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August 22, 2012

Fall Themed Certificates for Seasonal Awards

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Sienna Specialty CertificatesPaperDirect has a number of seasonal designs to make award certificates appropriate for the time of year. Fall themed certificates are designed with the lovely, earthy colors of Autumn such as shades of yellow, orange, brown, red and copper. When making fall themed certificates for students, employees, or family members, be sure to use quality stock paper from PaperDirect and choose a design befitting the season. Check out these beautiful fall themed certificates exclusively from PaperDirect:

Remember that PaperDirect will custom print your fall award certificates. Let’s take a look at some of your options when it comes to printing certificates from PaperDirect. Desktop printable standard certificates are 8.5″ X 11″, white parchment paper, full-color designs and come in boxes of one hundred. The paper is laser and inkjet compatible. Custom printed fall themed certificates come in seven different colors, and we will do free logo and photo uploads. You customize your layout, font and ink color. We produce professionally Decorative Specialty Certificatesprinted, folded and boxed fall-themed certificates for all types of awards.

You can order a sample from PaperDirect to see the high quality products we create. A sample is just a single piece of a paper product so you can see and feel the quality of our work. All samples are full size, and you may order up to eight different paper products per sample order for a $5 shipping charge. Ordering a sample is easy! Simply find the product you want and click “Add to Sample to Cart” or you can call PaperDirect at 1-800-272-7377 to place your sample order. Samples are shipped first class mail and usually arrive within 3-5 business days, depending upon your location. You can pay $10 for express delivery, and we ask that you pay a $5 shipping and handling charge, which you will receive back in the form of a $5 coupon off your next order!

Swirls of Autumn LetterTop CertificatesPaperDirect also has a Certificates Template Software 2010 CD for $34.99. This amazing piece of software is for the person who spends a great deal of time making certificates as this is a HUGE time and money saver! The software lays out your certificate for you and offers 25 different headings in three different styles. It even offers suggested wording for over 20 types of awards. The Certificate Templates CD is compatible with Microsoft Word® 97 and above in PC and MAC versions.

Looking for some certificate award ideas? Check out these blogs from PaperDirect:

July 25, 2012

How to Design a Certificate for Student Achievements

Excellence Specialty Certificates

With the new school year just a few weeks away for many students in the United States, it’s time for teachers, other school personnel, and parents to begin thinking of ways to reward students for good grades, improved behavior, better attendance, a more positive attitude, and increased effort, just to name a few. There are a number of student achievements that can be acknowledged with a certificate that you can design and print (with a little  help from PaperDirect) in no time at all. Whether you want to print a single certificate or a large number at once, PaperDirect can help you produce lovely, professional-looking student award certificates for all types of school achievements for children of all ages!

Design Your Own Student Achievement Certificates

Festive Streamers Casual Certificates

Standard certificates are inexpensive, and PaperDirect has student achievement templates available to download allowing you to print certificates in a matter of minutes because the layout and wording have already been done for you. All you have to do is put the recipient’s name and date on the certificate and print it out! With the ease and convenience of designing and printing your own student award certificates, what, at first, may have seemed like a daunting task, is a breeze!

Templates for Student Certificates

PaperDirect has templates for virtually every occasion, and if you have a student achievement that requires a certificate of appreciation template that is not featured on our website, making changes to templates is easy. And the certificate design templates are  to the exact specifications of the paper so there they will come out perfectly every time.

Festive Starlight Specialty Certificates

To really jazz up student achievement certificates, you can order certificate frames for them. Not only do the frames look great, but they will preserve the quality of the certificate, so it can last forever. Low cost, ease of production and flexibility with the student achievements templates make giving student award certificates one of the best parts of a very challenging job!

PaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for all your student (and employee) recognition needs. If you need ideas on how to recognize students for a job well done, check out these PaperDirect blogs:

July 23, 2012

Stylish Top Performer Trophies for the New School Year

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 1:07 pm

Star Accent AwardWith the new school year quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about ordering top performer trophies for your star students. PaperDirect has a large selection of trophies of all shapes and sizes, and they can be engraved with whatever message you need. Being recognized for a job well done is a very good feeling, and it’s so very important that children of all ages receive some sort of recognition when they do well or even just put forth their best effort but don’t necessarily “win” top honors. Getting a trophy not only inspires the recipient but affects those around the recipient as well.

Even when a student tries to appear too “cool” to receive a trophy or acts like he doesn’treally want it, it’s a natural human emotion to feel pride when you’re rewarded for doing a good job. It’s normal to feel proud

Shooting Star Award

of accomplishing something or being the best at something. Even the coolest kid will probably rush home to show off the trophy and display it in the living room or bedroom with a huge smile on his face. No one is too cool to get a trophy, no matter how hard they try to act like it’s no big deal.

Custom Engraved Top Performers’ Trophies (and Plaques)

With PaperDirect, after you choose the trophy or trophies you like, you can add an engraved logo and the text of your choice to our custom trophies and plaques. You can put the name of the recipient, the date, and the specific name of the award such as “Most Improved Student,” “Highest Math Grade,” “Best Attendance,” or “Most Helpful.” If you’re the mother (or father) of a senior in high school, you may be asked to help out on the graduation ceremony or what is called the Senior Superlatives Night. This is a fun ceremony in which senior are recognized for being the “Funniest,” “Most Likely to Succeed,” “Best Personality,” Prettiest Eyes,” “Best Couple,” “Most Athletic,” and “Best Friends.”

Star Acrylic AwardWith PaperDirect’s custom engraving, the top performers in your school will have something they can keep forever–something that will become more meaningful to them with each passing year.

Check out these stylish top performer trophies and note the variety of styles and designs PaperDirect offers. With custom engraving on all trophies and plaques and easy online ordering, PaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for student recognition and motivation ideas that really work.

If trophies are a bit out of your budget range, there are creative, inexpensive ways to reward students. Check out these PaperDirect blogs for some ideas:






July 18, 2012

Creative Student Recognition Ideas for the New School Year

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Achievement Border Specialty CertificatesComing up with creative student recognition ideas can be a challenge with each new school year. PaperDirect is here to help. If you’re a veteran teacher, or even if you’re a rookie, you may be struggling with student recognition ideas so you don’t give out the same old rewards that are given out each year and have come to be less meaningful to the recipients. The first step in the process of buying or making creative student recognition “prizes” for the new school year is to spend some time getting to know your students.

Show Interest by Asking Questions

Many teachers, on the very first day of Honor Roll Award Casual Certificatesschool, ask their students to fill out a questionnaire so they can find out what their students are “into” when they’re not in school. If you have not tried this, you will find yourself amazed at what some of your students do in their free time. Many have jobs, fascinating hobbies, interesting family lives and other things going on that you’d never suspect had you not shown interest through your questions. Of course, you must be careful to not ask personal questions concerning religion, ethnicity, political beliefs, etc.

If you’re a new teacher, have a veteran teacher review your questions just to make sure they’re “politically correct.” What you may consider an innocent question, such as “What does your father do for a living?” may be a sore subject with a student and cause him/her to shut down and refuse to answer any other questions. Be as neutral and benign in your questions as possible. To be safe, you can make the questionnaire optional or emphasize that the students answer only the questions they feel comfortable addressing.

Match the Reward to the Accomplishment and Student

PaperDirect has a large selection of award certificates, plaques and trophies that you can Academic Award Casual Certificatesengrave or design with special messages to your students. Whether it’s most improved, best attendance or highest grade, be sure the reward matches the accomplishment and the student’s personality. If you think a student will find a certificate or plaque corny, then that’s where the creativity must come in. Here are some creative student recognition ideas to get the new year started off right:

  • Buy the student breakfast
  • Award privileges to the student (leaving early, running errands to other classrooms, time in the library or media room)
  • A homework pass
  • Ice cream party at end of day
  • Pizza party
  • Gift cards to favorite hangouts and restaurants
  • Hand-written thank you card
  • Positive phone call home to the parents
  • Lunch with the principal
  • Lunch off campus
  • Lunch delivered to the student compliments of the school or teacher

Creative student recognition ideas need not be expensive. Some of the most meaningful rewards for well-deserving students don’t cost any money at all! Check out these PaperDirect blogs to get more ideas about student recognition for the new year:



July 11, 2012

Motivational Pins Are Cost Effective Student Rewards

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Together we make a Difference Pin by PaperDirectStudents of all ages (no matter how “cool” they are) appreciate being acknowledged for doing a good job or for improving upon something like behavior, perfect attendance or grades. While certificate awards are definitely morale boosters and plaques and trophies look great on the wall or shelf, there really isn’t any way a student can take his/her reward around where it can be seen (nothing wrong with showing off a bit, right?).

Motivational pins can be used as a reward for student achievement and as an incentive for other students striving to better themselves. While some students may act as though recognition is not a big deal, every parent and teacher knows that children of all ages like a pat on the back every now and then. Motivational pins are inexpensive, attractive and can be worn on any type of clothing.

Recognition awards like motivational pins not only shows the student his good work, attitude, behavior, or attendance is being acknowledged, but they show other students that good work does not go unnoticed. Whether it’s an award for achievement such as “Highest Math Grade” or an award for someone who is showing improvement like “Most Improved Classroom Behavior,” motivational pins can be worn every day and serve as a constant reminder of what the student did to earn that pin.

Perfect Attendance PinStudent recognition awards like motivational pins actually serve two purposes. They’re designed to show appreciation for deserving students, and they’re designed to help boost morale amongst in other students. Having a recognition program using certificate awards, lapel pins, plaques and trophies is an effective tool to reward and motivate students throughout the school year.

Seeing all the awesome recognition lapel pins available from PaperDirect will give you ideas about how to best utilize them for motivating and rewarding students.

June 27, 2012

Motivational Gifts Perfect For Summer and Gift-giving Tips

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Be The One Water BottleWith summer upon us, it’s time for employers to start thinking about motivational gifts for employees, and if you’re the office manager who has been assigned this task, PaperDirect has some ideas that may make your job just a little bit easier this summer. For employees fortunate enough to have a boss that shows his/her appreciation with gifts, summer is a great time to give creative, yet practical, motivational gifts that can be used during the warm summer months.

  • Water bottles have become one of the most popular motivational gifts for employees in recent years. Many people Extra Mile Tote Bagtake a water bottle with them wherever they go, especially in the hot summer months, so a water bottle is a considerate and practical motivational gift for the summertime. Add that extra special touch by having the water bottle personalized for your deserving employee.
  • Tote bags (perfect for the beach, pool or any summertime excursion) are a great motivational gift for employees that can be used during summertime and year-round.

Tips for Employee Gift Giving

Be Fair – Try and keep your gifts fair where cost is concerned, especially if everyone is pretty equal in their job duties and salaries. Giving one person an expensive gift and another employee an inexpensive gift is a sure way to create resentment and hard feelings.

Be Gender Neutral – Stay away from gender specific gifts such as football or baseball tickets for the men and necklaces for the women. The office is not the place

for gender specific gifts.

Don’t Overspend – Company picnics are

Great Job Star Tote Bag

fun for everyone but consider your employee gifts as an expense and budget for that expense.

Do It Yourself – As a small business owner, don’t assign all the employee gift buying to one of your employees. Do it yourself or ask a friend, associate or relative to help you.

Cards or Thank You Notes – A nice card along with a personal hand-written note to go along with your gift is the perfect touch and will be appreciated.


May 23, 2012

Ways to Tell Your Teachers How Much They Mean To You

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Appreciation Border Specialty CertificatesBeing a school teacher is one of the toughest, most admirable professions one can choose. It’s an often thankless job that requires hours and hours of work after the school day is over, evening meetings, event chaperoning, and sometimes even weekend work grading papers and preparing for the following week’s lessons.

If you are a teacher, were a teacher or know a teacher, you understand that teaching is not easy. You have lives in your hands each and every day, and everything you say and do somehow impacts the students in your classroom. If you’re not a teacher but appreciate the work they do, or if your child has told you how much a teacher has meant to them, there are many ways you can show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Let’s take a look at some teacher appreciation ideas that are thoughtful and affordable.

Feel free to come up with your own teacher appreciation ideas or use any of these. Teachers will be so thankful that their work has not gone unnoticed. Shop online at PaperDirect for teacher appreciation gifts today!




May 9, 2012

Appreciation Quotes: Tips for Expressing Gratitude

Filed under: How to Design Certificates — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am
Thanks NoteCards

If you’re a business owner or manager, it’s important to recognize your employees for a job well done. You can show your appreciation of your staff in a number of ways that don’t cost anything at all. For instance, appreciation quotes posted on their desk or in the break area are a unique inspirational and motivational tool that will let your employees know you value their work and provide incentive to keep doing a great job.

Let’s take a look at some appreciation quotes that can be used for various types of recognition. Some of these sayings can be spoken or written to your employee while others are just inspirational messages about gratitude and appreciation. Use them as you see fit in the workplace, classroom, or even at home.

Rockledge NoteCards

One way they can be used is on an award certificate. PaperDirect has an extensive selection of various certificates that you can order online, but we also have certificate templates that allow you to create your own. Whether you need just one certificate of appreciation or one hundred, PaperDirect has the tools you need to design and print certificates with appreciation quotes. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”William James
  • “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” William Arthur Ward
  • “Celebrate what you want to see more of.” Tom Peters
  • The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them.” – G.K. Chesterton
  • “Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.” – Sam Walton
  • “Next to excellence is the appreciation of it.” – William Makepeace Thackeray
  • “Encouraged people achieve the best; dominated people achieve second best; neglected people achieve the least.” Anonymous
  • “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”- Leo Buscaglia
  •  “I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.” Charles Schwab

  • “In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong.” – John Ruskin

  •  “Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” – Margaret Cousins

If you have not told someone how much you appreciate him or her, why not start today? Shop PaperDirect, your one-stop online source for all types of recognition and motivation certificates and awards, and Thank You Cards

April 19, 2012

9 Goofy Awards for Team Building

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: , , — Kristine Richards @ 8:00 am
goofy office awards

If you like the sitcom “The Office,” you may remember “The Dundies” that Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell) awarded to his Dunder Mifflin employees during a ceremony at the local Chili’s restaurant.

Remember Pam’s “Whitest Sneakers” award? While Carell’s character did not use the best judgment when it came time to present goofy awards to his employees, you can make a goofy award ceremony for employees an annual occurrence to boost morale and have a little fun during (or after) the workday.

Why Host an Event?

Hosting some type of fun event during the workday is a  great way to keep employees motivated, show them you appreciate their hard work, and maintain a light, enjoyable work environment.

You know the old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…” All work and no play in the workplace will create an atmosphere of drudgery, unhappiness, and lack of enthusiasm. One great way to motivate employees and create a light, fun atmosphere in the office is to give goofy awards in a company- or department-wide awards ceremony.

Recognition Certificates

PaperDirect has recognition certificates for all occasions and in all different types of styles, so there’s definitely something for all types of tastes. PaperDirect certificate templates assist you in designing and printing certificate layouts.

Our free desktop printable templates format your certificate automatically, with preset margins, borders, and tabs. Recognition certificates from PaperDirect make quick and easy goofy awards for team building efforts.

Goofy Award Ideas

Due to the sensitive nature of the workplace, you’ll want to avoid references to appearance or character traits that could potentially embarrass recipients. For office party settings, create funny awards that focus on humorous situations common to the workplace. Here are some examples of goofy awards that you can give to employees to motivate, inspire, and build a sense of camaraderie:

surfer award

The office is where many people spend almost a quarter of their time during a given week, and for some, it’s even more. Working in an office environment can be stressful and tedious at times. That’s where funny office awards come in handy!

These awards were created to provide office humor and entertainment by recognizing office workers for their entertaining gifts. These funny awards are perfect for company events and parties and are great for everyday office humor and jokes. Shop for the perfect certificates and other quick gifts, like Lapel Pins and Trophies, to showcase your goofy awards on PaperDirect today!

April 18, 2012

Employee Anniversary Recognition–Appropriate Gifts

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Double Star Business Card Letter Holder Recognition of employees is something that supervisors, owners, and CEO’s must make time and effort for.


Because studies have shown that when employees feel appreciated and valuable, they tend to be more productive and are more vested in their company’s success.

When it comes to employee anniversary recognition gifts, even those that are not expensive, are greatly appreciated. The smallest gesture can mean the world to hard-working employees, especially those who have worked for the company for several years.

If you’re struggling with ideas, here are some appropriate gift ideas to recognize a loyal employee’s years of service to your company.


Classic Appreciation

Certificates of appreciation, plaques, and trophies are very common anniversary recognition gifts.

These can all be personalized with the employee’s name, years of service and can be placed in the employee’s office for others to see.

PaperDirect has a large selection of employee certificates, plaques and trophies, and to jazz award certificates up a bit, we carry certificate holders and jackets, embossed certificate seals and frames to preserve their quality and make them last for many years.Premier Blue Standard Certificates

We offer award certificate templates to assist you in design and printing certificate layouts.

Our free desktop printable templates format your certificate automatically, with preset margins, borders and tabs.

We also offer a certificate template CD with certificate headings for professional results. Whether you need one or one hundred certificates, PaperDirect’s desktop printable templates make certificate creation extremely fast and easy.

Personalized Gifts

If you’re looking for something more creative, PaperDirect has many motivational employee gifts including clocks, paperweights, pins, banners, and personalized gifts including key rings, business card holders, and mugs.


A great way to find out what gift to get your employees for their anniversaries is to learn a little bit about what they do in their free time.

For instance, if you know one of your employees is an amateur photographer, picture frames make a great gift. How about a gift card to their favorite restaurant or movie theatre passes for the movie buffs in the office?

Inexpensive Ideas

Employee anniversary recognition gifts that cost nothing, but that are greatly appreciated are “free” days off, long lunches, acknowledgement in the company newsletter, a small office pot luck luncheon, and public recognition at a staff meeting. Take your employee to lunch at his favorite restaurant or allow him to leave early on a Friday afternoon.

How about a work-from-home day, if his job allows it or a late arrival day? Employees loves little perks like this, and sometimes “privileges” are enjoyed more than a tangible gift such as a plaque or coffee mug.

Excellence II Deluxe Embossed Foil SealsWhatever employee anniversary recognition gift you choose, your employee will be appreciative, and the gift will show him that you recognize his contribution to the company.

There’s no need to spend a lot of money on employee anniversary recognition, but it is important that you make the time and put forth the effort to honor the loyal employees who have been with you for as little as one year or as long as twenty years.

There is no worse feeling than thinking you’re not appreciated at work, so find out when your employees’ anniversaries are coming up and make some plans to recognize their great work and continued loyalty to your company.


April 4, 2012

Field Day Sports Certificates

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Good Sport LetterTop Certificates

Who doesn’t remember your school’s “field day” toward the end of the school year–the day the whole school competed in a variety of outdoor competitions like the egg toss, three-legged race and relay races? If your principal were cool enough, you may have even gotten to have a dunking booth with your teachers in the hot seat. Field day is a day that both students and teachers look forward to because it’s a way to celebrate the end of a great year, teach sportsmanshipand just have fun outside of the classroom.

If you’re getting ready for your field day, you will need sports certificates to award the winners and for those who participated but may have fallen short of first, second or third place. PaperDirect is your online shopping source for award certificates to fit just about any occasion and any age group.Fantasy Stars Casual Certificates

PaperDirect has certificates for just about every accomplishment, so the only problem you may have is choosing which design you like best. Want to design and print your own? We can teach you how to make do-it-yourself award certificates for all occasions. All you need to provide is the computer! If you want to create your own professional-looking sports certificates, PaperDirect has award certificate templates to help you design and print certificates, and you will be amazed at how easy it is. Our free desktop printable templates format your certificate automatically, with preset margins, borders and tabs. We also offer a certificate template CD with a variety of certificate headings so you can make as many certificates as you like whenever you like.Athletic Award Casual Certificates

If you would like a pre-designed desktop printable certificate, we offer free individual certificate templates. Simply find the certificate design you wish to purchase and click “Choose a Template” on the product page of our website. Then select either a Word or Publisher template. PaperDirect will email a certificate template right to you at no charge.

Award certificates are fun, and with added features like certificate seals and certificate jackets and folders, they can last forever.

March 28, 2012

Attendance Certificates for Your Star Students

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Perfect Attendance Award Casual CertificatesOne of the keys to student success is good attendance–it’s hard to succeed in school if you’re not there every day. If you’re a school teacher and want to reward your students who have shown perfect attendance throughout the year or semester, attendance certificates from PaperDirect are a great way to acknowledge students and provide them with something they can keep forever.

Certificate seals, certificate jackets and certificate folders and laminating certificates will enhance the attendance certificates and preserve their condition, so they look brand new even years later. PaperDirect is your one-stop online source for everything a teacher needs to reward good attendance.Star Student Award Casual Certificates

PaperDirect offers you the best variety of award certificates for students and do-it-yourself award certificates for all occasions.  We can do just about anything you want with printable certificates and certificate paper, and you’ll find everything you need to custom design attendance certificates for students of all ages with our award certificate templates. The templates make designing and formatting professional-looking certificates easier than you ever imagined.

With dozens of award certificates to choose from, you can pick the certificate paper design that best matches the accomplishment, so attendance certificates can be custom printed to say exactly what you want to say: “Perfect attendance,” “Improved attendance,” dates, names, and any other information you’d like to include. Check out our vast selection of award certificates:

Golden Star Casual CertificatesPaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for everything you need for student, employee and team recognition ideas. Need some tips on how to make DIY (do-it-yourself) certificates? Check out this PaperDirect blog: “Do-It-Yourself Certificate Tips.”

March 21, 2012

Plaque Awards for Improved Grades or Behavior

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Encircle Casual CertificatesIf you’re a teacher and are looking for a meaningful, long-lasting way to reward students for good grades or exemplary behavior, you may want to consider plaque awards. PaperDirect has an extensive line of plaque awards from which to choose. You can have them custom engraved for a singular achievement, or you can order what is called a “Perpetual Award Plaque,” which includes the names of past recipients and additional space for future winners of the award.

You can choose from walnut, oak or slide-in plaques to honor your deserving students. Slide-in Certificate Wall PlaqueOur wall plaques have beautiful wood or acrylic frames with foil accents that can be engraved with your special message. Some of our best sellers are the Cherry Piano Wood Wall Plaque Kit and the Laminated Finish Wall Plaque Kits. Matted plaques and plaques with photos are also available from PaperDirect.

If you are looking for a less expensive way to reward deserving students, PaperDirect has a vast selection of award certificates that can also be custom designed exactly to your liking. To learn more about how plaque awards can be used to reward excellence, check out this PaperDirect blog, “Plaque Awards Your Employees Will Appreciate.”

Starlight Specialty Certificates

March 14, 2012

Reward Your Future Rock Stars with Music Award Certificates

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Music Award Casual CertificatesIf you have a musically-talented student or child that you’d like to reward for a job well done, music award certificates are a great way to reward your future rock star with a professional-looking reward that will last forever.

PaperDirect has desktop printable award certificates that are standard size and can be made with full-color designs. Our desktop printable music award certificates are laser and inkjet compatible and allow you to design and print right from your very own home, classroom or office.On the Spot Casual Certificates

Another option for creating music award certificates is to have PaperDirect print them for you, just design the certificates online, it’s that easy.  You can choose from seven different colors, choose the font and ink color, and in no time at all, you will have professionally printed and boxed 8.5″ X 11″ music award certificates to present to deserving recipients. PaperDirect prints and ships most orders in just 1-2 days!

Star Photo Casual CertificatesWe also have certificate accessories including certificate seals and certificate jackets to keep the music award certificate looking brand new for years.

To learn more about making your own award certificates, please read “Make Certificates at Home: Save Money and Time” to get step-by-step instructions for DIY certificates.

March 7, 2012

Honor Roll Certificates for Student Recognition

Filed under: Student Recognition Ideas — Tags: , , , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am
Honor Roll Award Casual Certificates

An honor roll certificate provides students of all ages a sense of accomplishment, and awards can be great motivators to continue to do good work. Honor roll certificates for student recognition are inexpensive, easy to create, and greatly appreciated by the recipient. PaperDirect has an extensive line of casual certificates that can be used for all types of student recognition including honor roll lists, citizenship awards, attendance awards, and improved behavior recognition.

PaperDirect has everything you need to create unique certificate awards for students of all ages. You will find exactly what you’re looking for in our huge selection of designs from traditional and subdued to vibrant and festive. Choose from several high-quality stock papers in standard 8.5″ x 11″ size and use our FREE downloadable templates to customize them on your own computer and printer AND on your own time. We also offer Custom-Made Certificates–imagine the time and money you will save by having PaperDirect create your honor roll and other student recognition certificates for you.

PaperDirect also has certificate “accessories” to jazz up your wonderful student recognition awards. For instance, certificate jackets in a variety of designs, embossing and sizes, will keep your certificates safe from wear and tear. Certificate seals add a glimmering finishing touch to your honor roll certificate and come in a variety of styles to match your award and/or school mascot.

PaperDirect is your online shopping source for honor roll certificates and other forms of student recognition like plaques, trophies and motivational gifts. Need more student recognition ideas? Read “Thoughtful Student Recognition Ideas” and “School Certificate Templates Help Appreciate Students’ Achievements.”

February 29, 2012

Employee Anniversary Recognition: Let Your Staff Know You Care

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Formal Blue Standard CertificatesAll employees remember the day they were hired, and it is important to acknowledge an employee’s dedication and service to you and your company on their anniversary.

If you are an office manager who has been asked to come up with some employee anniversary recognition ideas, or if you own a business and need some ideas about how to recognize your employees’ anniversaries, we have some ideas for you.

Whether it’s one year or twenty years, employee anniversary recognition is crucial and will be appreciated by the employee you honor, even if it’s just a small gesture.

Tips for TrackingIntricate Scroll Standard Certificates

If you own or manage a large company, you should create some type of system to keep track of employees’ hire dates. Even if you manage only a few employees, it’s important to have an organized system to know the hire dates for everyone, from the mail room to the board room. Everyone’s anniversary should be recognized in some way.

The easiest way we have found is to add it to a Google Calendar and mark it to “repeat every year” This will keep it from creeping up on you.

Why Yearly Recognition?

While some employees are fortunate enough to get raises each year as a way of recognition, in tough economic times, a monetary reward is not always possible to recognize an employee’s anniversary. Instead, there are many other creative, inexpensive ways you can recognize an employee’s service that are meaningful and will be cherished by that employee for years to come.

Recognition Ideas

Cosmos Standard CertificatesThink of an employee’s anniversary as a career birthday, so make your recognition sincere, meaningful and personal.

And while employee anniversary recognition does not have to be formal and costly, it must be genuine.

A handwritten note or thank you card is thoughtful and inexpensive. Instead of sending an email, take the time to write a personal note to the employee and mention something unique he/she has contributed to the company. This is much more meaningful than a generic email that reads “Happy third year anniversary. Thanks for your hard work.” Write something that will let that employee know you truly appreciate the specific contributions he/she has made to the success of your company. Employee recognition motivates and provides incentive for continuing hard work.

The Importance of Individual Recognition

Large companies often have a “group” celebration for anniversaries, but it’s much more thoughtful to acknowledge an employee’s anniversary separately.

On special anniversaries (five, ten or fifteen years) managers should mark the occasion with an extra special gift or recognition ceremony. It’s not necessary to spend exorbitantly, but keep in mind that your employees have contributed to your success and profit.

Why not give a little back by purchasing a nice gift?

When giving gifts to employees on their anniversary, do your research. Find out what your employees’ interests are such as hobbies, favorite restaurants, special talents they have, etc. This will make the employee anniversary gift more personal and will show the employee you took the time to find out a little bit about him or her. On the flip side, giving the employee a choice from a selection of gifts is a great way to keep your recognition program efficient and simple.

PaperDirect has an extensive line of recognition and motivation gifts and products. We have a vast array of award certificates, plaques and trophies for employee anniversary recognition.

February 22, 2012

Steps to Develop Employee Reward Programs

Filed under: Employee Recognition Ideas — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Shimmering Gold Foil Specialty CertificatesFor employee reward programs to be meaningful to both the award recipient and others in the department, they should be tied to the department’s goals, mission, or values. As an owner or manager who must develop an employee reward program, you can determine the goals and purpose of the program yourself, or you can ask employees to offer suggestions. Another idea is to conduct an employee opinion survey that will help to identify preferred types of awards, establish nomination and selection procedures, and determine the frequency and method(s) of award presentation. The University of Washington has implemented these steps to successfully create employee reward programs that really work.

Step One: Establish the purpose and criteria for the employee reward program

The most important aspect of all employee reward programs is that they are fair and that all employees understand the criteria that will be used for recognition. Here are some suggestions for types of employee rewards:Crystal Top Star Award

  • Teamwork
  • Going above and beyond the call of duty
  • Customer service
  • Creativity
  • Performance
  • Length of service
  • Leadership ability
  • Flexibility

Step Two: Form a Committee

Getting employees involved in this process will help ensure the employee reward program is fair and helps to create a feeling of ownership in the program, which makes it more meaningful to the employees.

Step Three: Determine Award Eligibility & Frequency

For this step you should consider:

  • Employment status: Is the award available only to all employees full and part-time? Permanent and temporary?
  • Is length of service a considering (does the employee have to so many months or years with the company to be eligible?)
  • Can a member of the employee reward selection committee be nominated for the award?
  • How frequently can the same individual receive the same award?

The selection committee must also decide if the nomination process is anonymous or will the nominee know who nominated him or her? Who is eligible to nominate? How are nominations to be submitted?

Step Four: Set a budget and determine types of awards

Awards don’t have to be costly; award certificates are fairly inexpensive and can be designed for a number of awards. Plaques and trophies are often presented to award winners.

Step Five: Monitor the employee reward program

As your departmental goals and needs change, so employee reward programs. You should review the awards and their criteria to make sure they are still relevant and meaningful to employees and the department each year. Adding an award to an existing program to highlight a new initiative may be all that is needed to keep the program up to date. Consider conducting an occasional employee survey to measure the effectiveness and value of the employee reward program and for new ideas.

Read the PaperDirect blog for more ideas on employee reward programs and employee recognition ideas.

February 15, 2012

Make Certificates at Home: Save Money and Time

Fireworks Casual CertificatesDid you know you can save money by making your own award certificates for virtually any occasion? PaperDirect is not only able to explain the step-by-step instructions for making professional, attractive award certificates, but our one-stop online store has just about everything you need to make just one certificate or hundreds at a time (all you need is a word processor). Whether you’re making certificates for employees, students or to honor someone on a special occasion, you have come to the right place.

  1. The first step in making certificates is to choose a blank certificate from our extensive line of certificates with decorative border designs in many different styles. You will find blank certificates with traditional borders, seasonal borders like snowflakes and autumn adornments, and certificates in both portrait and landscape format. With almost 500 blank certificates from which to choose, we’re sure you’ll find one you’ll love.Jets Photo Casual Certificates
  2. The next step is to download a template for the certificate to be used in your word processor. All you have to do is include the personal information such as the recipient’s name, the reason for the award, the date, and any other additional information you’d like to add. PaperDirect even has a certificate template CD to assist you in the formatting and printing of your certificates. The CD will automatically set up your margins, borders, tabs and font once you’ve made your selections.
  3. When you have created the certificate to your desired specifications, simply hit the “print” button, and in no time at all, you will have a professional-looking personalized award certificate that anyone would be thrilled to receive.
  4. To jazz up your certificate even more, simply add graphics such as a company logo, tagline or some other image to add that “wow” factor.
  5. Finally, choose one of PaperDirect’s many certificate accessories such as an embossed certificate seal, certificate holder, or certificate frame to ensure this special award from the heart lasts forever.

Football Photo Casual CertificatesHave you ever wondered how to make a certificate for an employee, colleague, student or special friend? Making certificates is easy with PaperDirect! If you’re looking for some creative ideas, please read some more helpful blogs about making certificates such as “How to Word a Certificate Award,” Printable Certificate Templates to Use Anywhere,” and “Ideas for Student Classroom Rewards.”

February 8, 2012

Certificate Design Ideas for All Occasions

Renaissance Standard Certificate PaperPaperDirect has a large variety of certificates you can design yourself for just about any occasion you can think of! If you are looking for some certificate design ideas, you have come to the right place. You can use certificates for so many different occasions, and they’re also a great way to show your appreciation for an employee’s hard work or your child’s improvement in school.

PaperDirect has certificates based on theme, occasion, professions, seasons and holidays. The dozens of choices we offer allow you to pick the ideal certificate design to mark the special occasion you’re acknowledging or celebrating.Scroll Specialty Certificates

We have casual certificates, specialty certificates, cachet certificates, award certificates, gift certificates and letter top certificates in a variety of lovely designs for all tastes. We have floral and tropical designs and plain designs, so you can choose the style that best fits the occasion. Certificates are often used to recognize and motivate employees and students, but they are also an excellent marketing tool to offer special deals, promote your new business or announce an upcoming event such as a big sale or grand opening. Certificates are so versatile that they can be used for virtually any occasion just as a flyer would be used.

Above Beyond Deluxe Embossed Foil SealsPaperDirect also has a large selection of certificate holders and frames to jazz up your certificate design. Employees and students will be proud to show off their award certificate, and for an added touch you can add an embossed certificate seal. Adding certificate seals to certificates you’ve designed and printed makes them look professional and elegant. Use a word processor, download the free template for your certificate and then custom print a certificate for the special recipient. Apply an embossed certificate seal and voila’!  It’s that simple with printable certificate designs from PaperDirect. Creating certificates using templates is easy and inexpensive. You can create a single certificate or hundreds in just a few minutes. Why spend a lot of money on a variety of certificates when you can make them for any occasion right from your home computer?

PaperDirect has everything you need for great certificate design ideas to celebrate an achievement, recognize a much-improved student or employee or give a gift certificate at the holidays. Shop PaperDirect, your one-stop online certificate headquarters, today!

February 3, 2012

Employee Motivation Ideas for the New Year

Extra Mile NotebookThe start of the new year can be a slow time for many companies, especially retail companies (post-holiday down slide) and other types of businesses involved in sales. Businesses often tighten their belts after the holidays, and your sales staff may be lacking motivation to pursue new leads. To get things moving and keep your business going, you should try to implement tactics designed to renew your staff’s interest in selling. In doing so, you can create enthusiasm, boost incentive, and help your business thrive in the new year. While these ideas are geared more toward the sales industry, these employee motivation ideas can be applied in some fashion to most any business.

Contests are a good motivator to get Extra Mile Tote Bagemployees off to an enthusiastic start to the new year. A sales contest can be a way to re-energize your sales team and fire up their competitive spirit. Design a competition based on your sales needs: focus on new customers, for example, or who can get the most new leads. Instead of having a long-term contest where prizes are not awarded until the end of the year, aim for short-term contests to keep the excitement going and give recognition to winners as the contest progresses to provide added incentive to keep up the hard work. Make sure the prizes/recognition are worthwhile. Receiving a reward that has no meaning or value will not motivate your employees to keep up their pace.

You can’t deny that cash is the greatest incentive for most employees, especially after the holidays most people are a bit strapped for cash. Choose a specific goal you want your staff to achieve, one that will help your business address a weak area or achieve a strategic goal. Set a time limit and individual goals and then reward your staff with cash when the goal(s) are met.

Extra Mile NoteCardsBe flexible in your employees’ work schedule and location of where they work. In the dreary winter months at the start of the new year, give your staff the freedom to work from wherever makes them most comfortable, whether it’s a coffee shop or from their own home, if that’s feasible. By giving them the freedom to design the working environment that works best for them, you may see an improvement in performance. Some employers feel that allowing staff to work from home will decrease their productivity, but, many businesses have found that the opposite is true. When given the privilege to work outside the office in a more comfortable environment, many employees tend to be even more productive. They want to prove that it’s not necessary for them to be tied to their office desk nine hours a day in order to meet or exceed company and individual goals.

If you sense your staff members need motivation to improve their sales, reward progress with power. Announce that the top sales person will get a special treat: the ability to hire an assistant, for example, or the ability to lead a meeting or make sales assignments.Extra Mile Water Bottle

Motivational gifts are also good rewards and serve as an incentive to keep up the good work. Learn a little bit about your employee before purchasing a gift; make sure it’s something he/she will value and actually use. While trophies and plaques make very nice rewards and employees appreciate recognition such as an “Employee of the Month” certificate, there are many other employee motivation ideas out there.

Check out the PaperDirect blog for more ideas on boosting employee morale and other ways to motivate your employees.

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