedding.

Canning jars as wedding favors hold a world of beautiful possibilities.  Some of our favorites include this canning jar wedding favor, hot coco mix in a jar—perfect for the winter wedding!

homemade cocao in a mason jar

We also love the idea of filling the jar with sweets, and writing the date on the jar lid, as they do here in this canning jar wedding favor idea.

Canning Jar Aisle Runners

What could be prettier than a bride walking down the aisle which is lined by mason filled with flowers?  Whether you paint the jars, hang, or decorate them, they are a delightful way to highlight the special event.

Canning Jar Lighting

Wouldn’t it be romantic to light the way for an outdoor evening wedding with these rustic hangers? From candles and tea lights to hanging twinkle lights, we love them all. This canning jar oil lantern had us all feeling in love.

canning jar oil lantern

Canning Jar Cups

Of course no list of canning jar uses could be complete without mentioning using them as beverage containers!  There are many ways to personalize them (you’ll want guest to be able to identify their own) such as paint, pens, and personalized labels and make it tons of fun. We loved this idea, using a chalkboard.

Let us know how you use canning jars! We’d love to hear!


December 12, 2014

DIY: Wedding Gown Invitations

These fun DIY wedding invitations are perfect for bridal showers, bachelorette parties, menus or the big day! There are countless color options and paper types you could use to create elegant, earthy or whimsical styles. To learn how to make these fun invites, read on:


Supplies You’ll Need:

Tools to Make Things Easier:

  • Pencil
  • Scissors or hobby knife
  • Paper Trimmer
  • Glue Gun or other paper-friendly glue
  • Word Doc Template (If you want to print details instead of writing)

Let’s Begin! How to Create these Invitations:

  1. Decide now whether you want to hand write these invites out or use the premade Word Doc template. This template contains two text boxes per invitation- one located on the bust of the dress, another on the skirt of the dress. Browse this site for free fonts!
  2. Using a paper trimmer, cut 7 ¼” x 5 1/8” Onyx backers and set aside.
  3. Print Dress Template and cut out. This is only the template so it doesn’t need to be perfect:

DIY Gown invitations Step 1

  1. Trace the cut out onto the plain wedding invites. Again, this doesn’t need to be perfect- enough to see the shape so you can cut.

DIY Gown invitations Step 2

  1. Cut them out! While manual cutting seems risky, the shape of the dress is pretty fluid. I am no master scissorman and had little trouble with it. Once you get in the groove, it’s as easy as wedding cake.

DIY Gown invitations Step 3

  1. Once you have your dresses cut out, you’ll want to decorate them. There are many ways you can decorate including:
    1. Stampers
    2. Rhinestones
    3. Ribbon
    4. Brightly Patterned Paper
    5. Water Color
    6. Shimmer Markers

I used short ribbons and rhinestones which is simple and elegant. To attach these ribbons, use a hot glue gun to dab pea-size dollops onto the dress invitation, securing each side like so:

DIY Gown invitations Step 4

Hint: To make sure each ribbon shows properly, glue with the ribbon going in this direction:

DIY Gown invitations Step 5

  1. After you’ve glued both ribbons in place, add your embellishment. We’ve used a Crystal AB Swarovski rhinestone from Michaels, but you can embellish with whatever you’d like.

DIY Gown invitations Step 6

  1. Finish the invite by gluing the invite (with either hot or glue runner) onto the shimmer onyx paper.

DIY Gown invitations Step 7

  1. Here’s the final invite!

DIY Gown invitations Final

This invitation idea is wonderful because it’s a DIY that looks professional and elegant. Whether you want to use your wedding colors, or go bright pink for a sassy bachelorette party, these invites will remain keepsakes after the wedding festivities are over!

No go, be bold and create your own!

December 8, 2014

Christmas Party Planning Tip #10 – Christmas Playlist

Filed under: Event Planning Tips — PDWriter @ 9:24 am

Christmas Playlist

What keeps guests feeling upbeat and jovial at a party? Great tunes!

It’s time to think about a fabulous playlist for the Christmas party. To keep everyone content, choose a mix of classic seasonal songs sung by popular artists. Here’s our favorites.

12 Perfect Picks for Your Holiday Party Playlist

  1. All I Want for Christmas is You ~ Mariah Carey
  2. Do You Want To Build A Snowman? ~ Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn & Katie Lopez
  3. Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree ~ Miley Cyrus
  4. Little Drummer Boy ~ Pentatonix
  5. Underneath The Tree ~ Kelly Clarkson
  6. Joy to the World ~ Chris Tomlin
  7. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – Michael Buble
  8. O Holy Night ~ Celine Dion
  9. Last Christmas ~ WHAM!
  10. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel ~ Sugarland
  11. Run Rudolph, Run ~ Kelly Clarkson
  12. Baby It’s Cold Outside ~ Willie Nelson & Norah Jones
  13. Please Come Home For Christmas ~ Jon Bon Jovi
  14. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) – Michael Buble

Listen Here:

Give your DJ this setlist, then ask for extra opinions and professional insight. In the meantime, order thank you cards to give to your vendors at the close of the party. This week only, get 25% off all thank you note cards at Paper Direct.

Use code WCRT1214 at checkout to get this limited-time offer.

Then view our Christmas party guide to plan other aspects of your party!

Classy as Heck Envelope Seals

Filed under: Designing Your Invitation — Tags: — PDWriter @ 9:18 am

People have been sending written correspondence for hundreds of years. Of course, in the early days, there were no self-adhesive envelope flaps (or even the kind you have to lick). So instead, the letter writers of the past used a wax seal with their personal insignia stamped into it.

The seal served a couple of purposes. First, it made sure the contents of the letter stayed private. It’s pretty easy to tell when a wax seal has been broken, after all. Second, it helped keep the cost of postage down.

Prior to the 19th century, postage was determined by the distance the letter had to travel and the total number of sheets, including the envelope. So to save money, people often sent letters without an envelope. Instead, they just folded up the pages of the letter and sealed it shut with wax.

Wax seals eventually fell out of favor in the latter half of the 19th century when postage prices went down and pre-gummed envelopes were invented.

But still, even today, there’s something about receiving a piece of correspondence with a seal on the envelope. Seals add a touch of class, of style, of importance. Luckily for us, though, modern envelope seals spare us the headache of dealing with hot wax!

If you want an easy way to make a big impression, check out some of our favorite seals:

Castillo Deluxe Embossed Seal

castillo embossed seals

A terrific choice when you want a touch of old world sophistication.

Scalloped Deluxe Embossed Seal

scalloped embossed seals

Perfectly elegant and just right for special occasions.

Baroque Luxury Seal

baroque seal

Like the period it’s named after, this seal is beautifully artistic and exquisitely ornate.

Swirls and Leaves Deluxe Foil Seal

swirls and leaves foil seal

This seal takes inspiration from nature, giving it a down-to-earth yet refined feel.

Daisy Deluxe Embossed Seal

daisy embossed seal

For a more whimsical feel, opt for delightful daisies.

If none of these strike your fancy, we invite you to explore 100+ designs on our website. We’re sure you’ll find one that meets your seal of approval!


December 2, 2014

Keeping Employees Happy During the Holidays (It’s Easier Than you Think!)

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:17 am

keep employees happy

For some companies, the holidays are a quiet and peaceful period. For others, especially those in the retail sector, it’s one of the busiest, most hectic times of the year.

This can mean extra stress for employees, who may be working long hours and dealing with frazzled, harried customers. Tensions can rise, making for a less-than-merry work environment.

So how do you keep the stress low and the jolly high? Here are five suggestions:

Set an Example

Employees often take their cues from their superiors. If you or your management team is stressed and grumpy, chances are your employees will be, too. On the other hand, if you maintain a sunny disposition, your staff will follow your lead.

You don’t have to be over the top. The smallest things can have the greatest effect Simply smiling at employees (and customers) and remembering to say “please” and “thank you” will create a positive atmosphere.

Plan Stress-relieving Activities

There’s no better stress-buster than having a little fun.

Schedule a quick all-employee break to walk around the block. Order in lunch. Encourage employees to talk about their favorite holiday memory. Organize a Christmas carol contest.

Make time for laughter and your employees will respond.

Recognize and Reward

rewardFeeling appreciated is a terrific motivator and morale booster. So whether it’s helping a customer find the perfect gift or staying late to do inventory, take note when your employees go above and beyond.

Feel free to get creative with your recognition. Give a gift certificate for one hour of paid time off. Or present them with an award for “Patience with the World’s Most Obnoxious Customer” or “Jolliest Elf of the Day.”

Be Flexible

man76Sure, you may not be able to work around all your employees’ holiday schedule requests. And most understand this. But if a staff member needs time to go to her daughter’s Christmas play, do your best to accommodate her.

If you’re in an office environment, consider granting comp time for extra hours worked. This will allow employees to take care of shopping and family demands while still fulfilling their work duties.

Give a Gift

If it’s financially and logistically feasible, give a gift to each of your employees as your way of saying thanks for all their hard work. Anything from delicious baked goods to a grocery certificate for a Christmas ham to cash (of course!) lets employees know that they’re valued and appreciated year-round.

November 26, 2014

Submit your Embarrassing Christmas Party Stories!

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — PDWriter @ 9:16 am

Submit your Embarrassing Christmas Party

Have an embarrassing Christmas story? We want to hear it!

Whether its an drunken office party foul, family dinner gone awry, or a childhood memory that evokes fear and humiliation, we want it.

Go ahead, don’t be shy! Submit and we’ll publish and choose a winner right before Christmas.

Come on, you know you want to.

[gravityform id=”2″ name=”Embarrassing Christmas Stories “]

To get the creative juices flowing, here are some funny examples:

  • I showed up to our annual Christmas party wearing the same tie as another guy. (I’m a girl). So much for fashion forwardness.
  • I thought I was going to an ugly sweater party but it ended up being a formal party. I was too far to go home  and change , spent the whole night explaining what I was wearing. Very embarrassing.
  • We were having a little work gathering at a bar/restaurant for Christmas.  As I was getting up to leave, I put my hand on the corner of the small table to push myself up as I stood.  The table wasn’t that secure, and down we went!
  • I was young and went to a Christmas party with coworkers, and never have drank hard alcohol before.  I got tipsy and told a male coworker I had a crush on him.  He told me he was involved with someone, and he was not.
  • Years ago I was at a Christmas Party and I was talking to one of the most handsome guys that I had ever seen. We were talking and he said something funny and I laughed and when I laughed I farted out loud by mistake.
  • I got so drunk at my Husband’s Christmas Party that I invited everyone to meet at my house after the party… I got in bed throwing up sick and the doorbell starts ringing…My Husband says, “Who is that, did you invite people over here”?  I said, “Maybe I did”…I was so embarrassed and my Husband was so mad… they just kept ringing the door bell, saying “Hey let us in, lets party!”

Now Submit!


November 20, 2014

5 Lavish Ideas for your Company Christmas Party

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 2:24 pm


There is an old saying that “being kind helps your bottom line” and that’s especially true at Christmas.  Christmas parties are the perfect time to show your appreciation and build bonds of loyalty with your employees.  They’ve worked hard so why not surprise them with one of these lavish ideas for the company Christmas party?

Rent a Museum or Art Gallery

If you are looking for a sophisticated and stunning setting for your next Christmas party, consider renting a museum or art gallery of the evening. Many of them have stunning, one-of-a-kind spaces they are willing to rent for parties and other gatherings at incredibly reasonable rates.

Rent a Boat

Harbor lights are gorgeous over Christmas and if you live in a place close enough to enjoy them, consider renting a boat for your next party and share the wonder.

This lavish idea for the company party is great for sharing time in a completely relaxed atmosphere while rejuvenating company spirit.

Country Club Party

There is just something so refreshing about putting on your finest and enjoying an evening completely away from work—even if it happens to be with workmates!

A country club is a wonderful setting for the perfect company party because it is already set up for luxury entertaining. In fact, most of the work is already done for you so you can concentrate on making sure guests have a wonderful time.

Casino Royale Party

A Casino Royale party gives your guests the perfect opportunity to dress to kill while enjoying an extravagant experience, a la red carpet and martini glasses.

Focus on Food

foodAnother lavish idea for the company Christmas party is to follow the foodie trend. Great food is an important part of any party, and many successful parties make it the highlight and part of the entertainment.

Find a celebrity or popular chef in your area and work with them to develop ideas. You can even hire two chefs and have a meal that is a Top Chef Duel style!

Industry pros all echo the sentiment that holiday parties are not just a courtesy, but an essential part of building a successful company culture. With these ideas for a lavish company parties, you do not have to spend a fortune to make a huge impression on your guests.

November 18, 2014

5 Out of the Box Ideas for Your Company Christmas Party

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 2:19 pm

Formal dinners and cocktail parties are great, but they are not for everyone. If the traditional company Christmas party just doesn’t fit your company culture, it may be time to think out of the box.

Celebrating the holidays can be even more fun and memorable when you mix in a bit of the nontraditional and even a little wacky into the festivities.

Unique ideas for the company Christmas party:


Host a Murder Mystery Party

Murder mystery parties are always enough to pique interest, but add in elements of Christmas and you have a winning theme! You can make it as serious or as silly as you desire and even have sub themes, like CSI, Monk, or Psych.

Christmas Karaoke

For an office Christmas party full of laughs and plenty of YouTube ops, try a Christmas carol karaoke party. Select the season’s best jams and get let the festivities (and the hilarity ensue).

Campfire Christmas

party-hatNothing brings a group together like a campfire, so why not set up camp and celebrate?  The theme lends itself to less fussy foods and an outrageously great time. You can even set up tents for those who might want (or need) to sleep overnight.

A Christmas Story

Center your Christmas party theme around one of the most beloved Christmas movies of all time, A Christmas Story.  Set in the 1940’s the movie theme elevates traditional ideas and makes them even more meaningful and nostalgic.  Don’t forget the leg lamp.

Speak Easy

Give your party a feeling of being forbidden with an underground or speak easy theme. Choose a secret location, give guests a necessary code word for entrance, and keep the lights low and the party seductively elegant. You can even have a “copper” break up the party and uncover contraband—cool employee gifts!

Now, with our unique ideas for the company Christmas party, you will want to get the Christmas party invitations out early and get set for an awesome time!

November 14, 2014

6 Free Santa Letter Templates from PaperDirect

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: , , , — PDWriter @ 2:45 pm

We are excited to present 6 free Santa letter templates for penning your message to the big guy in time for Christmas.

Writing a letter to Santa has been a tradition in America for over a hundred years. Whether you decide to use these templates for your school classroom or just print one out for your kids at home, we hope your kids get the response (and presents) they want this year.

Santa Letter Template #1:

Santa Letter 1

Santa Letter Template #2:

Santa Letter 2

Santa Letter Template #3:

Santa Letter 3

Santa Letter Template #4

Santa letter 4

Santa Letter Template #5

Santa Letter 5

Santa Letter Template #6

Santa Letter 6

Whether your child is just learning to write or can fully scribe a letter, we’ve got a template for them. Simply click the image of the template you like to be taken to the print page.

Where should you send your child’s Santa letter? The United States Postal Service has a yearly Santa program you can check out here.

Be sure to view our other elegant holiday border papers. These are great for Santa letter writing, Christmas invitations, or anything else you can think of! Merry Christmas from PaperDirect.

ROI On Sending Christmas Cards

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 2:11 pm

Holiday Greeting Cards by PaperDirectThe e-revolution has changed quite a few things in the business world. One of them is the reliance on ecards in the place of hard copy greeting in the small business world. Some argue the ecard value by saying they are free and fast, and you can send out as many as you want instantly. Now that e-greetings have become as commonplace as an advertisement (and deleted just as often and just as frequently), businesses have found the true value in sending Christmas cards to their customer and contact base.

As a small business owner, there are some really good reasons to make sending Christmas cards part of your overall marketing strategy, and here’s why.

Personal Touches Trump All

In an age where consumers heavily rely on the internet to conduct business and communicate, greeting cards stand out as something deeply personal. Customers understand the time it takes to write a short greeting and send cards and that effort truly stands out.

Demonstrates You Value the Relationship

Just like everyone else, customers like to be valued, not just sold. A physical Christmas card and small note says that you remember them and realize that every business depends on each individual customer. It shows you value the customer enough that you invested personal effort on their behalf.

Real Cards Invite them Into Your World

Personal cards make the occasion feel special, and invite the customer into your world as a welcomed guest. That feeling of being valued translates into a deeper customer relationship where the customers feel personally invested in your product or services.

Gains Attention and Recognition

During the holiday season, consumers are swamped with business promotions aimed at getting people through the door. With so many choices how do consumers decide? They go with the one that comes to mind first as being most valuable to them, not necessarily the business with the best sales. When you take time to recognize your customer and client base, they take notice.

Meets Expectations

No matter the business, customers expect to valued, important, and recognized beyond the simple “hello” when they are conducting a transaction. Sending Christmas cards meets the client expectation of mattering outside of the value they bring to your business.

Builds Loyalty

Holiday Greeting Cards by PaperDirectCustomers want to connect with a business that they can call their own and recommend to friends and family. Sending a personal greeting goes a long way in building loyalty among your client base that lasts all year long.

While it fell out of vogue for a short time, sending Christmas cards is back and adding more value than ever to the small business. Be sure to check out Paper Direct’s line of beautiful cards, all perfect for adding that personal touch to your holiday marketing.

November 11, 2014

Small Business Tip #6 – Promotion Ideas

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — Tags: — PDWriter @ 9:30 am

Santa Vinyl Banner

Christmas candy displays line supermarket aisles while tinsel and twinkle lights dominate craft and hobby stores.

So, what are you waiting for?

Now is the time to start promoting your holiday specials, sales and services.

Most retailers launch holiday promotions in October or November — some even earlier. So grab the calendar and start mapping out your methods of spreading holiday cheer.

Here’s a few things to pencil in the coming days:

1. Design, write and schedule holiday-related social media posts and emails. 

You can do this right on the Facebook page. This way, you won’t forget to amplify your next promotion- just be sure to check your page periodically for comments and user-generated content.

Facebook scheduling

2. Order holiday giveaway items for customers and seasonal signage for the store. 

Having a promotion next week? Order a vinyl banner to hang in your window. This will grab driver’s attentions and encourage them to stop in.
3. Schedule holiday advertising online, radio, television and in print media.

Find out where your audience is then go there! Whether it be online, radio or print media, get in front of your audience.
4. Design bag stuffers to use in-store and postcard mailers for online customers.


In all sales leading up to Christmas, show a little love with some simple bag stuffers or postcards. Design and print a holiday message or coupon offer and slip it in their bag. when they get home and revel over their newly bought items, they’ll see the offer and be more apt to make a return visit. All for the cost of postcards.

5. And of course, don’t forget to order a few goodies for your hard-working employees who help make the holiday season a success.

week6-onThis week enjoy 20% off employee gifts including custom designed coffee mugs, mouse pads, memo pads and so much more.

Enter code WCRT1014B at checkout to get this limited-time offer.

View our entire guide to holiday promotions here.


November 10, 2014

Christmas Party Planning Tip #6 – The Drinks

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 4:23 pm

The drinks

Celebrate the holidays, but do it safely! Since most Christmas parties include alcoholic beverages, have an action plan in place to keep employees out of harm’s way.

Things to Consider:

  1. Use drink tickets. Give each guest a set number of complimentary drinks via a ticket system to limit them to two or three beverages. If they want more, they will need to pay (which helps keep your budget in line) and make their own personal decision if they can handle more alcohol.

  2. Schedule a taxi service. Arrange a pick-up service with a few local taxi companies. Let guests know that taxis will be parked outside the party at a specific time to help them get home safely. If the budget allows, make this a complimentary service to all employees.

  3. Offer festive alternatives. Not all guests will want to sip the bubbly. Have the bartender whip up a virgin mocktail with fruit juices and soda for party guests who wish to abstain from drinking but want to carry around a colorful drink.

  4. Have a “Drink of the Night.” Let it either be thematic to your company or festive to Christmas and the holidays. For example, offer a Gingerbread Apple Christmas Cocktail. Recipe here:
  • 2 ounces of ginger liquor
  • 1 ounce of vanilla vodka
  • 2 1/2 ounces of Apple Cider
  • Twist of Lemon
  • Agave Syrup
  • Orange Zest

Or one of our other favorites the Christmas Cookie Shot. Recipe here:

  • 1 oz peppermint schnapps
  • 1 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
  • 1 oz Bailey’s® Irish cream

Keep the party lively by presenting each employee with a small keepsake gift as they enter the party. Try tucking drink tickets inside a water bottle or tote bag.

October 30, 2014

15 Thoughtful Holiday Card Messages for Businesses

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 10:37 am
Merry Christmas

The holidays are the perfect time to express gratitude to customers, peers, vendors and anyone else who’s helped you reach your business goals throughout the year. Whether you have a list of 5 or 5,000, Christmas cards are an easy, inexpensive way to say “thanks” and to stay top-of-mind in the coming year.

While it seems that everyone sends holiday cards these days, the key to standing out in the stack is to select a high quality card and include a thoughtful, heart-felt sentiment.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Funny Snowmen Holiday Card
The perfect holiday card from your entire management team.

All of us send you warm wishes for a happy, peaceful holiday season and a prosperous new year.

Elegant Dove of Peace Boxed Holiday Cards

To our dear friends and valued customers,
May your Christmas be joyful
And your New Year be blessed.

From us to you…may your holiday season be filled with peace, happiness and hope.

Holiday Gifts Boxed Holiday Cards

Thank you so much for the gift of your business. We look forward to serving you in the new year.

Thank you for making us so merry. May your holidays be bright!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this year.
Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Appreciation Holiday Card

During this season of reflection,
we pause to express our sincere gratitude,
and send you best wishes for a joyous holiday.

This is the most wonderful time of the year
to say “thank you” for your business!

Wishing you the very best of everything the holiday season has to offer.

Merry Christmas (3)

It has been our pleasure to serve you this year. Thank you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The best thing about the holidays
is the opportunity to express our gratitude
for your continued trust in us.
May you have a beautiful holiday season and a happy New Year.

Your business is the best gift we could ask for.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Simple Wreath Holiday Card

Taking a moment to say thank you for your business
And wish you the most magical of holidays!

As we count our blessings this Christmas
You are among them.

Christmas Tripytch Boxed Cards
One of our favorite religious-themed holiday cards!

‘Tis the season to let you know
How much we appreciate you.
Best wishes for a magical Christmas!

Feel free to use any of these sentiments verbatim. Or use them as inspiration and add your own personal flair. The important thing is to keep your greeting warm and genuine. Recipients will appreciate the extra effort you took to let them know how important they are to you and your business.

October 27, 2014

Christmas Party Planning Tip #4 – Order Invites

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: — PDWriter @ 3:02 pm

It’s time to tell everyone about your upcoming Christmas party! Don’t take the lazy route and send a text message or mass email. Keep things festive and personal by sending paper invitations in the mail. Here’s three quick possibilities:

Send and Seal Invites


Keep things simple and use a tri-fold invitation. These compact greetings come in several holiday designs, from elegant to whimsical. The tear off segment is perfect for RSVPing.

Holiday Bordered Papers

[one_third]holiday paper[/one_third][one_third]Tropical santa Paper [/one_third][one_third_last]Holiday Paper [/one_third_last]

If you prefer to type up a one-sheet invite, use bordered paper. This colorful option is a great choice when you need to include a map or lots of text in the correspondence.

Christmas Tickets

[one_half]printable ticket[/one_half][one_half_last]holiday printable ticket [/one_half_last]

Christmas tickets are a great alternative for invitations. You can use them to enter your guests into a raffle or hand them over for a free cocktail at the restaurant.  Use these Christmas tickets for your next party.

week4-7-onPlace your order for Christmas party invitations this week!

Get 15% off our Holiday Border Papers by using code WCRT1014B at checkout.

Then read our entire party planning guide. 


October 14, 2014

Thanksgiving Table Setting Guide [Graphic]

Filed under: Event Planning Tips — PDWriter @ 12:41 pm

While there are many ways to set a table for Thanksgiving, we believe there should be a nice balance between elegantly formal and excessive utensils. Below is a Thanksgiving table setting graphic to help guide you this Thanksgiving:

How to Set a Table for Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving Table Setting

As you can see in the above graphic, you’ll need a few things for a proper Thanksgiving including:


  • Serving Plate
  • Salad Plate
  • Bread Plate


  • Wine Glass (you can have more than one wine glass if you are serving both red & white)
  • Water Glass
  • Coffee Cup and Saucer (not shown)


  • Dinner fork
  • Salad Fork
  • Cake Fork
  • Soup Spoon
  • Teaspoon
  • Dessert Spoon
  • Dinner Knife
  • Bread Knife


Things to keep in mind:

1. Formal table settings take up room. If you have a small table, you may want to place the napkin on top of the salad plate or even beautifully bundle your flatware in a Thanksgiving-themed holder.

2. While you may think your guests will surely eat their pumpkin cheesecake with a fork, others may want to use a spoon. Try not to ax any of the flatware for this reason.

3. You can use a variety of stemware for beverages. These includes wine glasses, water glasses, flutes for champagne, or even mason jars for a playful feel.

4. If you’re interested in giving your guests something to take home, consider writing a heartfelt “Why i’m thankful for you” on the back of their place cards. This will give them a treasure they can keep until next year.

5. We didn’t picture a cup and saucer, though most formal settings include one. Towards the end of the meal when other plates and cutlery have been cleared, set a cup and saucer directly in front of your guests. This way they can enjoy coffee or tea with or after their dessert.

PaperDirect wishes all a wonderful and warm Thanksgiving. We hope this table setting guides you to creating a lovely dinner to share stories, while making new traditions.

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