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March 31, 2015

April Fool’d ya. Top Office Pranks to do this Year

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: — PDWriter @ 1:44 pm

April Fools’ Day is a prime day to have an office job, thanks to the vast amount of pranks you can pull on your coworkers and employees. We scoured the Web for the top office pranks, finding everything from the advanced building of a fake wall to block off the executive offices to the super simple, strategically placed whoopee cushion.

We stuck with the simpler variety of top office pranks for you to try, even ranking them on their level of simplicity and chances of backfiring.

Cell Phone in the Ceiling

  • Difficulty: Easy to medium (depending on the height of the ceiling)
  • Backfiring chances: Low

If your office has tiled ceilings that have easily removable tiles, you have a ready-made place to hide your coworker’s cell phone. Wait until the person leaves his or her desk with the cellphone on top of it. Then pop the cellphone up into the ceiling by gently lifting up the corner of one of the tiles. When the person returns, call the cellphone repeatedly, and watch the coworker go nuts trying to find it.

The Highly Contagious Illness

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Backfiring chances: Low

This prank works especially well if you have a coworker who happens to be a germophobe, although it can do a good job on just about anyone in the next cubicle. Your job is to cough, sniffle, constantly blow your nose and otherwise act as if you’re suffering from a cold.

Have a spray bottle of water handy, then let out a huge sneeze just as you spray the water over the top of the cubicle wall toward your coworker’s desk. Apologize profusely as you try not to laugh at his or her grossed-out reaction. Keep this up all day or until the person looks ready to explode, whichever comes first.

The Really Big Delivery

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Backfiring chances: Medium to high

This prank requires a big, big cardboard box – and an employee who can fit in the box to hide. Taller boxes are more effective, allowing the person to crouch down in the box with the top loosely folded shut. Keep the box in the reception area where deliveries are normally left, then call a series of people up to reception, one by one, to pick up their delivery.

Their first inclination will be to open the box top, at which time the person pops up and scares the heck out of them. This is one of the top office pranks that could backfire, depending on the recipient’s reaction. If they’re freaked out enough, they could end up shoving the box and knocking it over.

The Cubicle Coating

Dwight Office Prank

[photo via]

  • Difficulty: Low to High (depending on efforts)
  • Backfiring chances: Medium

The easy version of this prank involves sticking a Post-It note on every single item in the cubicle or office, labeled accordingly. The more challenging version involves coating the entire cubicle and its contents with the coating of your choice. You could wrap each item holiday gift wrap, tinfoil, Xerox copies of a strange image or actor, hundreds of Post-It notes, pictures of Dwight from The Office or any other paper product that catches your fancy. Backfiring chances come from using up an expensive or in-demand paper product that you actually need around the office.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Backfiring chances: Low

Six More Funny Office Pranks

Disappearing staples: Choose one coworker’s stapler or target all staplers throughout the office, leaving each with only a few staples and then emptying them out every time they’re refilled.

Banana taping: Tape an old, really ripe and really stinky banana to the underside of someone’s desk. You can start with a new banana, and let it ripen and stink in its own sweet time.

Phone muting: Place a piece of clear tape over the mouthpiece speaker part of your coworker’s phone, causing them to yell into the mouthpiece if they hope to be heard.

Phantom paperclip: Make a dozen or so copies of a single paperclip, then place those copies into the paper drawer of the copy machine. Every copy someone makes will appear with a paperclip in the middle of it, driving them mad looking for the phantom clip.

Eternally ringing phone: Place clear tape over the pop-up button in the phone’s cradle, causing it to ring and ring even after it’s picked up.

The dead mouse trick: Stick a Post-It note over the bottom of someone’s computer mouse. The mouse will still merrily click away – but it won’t move on the screen.

No matter what prank you choose, remember they’re all meant to be in fun. And they’re all meant to be done on someone other than your boss. Happy April Fools’!

February 13, 2015

Quiz: Are you a Joy to Work with? The Worst? Find Out

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 12:40 pm

Are you a joy to work with? The worst? Find out below by taking our quiz. Then print your your free awards and hang them around the office with pride!

Congrats on your employee award! Now its time to show the office what kind of fantastic employee you are.

Download your Free Award Here:

[one_half]The Trend Setter Award

trend setter award

[/one_half][one_half_last]Always on Vacation Award

always on vacation award


[one_half]The Caretaker Award

caretaker award[/one_half][one_half_last]The Human Tornado Award



[one_half]The Surfer Dude Award

surfer award

[/one_half][one_half_last]World’s Worst Employee

worst employee award


Interested in providing your company with more awards? PaperDirect offers standard, specialty and casual award certificates that are perfect for any company, any size, any time of the year. Order yours today and read more about employee recognition on the PaperDirect blog.

November 14, 2014

6 Free Santa Letter Templates from PaperDirect

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: , , , — PDWriter @ 2:45 pm

We are excited to present 6 free Santa letter templates for penning your message to the big guy in time for Christmas.

Writing a letter to Santa has been a tradition in America for over a hundred years. Whether you decide to use these templates for your school classroom or just print one out for your kids at home, we hope your kids get the response (and presents) they want this year.

Santa Letter Template #1:

Santa Letter 1

Santa Letter Template #2:

Santa Letter 2

Santa Letter Template #3:

Santa Letter 3

Santa Letter Template #4

Santa letter 4

Santa Letter Template #5

Santa Letter 5

Santa Letter Template #6

Santa Letter 6

Whether your child is just learning to write or can fully scribe a letter, we’ve got a template for them. Simply click the image of the template you like to be taken to the print page.

Where should you send your child’s Santa letter? The United States Postal Service has a yearly Santa program you can check out here.

Be sure to view our other elegant holiday border papers. These are great for Santa letter writing, Christmas invitations, or anything else you can think of! Merry Christmas from PaperDirect.

September 5, 2014

The Do’s and Don’ts of an Unforgettable Office Party

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:14 am

17It’s almost that time of year again. You know the one. Office party time!

Office parties can be a great way to show employees appreciation and give them a chance to relax and socialize. And it’s not just fun for employees; it has real workplace benefits like idea sharing, morale building and turnover reduction.

However, it’s important to structure office parties so that they’re fun but still retain a professional atmosphere. Here are a few do’s and don’ts when planning your next office party.


Put pressure on employees to attend

Let’s face it. Some people just don’t enjoy parties. Others may feel strongly that they want to keep their work and private lives separate. Respect their choices and feelings, and emphasize that party attendance is entirely voluntary.


Skimp on the refreshments

Make sure you have plenty of food and beverages on hand for the number of guests expected.


Nothing will kill a party faster than an empty hors d’oeuvre tray. If you don’t have a budget for a big spread, there’s nothing wrong with a potluck. But make sure you provide the basics so that employees aren’t doing all the work.


Talk shop all night

Because of the relaxed setting, office parties can generate great ideas and innovations, and that certainly shouldn’t be discouraged. But try to remind employees to have fun and keep the festivities as un-worklike as possible.


Let things get out of hand

There’s a fine line between encouraging employees to have fun and letting things go too far. Keep an eye on the festivities and immediately address any behavior that is disruptive or making others uncomfortable.

If this becomes necessary, handle the situation in a calm, professional, respectful manner.


Distribute a formal invitation

Although email invitations are nice, there’s nothing like receiving an actual printed invite. A formal invitation lends an immediate air of class to the event and shows employees how much they are valued.

Allow employees to bring guests

Guests help employees feel more comfortable and make the function seem less work-like.

Plus, guests let co-workers see what each other’s lives are like outside of the office setting. Feel free to put a limit on the number of guests they can bring, but definitely encourage them.

Pick a theme

Christmas TreeSure, holidays parties may seem to have their own built-in theme. But what about going the extra step and hosting a “Ugly Christmas Sweater” party or “Zombie Halloween Party”?

Themes add a little extra levity and creativity, and they’re great ice breakers and conversation starters.

Specify a dress code

If you decide against the theme idea, make sure that a dress code is specified in the invitation. This sets the tone for the party and takes pressure off employees by letting them know what to expect.

With a little thought and planning, your office party will be an event employees with appreciate and talk about for years to come!

August 7, 2014

What Kind of Dog is Your Boss? [Quiz]

Filed under: Office Fun — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:53 am

Have you ever wondered what kind of dog your boss is? Maybe a kind golden retriever? A yippy chihuahua? Find out what kind of dog your boss is with our quiz!

Take the Quiz:

Then share your results (but maybe not with your boss)!

June 20, 2014

Five Things Not to Do in Your Cubicle

Filed under: Office Fun — PDWriter @ 8:33 am

Nostalgic employees love to complain about today’s casual workers and their complete lack of respect. If you’re engaging in one of the following obnoxious cubicle activities, have some compassion for your coworkers and cut it out!

1. Taking Selfies

What to NOT do in your cubicle- #1 Office Selfie

Everybody loves a good selfie, but the office might not be the best setting for your photography masterpiece.

If you can’t resist the urge to pose for the camera, at least wait until you can capture an oh-so-classy mirror selfie in the office bathroom.

2. Make Out With Your Hot Coworker

What to NOT do in your cubicle- #4 Kissing Your Hot coworker

Sure, that guy from IT is attractive, but this isn’t a college bar — you don’t need to swap spit at this very moment.

The office hookup may be every bored worker’s fantasy, but you’re better off waiting until you’ve climbed the corporate ladder and scored a room with a door.

3. Air Out Your Stinky Feet

What to NOT do in your cubicle- #2 Feet on DeskYour feet are aching after that much-needed Starbucks run. Perhaps you should have considered the possibility of sore tootsies before you decided to wear stilettos to work. As uncomfortable as your feet may currently be, you’ll make your work neighbors even more uncomfortable if you decide to slip off your shoes.

You may be blissfully unaware of the rancid stench of your bare feet, but you’re coworkers aren’t as fortunate.

4. Clip Your Nails

What to NOT do in your cubicle- #3 Clipping Nails

Personal hygiene is a wonderful thing, particularly when you spend the majority of your time in an office environment. However, there is a time and a place for grooming and your cubicle is definitely not ideal. The sound of that nail clipper is sure to drive your coworkers bonkers. They’ll be similarly unimpressed with your dedication to dental hygiene if you insist on flossing at your desk.

5. Take A Nap

Remember George Costanza’s specially designed napping desk on Seinfeld? If you don’t possess one of these beauties (not to mention, a private office), you probably better down an extra coffee and return your focus to marketing and business promotions.

These are things not to do in your cubicle: live and die by them.

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[photo 4 via] 

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