Although you can give a teacher a gift anytime, it’s especially appropriate during Teacher Appreciation Week, which is May 7-11 this year. This week is your reminder to let inspiring teachers know what a difference they have made in your life or the life of your kids. Teachers receive lots of gifts, so choose yours carefully to ensure it’s meaningful and useful for the teacher.
When Giving a Teacher a Gift, Do:
Consider what the teacher may need for the classroom and pick a gift that meets those needs, like personalized Post-it® Notes with the teacher’s name on them.
Get your child involved in the process of selecting the gift, wrapping it, and adding handmade touches, whether it’s a drawing of the teacher or a small craft project.
Choose a classy greeting card and include a personalized note
about why you appreciate the teacher. These notes are often what teachers cherish most because it gives their job purpose.
Add a gift card to an office supply store or bookstore so the teacher can get classroom supplies, which are often more meaningful for the teacher than gifts to use personally.
In Your Teacher Gift, Make Sure You Don’t:
Include baked goods or other foods that the teacher may not be able to eat. Dietary restrictions are very common these days, so unless you know a teacher absolutely loves a particular treat, leave it out.
Go overboard on the teacher-themed gifts with apples or pencils or mugs saying “World’s Best Teacher.” They have probably been getting these for years and don’t need any more.
Choose scented items, like lotions or candles, that the teacher may not actually like. Many of these end up getting re-gifted because the teacher doesn’t like the scent and won’t use them.
Teachers have one of the most challenging and underpaid jobs around, so take the time to choose a unique gift that recognizes the time and energy the teacher has put in during the year. The teacher should be able to look at the gift the next day and remember exactly who it is from and what they liked about it. As you’re deciding what to give this year, browse our catalog at Paper Direct to find high-quality gifts for each teacher on your list.