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June 5, 2015

Bike to Work! How to Get Employees to Participate this Summer

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 9:12 am

A healthy staff is a productive staff. This year, get everyone in the office geared up and ready to participate in Bike to Work Day. Or, better yet, make it a weekly event. Each Friday allow staff to dress casual and cycle to work.

Why? Aerobic exercise, like cycling, walking and swimming helps you live longer by maximizing the amount of oxygen in your blood, increases feel-good hormones called endorphins and helps you lose extra pounds or maintain a healthy weight, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Cities like Denver have organized bike to work days that turn out thousands of bikers. If your city doesn’t have an official day, create one! Try partnering with fellow companies or organizations to kick start a new tradition.

So, let’s get everyone into the groove, and on bikes. Here are a few ways to motivate employees to pedal to the office.

Bike to work

  1. Offer a later start time on biking days. If most employees report to work at 8:00am, let them arrive at 8:30am, so they have an hour to cycle to the office and enjoy the scenery along the way.
  1. Present a healthy breakfast on bike to work days. Create a small spread of fresh fruit, oatmeal or scrambled eggs in a slow cooker and a selection of herbal teas and juices in the conference room.
  1. Give out awards to active participants. Present certificates to the people who biked to work the most often in a given month or who traveled the furthest. Keep the presentation lighthearted and fun!
  1. Partner with a local cycling club. Have the members come to the office and present some cycling performance and safety tips so the employees feel ready to tackle a new type of exercise.
  1. Keep it casual. One days employees ride to work, relax the dress code and keep the schedule light. Desk work and small department meetings are fine. Skip the big client presentations or appointments away from the office.

Sometimes all you need to do to get employees to participate in a bike to work event is let them know it’s happening and why it will benefit them personally. It’s hard to turn down an opportunity that makes the work day more enjoyable, your body healthier and your co-workers happier!

May 29, 2015

How to Keep Adults Engaged During a Training Seminar

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 9:34 am

Training is a necessary evil in the corporate world. As the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, once said, “Job training empowers people to realize their dreams and improve their lives.” Additionally, training helps your staff remain up-to-date on procedures and policies so they can work effectively and efficiently.

Even though you’re dealing with adults, they can still be childlike in their ability to lose focus quickly or become easily distracted.

When hosting an online training seminar, you want to keep participants engaged throughout the presentation so they retain the information. But how do you that? These nine tips will help you  keep people engaged during your training seminar.

Administer a Pre-Test

This lets you gauge the group’s understanding of the training material and allows you to make changes as needed. For example, if the participants seemed thoroughly-nuanced with Topic A of your seminar, go over the main points briefly so you can address the other topics that they weren’t as familiar with on the pre-test.

Engage Every Learning Style

There are several learning styles to consider when hosting a training seminar: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or cognitive.

It is up to you to engage these various learning styles throughout the seminar so that everyone finishes with same general understanding of the material. Brainstorm ideas for different exercises people can work through for every subject you’re covering during your training seminar.

Encourage Prop Usage

Distribute a list of materials participants will need for the seminar beforehand. These materials, which can range from practical tools to totally silly ones, should be incorporated into the training as a method for kinesthetically engaging and teaching your audience.

Plus, if you suggest that a bright yellow balloon represents something related to the training material, participants will always associate yellow balloons with that lesson. Kids aren’t the only ones that enjoy playing with toys.

Training Seminar

[photo via]

Playing Games

Training can be monotonous. Therefore, it’s up to you to make it fun for everyone. Since you might be hosting your training seminar online, the sky’s the limit when it comes to making the material fun. Host a five-minute contest during one of the lessons that asks participants to find the funniest picture/meme/video online that represents the material being discussed.

The Student Becomes The Teacher

Begin a portion of your training seminar with some general material for participants to look over, then ask them to present the information to one another. Not only does this encourage interaction and engagement amongst the training group, you might discover a new method for teaching a topic you hadn’t considered previously.

Break Time

Build in break times during your seminar. Tell attendees to step away from their computers for 10 minutes to refresh their brains and energy levels. If you try to execute a four hour long seminar without any breaks, people are only going to remember fragments of your presentation.

Taking a few breaks throughout the seminar will help people retain the information.

Incorporate Creativity

An online training seminar means you can make use of the wonderful content available on the Internet. Videos, GIFs, photos, and interactive tools are some great options for incorporating creative teaching into your seminar.

Let’s say you’re training a group on a new database system. Find a funny GIF that illustrates the process of using (or not using) this database correctly. Think outside of the box, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.


Keep it simple, smartypants! The more complex your training seminar is, the harder it is going to be for your participants to remain engaged. Comb through your seminar material, edit any dense portions to be more user-friendly, and remove redundancies that aren’t reinforcing crucial takeaways.

Physical Takeaway

After participants have completed your online training seminar, offer them some kind of token, such as a certificate. Having some kind of physical representation of the time and work they dedicated to the seminar will encourage them to revisit the information while they show pride in completing the course.

May 27, 2015

15 Ways to Recognize Superior Customer Service

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 9:34 am

“The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel,” writes author of Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most: A Guide to Employee-Customer Care, Sybil F. Stershic. “And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers.”

It’s simple.

The better your employees feel about their work, the better your clients will feel about your brand. Satisfied employees engaging with customers demonstrate pride and enthusiasm for your business.

When your staff delivers superior customer service, it’s crucial to recognize their efforts. But how? Here are 15 ways to recognize superior customer service provided by your employees.

Involve management

When an employee or a team completes a project before the deadline or performs well for several weeks in a row, share this success with upper management. A quick email to management, with the individual/team copied on it, that details the excellent work accomplished shows you have taken the time to acknowledge their efforts.

Demonstrate appreciation

A simple, handwritten thank you note takes less than five minutes but has a long-lasting effect. Handwriting a note of appreciation to a customer service employee who has gone above and beyond the call of duty will make that person feel wonderful about their work. Sweeten the gesture with a $10 gift card to Starbucks or a nearby lunch spot.

Acknowledge a job well-done

Even if it was a small, one-off project, be sure you take a moment out of your day to tell a customer service employee doing a good job that you’ve noticed their work and appreciate it. You can even share the employee’s efforts at a team meeting or in a group email. Just acknowledging a job well-done will go a long way with your customer service representatives.

Increase inclusion

Invite customer service employees to participate in activities normally reserved for management. For example, a management meeting that includes some lower-level employees shows you’re interested in their thoughts about the topic and that they are a valuable member of the company.

Plan a surprise event

When your customer service employees least expect, surprise them with a party that recognizes their work. Some snacks, music, and maybe even a few drinks, and before you know it, your employees will feel far more satisfied in their jobs.

Organize a staff appreciation program

Create a system that allows customer service staff to earn points for their hard work. Through the staff appreciation program, they can cash in the points they’ve earned for small prizes, such as company-brand swag, or paid time off. You can even make it a competition to see which employee earns the most points each month or throughout the year.

Ask for input

Your employees have insights into your customer service process and business that management might not have considered. Host brainstorming meetings or get a suggestion box for the office. It can be intimidating for customer service representatives to express their suggestions or concerns, so make it easy for them and they’ll feel heard.

Make room for personal efforts

Does one of your employees volunteer with a local non-profit organization? Maybe one of your customer service reps plays in a band. Reserve a space in a common area, like a break room, where employees can post about what they are doing outside the office. This encourages comradely among your customer service team.

Think outside of the box

Schedule a meeting with upper-level management to discuss creative methods for recognizing your customer service staff. Consider fun, off-site events or engaging team building exercises. The sky’s the limit when it comes to ways management can recognize customer service successes.

One-on-one time

Calling an employee into your office to discuss their impressive work is a guaranteed mood-booster. It takes a few minutes and that employee who stayed late or picked up the extra slack will always remember that you were considerate enough to talk to them about their efforts in-person, one-on-one.

Share accomplishments

If your company has a newsletter or its own intranet platform, share customer service accomplishments in these spaces. Let everyone know how well an employee or a team is doing. This will not only be appreciated by the person/team but also motivate others to work hard so they can be included in the next announcement.

Present successful programs

When a customer service team executes a program successfully, have them share their work with the company. Organize a meeting where the team can present to management and elaborate on their accomplishments.

Start an Employee of the Month initiative

Have employees nominate one another for your company’s new Employee of the Month program. At the end of each month, present the Employee of the Month with a special certificate (don’t forget the jacket to make it even more special) at a company-wide meeting. Maybe even offer the Employee of the Month a special incentive, like a paid day off or lunch at a sit-down restaurant.

Celebrate everyone

Take the time to have some cake on your customer service employees’ birthdays or raise a glass on their work anniversaries. These are people, not cogs in a machine. Celebrating their special moments means you care about more than just their work.

Get to know them

Your employees are more than just their jobs. They have families, hobbies, and interests. They support charities, play on teams, or enjoy a variety of other non-work related activities. Learn the personal details of your customer service reps so you can engage in a real conversation with them.

May 26, 2015

How to Ditch Daytime Sleepiness at the Office (for once and all)

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:33 am


While reaching for yet another cup of coffee to combat office sleepiness may seem like the most obvious thing to do, it’s not necessarily the best. Overloading on caffeine can actually make you feel worse, eventually disrupting your natural sleep pattern, making you jittery and nervous, or even resulting in heart palpitations or a stomach ache. Yuck is right, especially when you have a host of healthier ways to stay awake.

Check out a number of perk-you-up tips based on our own experience combined with info from Mark’s Daily Apple and Dr. Frank Lipman.

Get Enough Nighttime Shut-eye

Yeah, this one may seem obvious, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 41 million workers are still getting fewer than six hours of sleep each night. It’s not a wonder so many folks are slumped over at their desks; it’s a wonder any are even awake at all.

Try prepping your body for sleep with an electronic shutdown of your home around 10 p.m., turning off all computers and other electronics that prevent your body’s natural production of sleep-inducing melatonin. Blackout curtains and a sleep mask can additionally help eradicate all traces of light once you’re ready for slumber.

Let there be Light

That same light you’re trying to avoid at night should be sought out during the office slump. Take a quick walk outside in the bright sunshine or otherwise head into a super-bright and super-lit room.

Move it

running at lunch hour

Simply getting up from your desk and moving around the office can help increase alertness. Go one better with a bout of afternoon exercise. Instead of spending your lunch hour at the dark and crowded diner, try heading to the gym for a quick workout. Exercise can not only help you stay alert during the day, but it can help you sleep better at night (not to mention what it can do for killing off calories and stress).

Splish and Splash

A study out of Tokyo says bathing can help you stay awake, which means you’d get a double dose of natural pep if you showered after your midday gym workout. For those who don’t have a bathtub in their cubicle, you can try the age-old art of splashing cold water on your face fight daytime drowsiness.

Grab a Cat Nap

Got a quiet corner office no one’s using? Ask your boss if you can enjoy its solace for a quick, midday nap. Researchers from Missouri’s Harry S. Truman Veterans Administration Hospital found naps that lasted from 10 to 30 minutes seemed to increase alertness throughout the rest of the day. Going longer than 30 minutes, however, seemed to make people even groggier and less productive than before the nap.

Schedule Upbeat Afternoon Activities

If your afternoons are typically spent staring at a computer screen or otherwise engaged in mind-numbing work, why not try to switch it up with more vibrant activities. They can still be work-related, of course, but they can include an invigorating meeting with a new prospect, productive business gatherings, or even awards activities where employees can be rewarded with motivational gifts and honors. Bet no employee would dare fall asleep during one of those shindigs!

Pump up the Jams

music headphones

Add music to your activities, or even your mind-numbing computer work, and you can increase your alertness to even higher levels. A report published by the New Zealand Transport Agency found sleepy drivers who turned on their car stereos dramatically decreased their accident rates.

Try a Green Juice Boost

Greens are good at providing a burst of energy, particularly when you consume them in the form of vitamin-rich juice. Head to a juice bar during your afternoon break, or get a juicer for your home to create freshly pressed juice you can bring to work for an afternoon perk. Sounds like too much of a pain? Powdered green drinks are on the market you can mix and sip right at your desk.

And yes, you can still have your coffee. As long as you’re not downing more than four cups of coffee per day, MayoClinic reports that most folks do OK with moderate amounts of caffeine. Don’t forget caffeine is also found in chocolate and tea, which may also work in a pinch to get you through that afternoon office slump when napping, exercise, music, bathing or bright lights just won’t cut it.

May 22, 2015

Top 5 Myths About Employee Retention

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:31 am

Myth or Fact

We know a thing or two about employee appreciation at Paper Direct. Part and parcel with it is an understanding of employee retention. That’s why we’d like to share our thoughts on some retention myths. Recognizing these common traps is a great way to avoid them.

Myth #1: Pay is the Leading Factor in Retention

A 2014 survey by Bamboo HR interviewed over 1,000 professionals to see what makes them tick. Among the motivating factors that lead to resignation, salary concerns only placed at number three. Denied advancement opportunity and an unhealthy work/life balance came out far ahead.

There are two lessons here. First, retention means creating opportunities for worthy employees. Second, treating employees like office fixtures doesn’t promote a long tenure.

Myth #2: Resigning Employees Have Nothing More to Contribute

Wrong. Getting their honest feedback, especially utilizing a proper exit interview, can reveal inefficiencies and discontent you never suspected. That’s immeasurably helpful in employee retention.

Gathering frank opinions can be tricky. After all, no one wants to burn bridges or blow a potential reference. If you’re concerned about reliability, consider hiring sensitive professionals outside your organization to conduct the interviews.

Myth #3: High Unemployment Means High Employee Retention  

Doesn’t economic crisis mean prudent management can go out the window? Pile more work on your employees and kick your feet up- people are too afraid to say boo, right?

Nope. Common sense dictates that valuable employees will likewise be valuable to other organizations. And when there’s chaff building in the applicant pool, it makes perfect sense to treat your current employees as they deserve.

Myth #4: New Hires Resign Because They Can’t Hack It

Some believe that large pools of new hires bring in the lazy and shiftless, those only interested in punching the time clock. The numbers couldn’t disagree more.

Another survey by Bamboo HR reveals that the vast majority of new hires are concerned to receive more on the job training and reviews of company policy. The logical inference is that these people are interested in doing their jobs well and understanding their new environment.

Myth #5: Turnover Only Affects HR

Employee retention isn’t just a human resources concern. True, HR has to devote a lot of time, money, and training to replace departing workers. But to talk as if theirs is the only department affected is to ignore the unity of an organization.

A departing employee takes many things with them. Unique customer relationships are lost. Work loads are disturbed and often painfully redistributed. Productivity is diminished. And hard won expertise disappears, perhaps permanently.

Employee retention invariably affects your enterprise across the board.

We hope we’ve contributed a bit to your understanding of employee retention. We’re keen to hear your insights too. Skip on over to Paper Direct to share your thoughts, form a collaboration, or just say hi!


May 19, 2015

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Awesome Sunday School Recognition Ideas for Kids

Kids love praise. Knowing they’ve reached a goal or completed a task motivates them to continue doing well. Although Sunday School classes may seem like a fun place to socialize with friends, play games and listen to inspiring stories, there’s a lot of learning going on too. Let’s celebrate it!

Here are four Sunday school recognition ideas to keep your youngest parishioners engaged and active in their religious studies.

Sunday School Growth Award

Progress should always be recognized and commended. The Sunday School Growth Award is ideal for students who’ve completed assignments and projects in a timely manner and shown a deep understanding and appreciation of the lessons they’re learning. These children are often eager to learn more, ask questions and have a genuine interest in growing within the congregation.

Heavenly Cooperation Award

Do you have students break into groups to learn songs and verses together? Take note of the children who work exceptionally well with others. They deserve a Heavenly Cooperation Award. Let them know how much you appreciate them being helpful and friendly to the other children in their group. This award will inspire others to be just as cooperative in the future!

Religious Leadership Award

As Sunday school students get older, they often take on leadership roles within the church. Some teach younger students, volunteer to be a teacher’s assistant, or conduct special lessons for other classes. The Religious Leadership Award is for those students who go above and beyond to help others as a mentor and role model to other students.

Finding Faith Award

Every Sunday school teacher knows of a few students who are working on finding their place in the church. This award should be presented to students who’ve experienced a defining moment and have newly accepted their faith. This award is perfect for presenting during the final class of the session or during a ceremony with family and friends present.

crystal cross stationery paper

Do you need paper certificate to print your Sunday school recognition awards on? Paper Direct has a wide variety of festive, fun certificates to make your presentation perfect.

May 7, 2015

10 Free Whimsical Wedding Fonts for Invitations & More

Grace Casual Invitations by PaperDirectOne of the best things about custom, designer wedding invitations is the fabulous calligraphy/ graphic designs the artists can do. While this truly looks amazing, it can get very expensive- very quickly.

Since wedding invitations are one of the first pieces of communication sent out, you want them to represent the entire look and feel of the wedding. Whether this is refined elegance or fun & flirty, you’ll want nice invitations no matter your budget.

If you’re printer-savvy, you can order DIY wedding invitations, download a free, whimsical font and presto- you’ve got a great-looking invitation on the cheap.

There are a number of fonts available for free download so you can create gorgeous wedding invites (and other things) for a fraction of the cost of custom written invitations.

Some of our favorite downloadable wedding fonts include:

free wedding fonts for DIY Invitations

See a font you really like? Find it below and download the file. Then, click into the file and press the “Install” button towards the top of the folder. It will automatically be imported into Microsoft Word where you can play with your wording and format. Undecided on which font perfectly fits the bill? Download more than one and compare before printing- that’s the beauty of PaperDirect’s print at home invitations.

wedding font 1

Download Always Forever

wedding font 2

Download Because I am Happy

wedding font 3

Download Cinnamon Cake

wedding font 4

Download Dextera

wedding font 5

Download I Love Me Some

wedding font 6

Download Lemon Yellow Sun

wedding font 7

Download Drawing with Markers

wedding font 8

Download Jasmine Reminescentse

wedding font 9

Download La Laboratoire

wedding font 10

Download Please Write me a Song

We hope your wedding invitations are not only stunning- but also easy to make and send out. For more wedding products, visit PaperDirect. We carry name tables, thank you cards, and more.

All fonts courtesy of

May 5, 2015

Beautiful & Affordable Weddings: The Centerpieces

Filed under: DIY Wedding Ideas — PDWriter @ 10:27 am

A limited budget does not have to limit the beauty or creativity of your wedding. In fact, having a limited budget enhances the creativity and helps to find beautiful alternatives to pricey centerpieces.

Weddings are one of the most memorable and important days of our lives and what better way to honor that than by having stunning centerpieces that reflect our true hearts—without having to drain the bank account?

We all know how easy it is to overshoot the wedding budget. All of those beautiful details add up and end up leaving a sizable debt if we’re not careful. That’s why budget friendly centerpieces are all the rage right now.

Are they gorgeous? Absolutely.

Here are some stunning and money saving ideas we think you’ll love.

Leaf Centerpieces


If you are planning a tropical or garden wedding, this idea saves a lot of money. Simple purchase oversized leafs by themselves or with simple vases or candles. This will add a warm pop of color without the price tag of flowers. Pictured is a hosta leaf. 

Dessert As Centerpiece

If you are having cupcakes, make them do double duty as your centerpiece? Cupcakes are little works of art and look beautiful on stands. By using them as the centerpiece you can save on big floral arrangements and choose something small and beautiful to supplement the entire look.

You could also go the route of placing individual chocolates in a designed spread. Double purpose and pleasure!


If you need something for your centerpieces, consider borrowing them from others.  Assisted living facilities, service organizations, and clubs may all have just the item you need and will often lend them to local residents. Friends and family are also great resources.

Party & Gifts

Wedding Centerpiece CAH

If you’re seeking a more-casual wedding, place vintage board games or party favors as centerpieces. Browse Oriental Trading Company for some great inexpensive items you can buy in bulk.

Use What is Available to You

In planning your wedding centerpieces, don’t forget to consider things that are available to you right outside your home. Things like tree branches, wildflowers, sand, bark, fruit, lanterns, antiques, and drift wood are all lovely and can serve as wonderful centerpieces.

Check with Your Location Vendor

If you are renting a venue, find out if they have supplies you can rent. Many have vases that can be rented at a nominal cost.

Go Minimalist

Baby's Breath centerpieces

[photo via]

Flowers are one of the most expensive elements of the wedding. One way to save is by making a few flowers go a long way with a minimalist design.Try either one flower per vase or a bouquet of baby’s breath.

Go Eclectic

If you do not have a collection of matching vases or containers, you can go eclectic and tie the look together with flowers.  Another way to bring the look together dramatically is by spray painting the containers all one color such as silver, white or cream.

Designed Table Tents

Black and White Table Tent

If you’re going for as inexpensive as possible, consider ordering some plain table tents. Then you can design them yourself, print them at home and you’re done. Try using whimsical fonts to add the table number, or better yet, include an ice breaker conversation starter for the table.

The wedding of your dreams is within your reach, no matter the budget. Get creative and the beauty will come to life!

May 1, 2015

15 Ways Schools Can Appreciate Their Teachers (on the Cheap)

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 10:34 am

Day in and day out, teachers go above and beyond. From staying late to help students with projects, to arriving early to perfect lesson plans, this profession isn’t celebrated enough. So on May 5th it’s time to say Thank You!

15 ways schools can appreciate teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day!

appreciation ideas on the cheap

1. Have the school secretary reach out to parents and students. Ask for positive comments and words of gratitude to share in the teacher newsletter or on the bulletin board in the staff break room.

2. Organize a staff potluck (or have it catered!) on a Friday afternoon to spoil and thank educators for their dedication all year long.

3. Allow teachers to go casual and wear jeans on a specific day. Be sure to get a group picture to remember the event!

4. Hold a drawing for an exciting weekend outing that includes tickets to a local ball game, dinner at a new restaurant, overnight stay at a luxury hotel or tickets to a show.

5. Coordinate a special assembly with the students and present each teacher a certificate of appreciation in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.

Thank You Vinyl Banners by PaperDirect

6. Ask the students to write messages on a huge “Thank You” banner during their lunch break. Then prominently display the sign at the entrance of the school for all the teachers to see.

7. Feature each teacher on the school’s social media accounts. Post a photo and a behind-the-scenes look at what the teacher does each day for the children.

8. Email each student an anonymous questionnaire asking who their favorite teacher is and why. Print out these comments on colorful paper and post them around the school for everyone to read.

9. In a small school, have the students prepare a short play to present to the teachers that focuses on gratitude and the things they’ve learned from their teachers.

Personalized Mugs by PaperDirect

10. Present each teacher with a personalized mouse pad or mug for their desk that highlights Teacher Appreciation Day.

11. Coordinate a special assembly to honor a Teacher of the Year. Have the students and parents vote on who should win.

12. Tuck a note into each teacher’s paycheck paperwork letting them know they’ve earned a free PTO day to use as they wish.

13. Have fresh doughnuts and gourmet coffee delivered to the staff break room early on a Monday morning for a delicious surprise.

14. Have a key school supervisor, such as a principal or superintendent, hand write a Thank You card to each teacher and personally deliver it throughout the day on Teacher Appreciation Day.

15. Organize a staff outing, such as bowling or lunch, so the teachers can mingle and socialize outside school grounds.

What are you waiting for? Choose a few ideas and start planning! Paper Direct has festive paper certificates and decorative border paper to help you get started.


April 10, 2015

An Administrative Professional’s Day Gift That Motivates

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 11:07 am

Administrative Assistant Certificate and Jacket by PaperDirectDuring any given weekday, an office’s administrative staff provides constant support to every other department, usually taking on the tasks and duties no else wants to complete.

Sometimes it does not occur to management how important it is to motivate administrative professionals, even though these individuals provide invaluable work to the company as a whole.

With Administrative Professionals Week and Administrative Professional’s Day right around the corner, businesses can take a few minutes out of their hectic schedules to show appreciation for and continue to motivate their administrative staff.

Let’s Go Back

Sixty-three years ago, the combined efforts of the leaders at the National Secretaries Association (now called the International Association of Administrative Professionals), Dictaphone Corporation, and Young and Rubicam helped launch theAdministrative Assistant Certificates by PaperDirect celebration of National Professional Secretaries Week and National Secretary’s Day.

Since 1952, National Secretaries Week and National Secretary’s Day has evolved into Administrative Professionals Week and Administrative Professional’s Day.

According to the International Association of Administrative Professionals’ website, “Each year, administrative professionals are recognized for their skills and loyalty, attributes almost every office depends upon. Administrative Professionals Week celebrates and sheds light on administrative professionals’ devoted, valued work.”

“We all appreciate being thanked, but why not go the extra mile and make a point of using gift cards, hand-written thank you notes, and other gestures to recognize achievement,” contributor Caron Beesley advises in a U.S. Small Business Administration blog post.

Beesley also notes in her SBA blog post

“There’s little doubt that employees are...

How to Show Your Appreciation

An office can demonstrate its gratitude to the administrative personnel in a variety of ways: flowers, gift cards, lunch out, and so on. However, a gift that motivates the recipient long after Administrative Professionals Week has ended, a certificate serves as a reminder of how much their work is appreciated by their co-workers and bosses.

awardTake the gift one step further by placing the certificate in a jacket or envelope to make the effort last that much longer. When your office awards the administrative staff with customized certificates recognizing their dedicated efforts, you’ll be amazed with how positively they respond to the gesture.

Picking up a Starbucks gift card or signing an off-the-rack greeting card are easy ways to recognize your company’s admins during Administrative Professionals Week. Yet these gifts don’t serve as ongoing motivation. Celebrate your administrative professionals while motivating them with a present that speaks directly to their hard work and ongoing efforts, such as a certificate.

April 9, 2015

6 Management Mistakes that Kill Employee Motivation

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:00 am


Most managers truly want to inspire their employees to come up with creative ideas, be more productive and do better work.

However, without even realizing it, it can be easy to slip into motivation-killing habits that affect the level at which an employee contributes, as well as play a part in staff turnover.

If you’re a manager, take a look at the list below to see if you’re making any of these mistakes and learn how to correct them.


One of the main reasons for low employee morale is the feeling that their input and concerns aren’t being heard. Far too often, managers make assumptions about the point the employee is trying to make and, in an effort to move the conversation along, jump in before allowing them to finish.

Letting employees finish their thoughts and complete their ideas is a simple and effective way to make them feel valued and heard.

Poking holes

Poking Holes When an employee comes to you with an idea to improve business or their own job, how do you respond? Do you immediately start listing the reasons it won’t work? Or worse, reply with the dreaded, “We’ve always done it this way”?

If this seems familiar, try to consciously keep an open mind. Ask the employee to present both the problem and the solution, as they see it. Even if you ultimately decide not to implement their idea after weighing all the pros and cons, they will be more likely to come to you with ideas in the future.


There’s nothing worse than having a boss constantly looking over your shoulder, asking for constant updates and, even worse, telling you how to do your jobs. All these actions quickly zap the motivation of even the most dedicated worker.

On the other hand, showing employees that you trust them to do the tasks they were hired for is a huge morale booster. You can still keep on top of things by ask for updates at regular intervals and making it clear that they can come to you with problems in the interim.

Goals Lack of clear goals

In order for your staff to achieve the company’s or department’s goals, they first have to know what they are. When goals are not clearly defined or continually change, it can lead to confusion, frustration and low morale.

Make sure your employees understand what your goals are and, more importantly, why the goals have been set in the first place. Then make sure they each have the proper tools and resources to reach them.

Time wasters

Time Wasters At some point or another, most of us have been trapped in a long meeting that had little to no bearing or effect on our own job or responsibilities.

These types of meetings can be frustrating and demoralizing since they eat into valuable time that could be spent more productively.

Therefore, before calling an all-staff meeting, ensure that it really is necessary that everyone attends and try to keep the agenda short and efficient.

Lack of rewards/acknowledgement

When employees feel their work is taken for granted or not valued, they may start to do and care less. That’s why it’s so important to have a system in place for thank your employees for their work.

It can be as simple as verbal thank you or a short, handwritten note. Or you may choose to recognize those who go above and beyond with formal awards. Whatever you do, make sure the gesture is sincere.

April 6, 2015

How & Why to Cultivate a Positive Attitude at Work

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 8:59 am

How & Why to Cultivate a Positive Attitude at Work

Think positive!

Look on the bright side!

Don’t worry, be happy!

There’s so much out there these days about the “power of positive thinking” that it can start seeming like a bunch of self-help hooey.

As long as you get your work done, you may wonder whether it really matters whether you have a positive mindset or not.

The short answer is…it does.

And it’s not just the Tony Robbins of the world who are saying it. More and more, science is backing it up, too.

Interestingly, positive thoughts and emotions are more fleeting and diffuse than negative ones. However, study after study has shown that positive emotions contribute in a major way to important life outcomes including friendship, marital satisfaction, higher incomes and better physical health and longer lives.

If that wasn’t enough, positivity can also have an effect on those around you, whether it’s at home or at work. A positive disposition helps motivate and inspire others in a way that negativity can’t.

Of course, cultivating a positive attitude in the workplace can be easier said than done, depending on your corporate culture. But with just a little intentional effort, you’ll start seeing changes in both yourself and others before long.

Here are a few ways to get started:

Imagine your day


Take a few moments at the beginning of each workday to envision a positive outcome. See yourself easily moving through tasks and effectively addressing problems as they arise. This doesn’t mean you won’t encounter frustrations, but preparing yourself mentally ahead of time will help make them easier to handle.

Smile and laugh

Studies have shown that smiling and laughing, even if we don’t necessarily feel happy, has the effect of lifting our mood and reframing our outlook. So make it a point to smile at others more often and share a joke with your coworkers.

Acknowledge others

One of the best ways to feel good is to make others feel good about themselves. When you recognize the efforts of your boss or coworkers, praise their accomplishments and say “thank you,” you’ll be surprised how great it makes you feel.

Employ positive language

How we think and speak has a direct effect on our mindset. Instead of saying “can’t,” “won’t” and “shouldn’t,” start using phrases like “I can,” “I will” and “I am able.”

Focus on solutions

highway exchange

When things are stressful at work, it can be all too easy to fall in the trap of complaining about the situation. An easy way to break free of this is to simply focus on the solution to the problem and the steps needed to accomplish it.

March 31, 2015

April Fool’d ya. Top Office Pranks to do this Year

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: — PDWriter @ 1:44 pm

April Fools’ Day is a prime day to have an office job, thanks to the vast amount of pranks you can pull on your coworkers and employees. We scoured the Web for the top office pranks, finding everything from the advanced building of a fake wall to block off the executive offices to the super simple, strategically placed whoopee cushion.

We stuck with the simpler variety of top office pranks for you to try, even ranking them on their level of simplicity and chances of backfiring.

Cell Phone in the Ceiling

  • Difficulty: Easy to medium (depending on the height of the ceiling)
  • Backfiring chances: Low

If your office has tiled ceilings that have easily removable tiles, you have a ready-made place to hide your coworker’s cell phone. Wait until the person leaves his or her desk with the cellphone on top of it. Then pop the cellphone up into the ceiling by gently lifting up the corner of one of the tiles. When the person returns, call the cellphone repeatedly, and watch the coworker go nuts trying to find it.

The Highly Contagious Illness

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Backfiring chances: Low

This prank works especially well if you have a coworker who happens to be a germophobe, although it can do a good job on just about anyone in the next cubicle. Your job is to cough, sniffle, constantly blow your nose and otherwise act as if you’re suffering from a cold.

Have a spray bottle of water handy, then let out a huge sneeze just as you spray the water over the top of the cubicle wall toward your coworker’s desk. Apologize profusely as you try not to laugh at his or her grossed-out reaction. Keep this up all day or until the person looks ready to explode, whichever comes first.

The Really Big Delivery

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Backfiring chances: Medium to high

This prank requires a big, big cardboard box – and an employee who can fit in the box to hide. Taller boxes are more effective, allowing the person to crouch down in the box with the top loosely folded shut. Keep the box in the reception area where deliveries are normally left, then call a series of people up to reception, one by one, to pick up their delivery.

Their first inclination will be to open the box top, at which time the person pops up and scares the heck out of them. This is one of the top office pranks that could backfire, depending on the recipient’s reaction. If they’re freaked out enough, they could end up shoving the box and knocking it over.

The Cubicle Coating

Dwight Office Prank

[photo via]

  • Difficulty: Low to High (depending on efforts)
  • Backfiring chances: Medium

The easy version of this prank involves sticking a Post-It note on every single item in the cubicle or office, labeled accordingly. The more challenging version involves coating the entire cubicle and its contents with the coating of your choice. You could wrap each item holiday gift wrap, tinfoil, Xerox copies of a strange image or actor, hundreds of Post-It notes, pictures of Dwight from The Office or any other paper product that catches your fancy. Backfiring chances come from using up an expensive or in-demand paper product that you actually need around the office.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Backfiring chances: Low

Six More Funny Office Pranks

Disappearing staples: Choose one coworker’s stapler or target all staplers throughout the office, leaving each with only a few staples and then emptying them out every time they’re refilled.

Banana taping: Tape an old, really ripe and really stinky banana to the underside of someone’s desk. You can start with a new banana, and let it ripen and stink in its own sweet time.

Phone muting: Place a piece of clear tape over the mouthpiece speaker part of your coworker’s phone, causing them to yell into the mouthpiece if they hope to be heard.

Phantom paperclip: Make a dozen or so copies of a single paperclip, then place those copies into the paper drawer of the copy machine. Every copy someone makes will appear with a paperclip in the middle of it, driving them mad looking for the phantom clip.

Eternally ringing phone: Place clear tape over the pop-up button in the phone’s cradle, causing it to ring and ring even after it’s picked up.

The dead mouse trick: Stick a Post-It note over the bottom of someone’s computer mouse. The mouse will still merrily click away – but it won’t move on the screen.

No matter what prank you choose, remember they’re all meant to be in fun. And they’re all meant to be done on someone other than your boss. Happy April Fools’!

March 19, 2015

Office Award Ideas Inspired by the 90s

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:56 am

It’s time to take a step back in time. You know, when MTV played music videos and MC Hammer balloon pants were cool. For your next company awards recognition party, slip on your vintage jelly shoes, don that side ponytail proudly and dig out your New Kids on the Block cassette tape. Here’s six office award ideas inspired by the fabulous 1990s!

Office Award Ideas  Inspired by the 90s

Teen Spirit Award

Send the most upbeat, spirited employee into a state of nirvana with the Teen Spirit Award.

This employee is bubbly, happy and remembers nearly everybody’s birthday with a card and homemade treats!

Saved by the Bell Award

Is there a key person in the office who somehow seems to come up with fabulous ideas at the last minute?

They deserve the Saved by the Bell award for keeping the team afloat during tough times, much like your best buddy from high school.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Award

It takes a team to get things done. Is there a powerhouse female duo who keeps your full house running smoothly? They deserve the Mary Kate and Ashley award for being the stars of the work day show.

Wayne’s World Award

For the men, consider the Wayne’s World Award. Do you have a Wayne and Garth who work together seamlessly, add personality to boring presentations or simply keep the office smiling with their jokes and antics? This award is just for them!

Chris Farley Award

Perhaps one of the best known Saturday Night Live comedy skits of the 90s was Chris Farley’s motivational speaker parody. If you have an employee who is always sharing kind, helpful words to make meeting deadlines and projects easier, this recognition is perfect.

Power Ranger Award

You all know that person in the office who fights, fights, fights to get ahead and get things done. They may play down their gusto by wearing a colorful mask, and have a powerful team behind them, but they’re already ready to dive in headfirst and do what it takes.

They’re a true Power Ranger!

The Fresh to Death Award

In West Philadelphia born and raised…

The Dial Up Award

If there is someone in the office that is always running late, give them the dial up award for their slow behavior.

Sporty Spice Award

If there is a marathon runner or fitness guru in office, present them with the Sporty Spice Award. Other Spice Girls include:

  • Ginger Spice
  • Posh Spice
  • Scary Spice
  • Baby Spice

Go 90s!

The 90s

After you’ve figured out who gets what award, it’s time to start creating festive certificates. Paper Direct has several templates and paper patterns to choose from. Get started online today!

Image courtesy of Buzzfeed 

March 13, 2015

Recognition VS Rewards: The Difference & Why You Need Both

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:01 am

Candy Awards by PaperDirectMost companies are well aware of how important it is to recognize and reward outstanding employees regularly. Saying “thank you” in a public way improves morale, decreases turnover and increases productivity.

However, the perceived cost of a formal recognition program can keep some businesses from implementing one.

The good news is that recognition and reward programs can be tailored to fit almost any budget. The key is to balance the two in such a way that works for both the employees and the bottom line.

Keep daily, weekly or monthly recognition efforts inexpensive yet meaningful; then reward your top performers with more expensive items on a quarterly or yearly basis.

Still need convincing that this is doable? Here are 10 low- or no-cost recognition ideas Tracery Gold Certificate by PaperDirectthat your employees will love!

Award certificates

Anyone will tell you that there’s just something special about receiving an award that you can display proudly in your workspace. PaperDirect has a variety to choose from, including foil-embossed Specialty Certificates that start at just $31.99 for a box of 50.

Encourage peer-to-peer recognition

Giving employees the ability to recognize each others’ efforts, both big and small, is a terrific motivator. This can be as simple as setting up a template online with the heading of “You’re a star because…” Employees fill out the rest, print it and present it.

Include a “Rock Star” column in your company newsletter

Ask employees to submit names of coworkers who have gone above and beyond. Make sure they include what the employee did that deserves praise.

Keep a kudos calendar

Hang a large format, dry erase calendar on your office wall. Then when someone does something great, write their name on the calendar, along with their accomplishment.

Post the name of the employee of the month/week/day in a public place

Is there an area to hang or display a sign in your business’s entrance? If so, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase outstanding staff members.

Write a thank you note

There really is nothing like receiving a handwritten, heartfelt note of thanks from one’s boss for a job well done.

Offer a long lunch

When things get hectic around the office, let hard-working employees have a little extra paid time in the middle of the day to run errands or just relax.

Hand out candy jar awards

With just a few inexpensive mason jars, a couple of bags of candy and some bright ribbon, you can create one sweet award!

Bring in donuts

This is an oldie but a goodie. Who doesn’t love to walk in the door in the morning and see fresh, free donuts waiting for them?

Give a traveling award

This can be a trophy or something more fun like a rubber chicken. Each week, pass the baton on to a different employee for something they’ve accomplished.

March 9, 2015

Promote a Positive Environment with Middle School Recognition

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 5:00 pm

Middle School Recognition

Successful teachers know that middle school recognition ideas are more than just simple certificates; they are tools that mean the difference in academic success.

One of the most important aspects of teaching middle school is creating a positive environment.  It is also the most challenging.

middle-schoolTeachers know that in order to support student advancement, they need to battle such things as student burnout and lack of motivation on a daily basis using the most effective tools available to them—  with recognition ranking at the top.

Everyone loves recognition, including students. That’s why genuine recognition is so important and valuable in the classroom.

If you are looking for some fresh ideas to recognize your students, here are some of our favorites.

Observational  Awards

One of the best ways to show students that you are tuned-in is by awarding recognition based on observations. Keep a list of positive achievements of each student, especially ones not directly related to scores.  Here are some observational ideas:

  • Most insightful answerAtaraxia Modern Certificate Papers by PaperDirect
  • Most creative essay
  • Best application of the lesson
  • Outstanding demonstration of leadership
  • Demonstrating inclusiveness
  • Outstanding determination
  • Daily Positivity
  • Organizational Awards
  • Most cooperative lab group
  • Best demonstration of problem solving
  • Successful time management
  • Best use of tools such as asking for help, study aids, library
  • Most willing to try new things
  • Productivity awardsFantasy Stars Modern Certificate Papers by PaperDirect
  • Most complete classroom notes
  • Best demonstration of humor
  • Most enthusiastic
  • Class/school spirit
  • Most interactive
  • Fostering class discussion
  • Most compelling question
  • Stump the teacher
  • Art that inspires
  • Incredible computer skill
  • Reading for fun
  • Patriotism
  • Fostering unity outside the classroom

The best thing about using observational awards for middle school recognition is that the list can go on forever because unique student achievement never ends.

Beautiful certificates are lasting and meaningful for students, they help improve the learning environment, and help shape a positive future for the students.

February 25, 2015

Why Peer to Peer Recognition is Just as Important as Top Down

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 2:22 pm

certificateCompanies that have a recognition program in place are doing something right. These programs increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover rate substantially.

However, a study conducted by Bersin by Deloitte found that 87 percent of recognition programs focus on tenure rather than performance.

This type of recognition is a holdover from the days when people stayed with a company for 20 or 30 years. These days, though, most employees stay with an employer for an average of 4.4 years. And that is expected to decrease as more and more millennials enter the workforce.

If companies want to retain good employees, their recognition programs need to change with the times.

rewardWhen revising tired old recognition programs, implementing peer-to-peer recognition is a smart place to start.

Why? Because the same study mentioned above also found that employees feel “much better when recognized by their peers.”

Top-down recognition programs can come across as political. The employees who are in the trenches may feel that they will never catch the attention of top management. So for them, there is no real incentive to work harder if they don’t think they have a chance be recognized.

work celebration However, peer-to-peer recognition programs open up the field for anyone to nominate and recognize anyone else within the company. And when someone receives such an award from one’s peers, it also holds more meaning and carries more weight.

Ready to implement a peer-to-peer recognition program? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Get input from employees

This is an essential first step. Ask employees what they’d like to see in a recognition program. What kinds of achievements would they like to recognize? What type of awards would they like to receive themselves? You may not be able to do everything they suggest, but it will give you a good idea of what they find motivating and valuable.

Put together a diverse committee

Make sure all levels in your company are represented on the selection committee. It defeats the purpose if employees nominate but the final selection is made by management.

Get creative with awards

awardFirst, always make sure that the employee receives a certificate and other award that they can display in their work spaces. These can then be supplemented with other creative, out-of-the-box incentives. For example, maybe the employee gets a special parking place or a month’s worth of java at the local coffee shop or a gift certificate for a well-deserved massage.

As always, the more thought your company puts into recognition, the more appreciated and powerful it will be. And the more happy and productive your employees will become.

Contempo Modern Certificates by PaperDirect

Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC BY 3.0

February 23, 2015

8 Recognition Ideas for Your High School Senior

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , , , — PDWriter @ 11:21 am
Graduation Certificate Bundles by PaperDirect

One of the most momentous times in a young adult’s life is their senior year of high school.  It represents the transition to adulthood and is the culmination of years of hard work. One of the ways to acknowledge this special achievement is by incorporating senior recognition ideas into the celebration.

Senior recognition ideas help graduates know that their efforts were noticed and worthwhile.  It also helps them know that they are truly valued and provides wonderful inspiration for their future endeavors.  If you want to celebrate your senior, here are some memorable recognition ideas:

Newspaper Ad

Surprise your senior with a congratulatory ad in the local newspaper. Not only is it a great way to shout from the rooftops, the newspaper also becomes a precious keepsake.

T-shirt Quilt

T-shirt quilt

If you’re unfamiliar with what a T-shirt quilt is, be sure to check them out! Basically, you compile all of your student’s T-shirts from over the years (Soccer clubs, committees, homemade, etc) and create a quilt. It’s the perfect gift for remembering a high school career without lugging all their T-shirts around.

Senior Year Certificates

There is no better way to call out special achievements than with certificates of merit. Certificates can be casual and fun, or even something inspiring!

Slide Show

Slide shows can be the perfect mixture of showing your senior how far they’ve come, while getting to slightly embarrass them while you brag! Play the slide show for your senior year graduate after his/her final exams, the day of commencement, or during your at-home graduation party.

Photo Album

Mark the milestone with a photographic timeline of lifetime achievements. To make it extra special, have friends and family add captions about their memories of the graduate during your family’s graduation party.

Graduation Trophy

Piano Wood Shooting Star Award by PaperDirect

Customize a trophy with something special about your graduate.  You can make the inscription funny or serious. Either way it will be a special reminder of their accomplishments as well as how proud you are of them.

Gift Card

Take your recent grad dorm shopping to buy funky chairs, shag rugs, and mini fridges. Also, be sure to stock them up on their favorite snack for college.

Senior Trip

Whether you take them on an extravagant trip over seas or a weekend camping trip, having one last “hoorah” with your special senior before Senior Year is over is important.

The senior year of high school is filled with endings as well as new beginnings. Senior recognition ideas help make every moment of this time stand out.

February 13, 2015

Quiz: Are you a Joy to Work with? The Worst? Find Out

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 12:40 pm

Are you a joy to work with? The worst? Find out below by taking our quiz. Then print your your free awards and hang them around the office with pride!

Congrats on your employee award! Now its time to show the office what kind of fantastic employee you are.

Download your Free Award Here:

[one_half]The Trend Setter Award

trend setter award

[/one_half][one_half_last]Always on Vacation Award

always on vacation award


[one_half]The Caretaker Award

caretaker award[/one_half][one_half_last]The Human Tornado Award



[one_half]The Surfer Dude Award

surfer award

[/one_half][one_half_last]World’s Worst Employee

worst employee award


Interested in providing your company with more awards? PaperDirect offers standard, specialty and casual award certificates that are perfect for any company, any size, any time of the year. Order yours today and read more about employee recognition on the PaperDirect blog.

February 9, 2015

The Top 5 Reasons Employees are Leaving your Company

Filed under: Recognition & Motivation Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:42 am

The Top 5 Reasons Employees are Leaving

As the new year gets underway, many people take a moment for self-reflection.

  • Does my career fulfill my professional goals?
  • Do I see a future with my employer?
  • Will I be happier if I change jobs?

So, it’s no surprise that many job changes occur during the first of the year. Plus, it’s when most companies post job openings. A new year brings a new financial schedule and untapped budgets, which translates into funding for new hires, according to a Forbes article online.  So, if you love your staff, show it. If not, they might look for greener pastures long before summer. Here’s why according to Inc. Magazine and CBS Moneywatch.

The Top 5 Reasons Employees are Leaving Your Company

1. There’s no advancement opportunities

When someone is hired for a position, they generally hope and strive to improve and move into a more senior position within their department or the company as a whole.

If you’re skipping annual reviews and fail to promote from within when a position becomes available, you’re at risk of losing some of your best talent.

Suggestion: Announce open positions within the company to staff a week before making it public. Let them know how much you value their dedication to the company and that they will be given the opportunity to apply first.

2. It’s difficult to balance work and family life.

balance Some employees turn in a resignation letter because it’s simply too difficult to afford childcare or care for an aging parent while holding down a job.

Although it’s difficult for employers to know about these issues at home, they can take a proactive approach to making their employees’ lives outside the office a bit easier.

Suggestion: Offer company perks such as a discounted rate a local daycare or with an in-home nursing care provider. Many companies negotiate group and corporate rates with businesses. All you have to do is ask!

3. There’s no pay increase in sight

pay increase For most employees, the paycheck is what brought them to the door and keeps them at their desk. We all need money to live, but when you see friends and family members getting raises or annual salary adjustments to keep up with inflation from their employers, it can be tough to stay at the same job

Suggestion: Putting a pay raise freeze in effect during tough economic times or when a company is struggling might be a reality. If you simply can’t offer pay raises right now, keep your employees content with other small gestures of gratitude.

An annual monetary bonus just before the holidays or a friendly quarterly contest with the chance to win some cash can keep employees happy.

4. The co-workers don’t get along

Unfortunately some office settings become as catty as the halls of a local high school.

When making new hires, think about the dynamic of the office culture and whether or not possible new employee will fit in. If there’s existing turmoil, take action ASAP to diffuse any future situations. Not surprisingly, the biggest rifts exist between bosses and the people they supervise.

Suggestion: Plan a monthly team-building activity. This can be as simple as a long, catered lunch with a guided exercise at the office, or a full day outing.

The goal for employees is to get to know more about one another, open up about their concerns and learn how to work through their feelings with the guidance of a professional workplace psychologist in a non-clinical setting.

5. You’re never recognized for a job well done

rewardIt’s incredibly easy to get wrapped up in weekly goals, which turn into monthly quotas and then quarterly reports. Sometimes as a business owner, you need to step back and celebrate the small steps that it takes to make the business run as a whole. Your employees will appreciate that you’re taking notice of their day-to-day dedication and extra efforts.

Suggestion: Make it a priority to celebrate both big and small accomplishments around the office. Send a congratulations out to the staff by email when a department lands a new account or place an award on the office door of someone who just finished a huge project that laid the groundwork for company success. There’s always something going on worth commending.

Is your employee turnover rate getting a little high? Maybe it’s time to conduct an anonymous staff survey to learn what employees love (and dislike) about their jobs.

In the meantime, plan a simple employee appreciation party on a Friday afternoon, complete with delicious catered snacks and humorous awards, to make the staff feel appreciated.

Paper Direct can help you get started. Browse the company’s online collection of certificates, awards, plaques and trophies to make your employees feel appreciated.


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