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November 19, 2013

Work Holiday Party Themes Even the Grinch Would Appreciate

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — PDWriter @ 8:30 am

Holiday parties at work can be a great way to help your hard-working employees relax as well as building relationships that can carry over into the regular workday. Almost any change of pace is likely to be appreciated, but a great party with a fun theme can be an event your employees will remember for a long, long time. Try one of the following work holiday party themes at your next holiday gathering and see if the Grinch’s heart grows a few sizes as a result.

  • Work Holiday Party Themes Taste of Christmas Winter Wonderland: Decorate the party room with all kinds of wintery items, like snowflakes, life-sized snowmen and other “cool” items. Print invitations or greetings on a themed Christmas border paper such as our “Winter Snow” or “Snowy Splendor” papers. Other fun touches are stuffed reindeer, penguins, and tiny snowballs instead of ice cubes for beverages. Add an ice sculpture as a centerpiece for a touch of class.
  • Achievements and Awards: Use the office Christmas party as a chance to recognize employees that have done an outstanding job over the past year. Let the employees nominate each other for awards and give them a chance to tell how they’ve been impacted by others. Add spotlights and an inexpensive red carpet to enhance the awards effect. Provide fun gifts for each employee, along with special gifts for those being recognized.
  • Santa’s Coming to Town: Make Santa Claus a part of your office Christmas party and find a great Santa-themed Christmas border paper to complement his presence. Santa doesn’t need to work in a vacuum, so add a small band or orchestra that can play holiday music to accompany your event. Be sure to have a tree in the room, too, to give it a genuine Christmas feeling.
  • A Taste of Christmas: Instead of a big meal, set up buffet-style tables with small samples of all kinds of holiday foods. Encourage everyone to try as many as they can. Give each table a theme, such as Candyland, Cookie Town, or the Gingerbread House. Don’t forget to offer non-sugary foods like tiny sandwiches, squares of ham, and chunks of turkey.

[photo via]

November 18, 2013

8 Memorable Client Christmas Gift Ideas: Beyond Fruitcake

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: — PDWriter @ 12:12 pm

Client Christmas Gift IdeasChristmas is a wonderful time, but it can bring a bit of stress with it as you look for just the right client Christmas gift ideas to say “thank you” to your loyal clients. When it’s done right, your clients will remember you throughout the new year.

8 Client Christmas Gift Ideas:

  1. Fresh Fruit Box: Don’t just give your clients a basket of fruit from the grocery store; order them something special from a company that specializes in high-quality fruits. Make it even better by sending them a gift of fruit that arrives several times each year.
  2. Make a Charitable Donation in Your Client’s Name: Look into making a donation in your client’s name to a trustworthy charity. You can sponsor a child, send a needy family in another country a goat or some chickens, or find another good cause. Send your client a classic Christmas card letting him know what you’ve done.
  3. Decorate His Table: Send your client a special centerpiece for his holiday table. For multiple clients, work with your local florist to send a personalized centerpiece to each of them.Pretty Poinsettia Laser Labels  by PaperDirect
  4. Personalized Candles: If your gift budget is small, get a case of scented candles in glass jars and personalize each one with your business logo on a label affixed to the jar.
  5. Give a Unique Experience: Check out one of the sites that offers experiences such as cooking classes, skydiving, and horseback rides. Give each client a gift card for the site and let them choose an experience they’ll never forget.
  6. Host a Client Appreciation Event: Let your clients know how much you value them by treating them to a special night. Showcase as many of your services as you can during the evening without being overbearing about it.
  7. Personalized Stationery: Buy your client tasteful, personalized stationery that he can use to write quick notes. Look for a color and style that fits him; buy a box for Personalized Leather Coasters by PaperDirecteach person that you deal with at the same company.
  8. Personalized Coasters: Get a set of leather, glass, or wooden coasters engraved with your client’s initials. He’ll think of you every time he uses one to protect his furniture.

Keep your client’s tastes and needs in mind when considering your client Christmas gift ideas. Avoid gifts that may not be suitable for everyone, such as alcohol and chocolate. Remember to include a Christmas card with each gift and your clients will remember you throughout the year.

12 Days of Christmas: The Official Office Christmas Checklist

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — PDWriter @ 8:51 am

If you’ve been left holding the reigns over this year’s office Christmas party, each of those last 12 days of Christmas really count! Here’s our Official Office Christmas Countdown Checklist to keep things on track in this already stressful time of year.

12 Days of Christmas: The Official Office Christmas Countdown ChecklistDay 12: Double Check Invitation List – You’ve likely already sent Christmas invitations to the entire staff, but double-check by cross referencing your list with RSVPs. Consider contacting non-respondents to ensure they received their holiday invite.

Day 11: Confirm your RSVP Numbers – Any vendors such as caterers, decorators, and party suppliers need an up-to-date guest count sooner rather than later to guarantee they can meet your needs during this busy season.

Poinsettia Swirl Specialty Flat Invitations by PaperDirect

Day 10: Confirm Gift Exchanges – If your office is planning a Secret Santa or gift exchange of sorts during your company Christmas party, you may include these details in your Christmas invitations. If not, it’s not too late to plan one. An internal memo or email to guests can get the ball rolling! However, you’ll want to follow up with the plan in these last few days to ensure it’s a success!

Day 9: Venue Confirmation – Those taking the office party off-site will need to confirm the venue booking, make certain all deposits are paid, and that any outside vendors can rely on the cooperation of the site hosts. In-office party arrangements are much simpler, but you’ll still need to arrange for the room’s extensive cleaning and decorating before the event.

Day 8: Budget Confirmation – Now is a great time to visit the boss or whoever will be footing the bill to confirm that you are within budget. There may be extra funds available that you have seven days left to find uses for!

Day 7: Get Yourself Together – As the party’s lead planner, it’s important that you take some time for yourself in this last week. After all, you likely still have Christmas gifts and your own party attire to plan.

Day 6/Day 5: Confirm the Numbers – It’s wise to add a ten percent cushion to your expected attendance numbers when you give a final count to vendors. It can take a couple of days to finalize everything.Pristine Specialty Folded Place Cards by PaperDirect

Day 4: Seating Chart – If your Christmas office party consists of a formal sit down meal, make sure that you have seating arrangements handled. Free seating is ideal, but if your boss wants a seating plan cement that detail and prepare table place cards if necessary.

Day 3: Guest Reminder – Post a note up around the office or send out an email to remind everyone of the big event.

Day 2: Last Minute Vendor Calls – You’d be surprised how often caterers or supply companies fail to live up to their end, so making those last minute attempts to ensure things are on schedule can save you some last minute grief.

Colorful Ornament Specialty Flat Invitations by PaperDirectDay 1: It’s Party Time – You’ve planned these last 11 days wisely, so it’s time to enjoy and have fun with your coworkers. However, plan to arrive about four hours early to oversee the final touches.

Simplify the organization of this year’s office party with our Christmas countdown checklist, and let PaperDirect simplify things even more by delivering your Christmas stationery, note cards, and office gifts right to your desk or home.

November 15, 2013

Silly Superlatives for the Company Christmas Party

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — PDWriter @ 4:22 pm
company Christmas party

Beyond food and music, entertainment is a vital component of any holiday gathering, making it a fantastic opportunity to have a little “in-office” fun. Prepare to capture guests’ attention by printing some elegantly designed blank certificates with silly superlatives to present to employees. Superlatives can be borderline complements or play on subtle shortcomings, but attempt to be “delightfully tacky” to avoid any hard feelings. Here are some of our favorite superlatives to present at your company Christmas party:

12 Company Christmas Party Superlatives that Delight

1. The Human Garbage Disposal Award – He or she is constantly the first one at the food table, and maybe even the last one claiming crumbs. Perhaps they are always snagging food from other’s plates; hence, earning them this prestigious award.

smorgasbord food theme border papers

2. Bubbly Bubbly Award– Try pairing this award with a gift of champagne. This award obviously goes to the spunky fun-loving person in the office.

3. Loch Ness or Bigfoot Award – Ideal for the coworker who’s as hard to find as “Nessie” or Bigfoot, especially when the workload gets heavy or the big boss is around. The honoree will score big laughs while accepting either of these company Christmas party superlatives as an award.

waves border papers for surfing award

4. Most Likely to Be Hanging Ten – Turn your blank certificates into a recognition of those employees who are more likely to be surfing the web than working!

5. Duct Tape Award – Have a coworker who serves as the office handyman – so long as it can be repaired with duct tape? This one’s for them!

Sparkling Stars Specialty Certificates by PaperDirect

6. Head in the Sand Award – Give a clue to that clueless peer and honor them for seeming to have absolutely no idea what’s going on around the office. Hey, not everyone gets the inside scoop or even wants to!

7. It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere Award – For the good-timer in the group who spends the better part of the workday making ater-work plans. They’re likely the first out the door each day at 4:59 p.m.!

8. Bermuda Triangle Award – This individual has a hard time keeping up with – well, just about everything! Pens, paperwork, staplers, car keys, and other items mysteriously disappear as if their office lies within the Bermuda Triangle.

9. Most Likely or Least Likely to “Whatever” – Here is where you can get creative with your blank certificates to honor just about any trait you can hone in on. Some favorites include Most/Least Likely to:

  • Show up early
  • Put their foot in their mouth
  • Get on the boss’ nerves
  • Get a raise

10. Best Dressed – This honor goes to the one who always looks sharp for client calls, team meetings, and everything else!

 Above and Beyond II Specialty Certificates by PaperDirect

11. Social Queen/King – Every office has at least one co-worker that is all over social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- they’ve got it all and love to update them constantly.

12. Tiny Dancer Award– This award can be given to the person who can’t sit still or is always talking with their hands- quite the performer!

There’s no better way to get the good times and laughter rolling than by picking up some blank certificates and imprinting them with all-too-appropriate company Christmas party superlatives to “honor” your coworkers! Shop PaperDirect’s range of eye-catching awards today!

How to Host an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: — PDWriter @ 12:03 pm

How to Host an Ugly Christmas Sweater PartyEvery office party should have food and drinks, but an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party should have a few additional elements that make it unique. Check out a few tips on how to host an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party so you ensure the gathering is festive, fun and honors all those who had the courage to show up in their most frightening holiday garb.

Entice with Invites

Ensure your guests know what they’re in for by sending out eye-catching invitations. Christmas postcards make an ideal choice, since you can beef up the holiday spirit with an overall Christmas theme. You can even go one better by showcasing a photo of an ugly Christmas sweater on the front with the text, “Can your ugly Christmas sweater top this? Show up at our party!”

Captivate with Party Activities

Once people are in the office door, it’s integral to keep them amused. Keep the
ugly Christmas sweater theme hopping with a series of contests. In addition to the
            Candy Cane Lane Holiday Postcards by PaperDirect overall “Ugliest Christmas Sweater at the Party” award, you can hold a variety of other contests so as many people as possible receive prizes.

Prizes, of course, can be useful gadgets or doodads emblazoned with your company’s name or logo. And there’s no harm investing in a customized trophy of plaque for the top winner of ugliest sweater overall. Other contest ideas may include:

  • Ugly sweater that came from the strangest place
  • Greatest-traveled ugly sweater, based on place it came from or places it has been
  • Best story behind the ugly sweater, either a story of how it was obtained or reactions it evoked
  • Cheapest or most expensive price paid for ugly sweater

Honor Their Courage

It probably took guts for folks to show up at an office party donning a really awful sweater, and that courage should not go to waste. Set up a photo booth, capture a few staged group shots or stock your party with a roaming photographer who can capture the ugliest Christmas sweaters in action. Turn the photos into personalized Christmas postcards you can send out to the appropriate parties or use as the basis for next year’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Party invite.

An Ugly Christmas Sweater Party instantly breaks the ice for party guests, since the sickening sweaters on hand instantly give them something to chat about. Hosting one at your business can help it be remembered as a place that is warm, inviting and tons of fun.

November 14, 2013

9 Big Christmas Party Ideas for Small Offices

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:11 am

Poinsettia Petals Casual Invitations by PaperDirectYou don’t have to have a big group to have a great office party: a little bit of creativity goes a long ways with Christmas party ideas for small offices. Use themed papers for invitations and announcements to get everyone in a party mood, then get ready to have a great time.

  1. Black and White Elegance: Make your Christmas Party into a formal event by using a black and white theme. Ask employees to dress in black and white and use only black and white for table coverings, streamers and other decorations.
  2. Movie Night: Let everybody in the office vote on their favorite holiday movie, then run that movie at party time. Use Christmas banners to announce the event and make everyone aware of the voting well in advance.
  3. A Victorian Christmas: Decorate the party room using a Victorian theme. Make treats and decorations that would be at home in the Victorian era. Encourage workers to dress up on party day and bring a Victorian dish to share.
  4. Snowy Village Vinyl Banners by PaperDirectChristmas Colors: Go with red and green to get everybody in the office into the Christmas mood. Put up a tree and decorate only with red and green. Hang red and green lights around the room to add to the fun.
  5. Game Night: Make your Christmas party into a game or casino night. Let your employees pick the games and offer prizes to the winners and the losers so that everybody has fun.
  6. Polynesian Holiday: Decorate the office Hawaiian style and have a holiday luau for Christmas. Get everyone to dress in island gear and hand out leis in the office. Decorate the tree with shells and starfish and serve Polynesian food.
  7. Dinner Cruise: Take the gang out for a dinner cruise. If your office is near the water, hire a boat, but on land you can go with a party bus and get everyone out of the office and into the party in style.
  8. Candyland: Decorate with candies and have lots for everyone to snack on. Surprise Peppermint Discs Vinyl Banners by PaperDirectyour employees by hanging big Christmas banners decorated with peppermint candies announcing the date and time of the party.
  9. Grinch Mystery Party: Tape envelopes under every chair. Inside each will be a note with the word “Who,” but one member of the group will open his envelope to find out he’s the only Grinch in Whoville. The Grinch gets to hand out gifts (or treats) to everyone to show his heart isn’t too small.

Christmas party ideas for small offices don’t have to be small – think big and have fun!

November 13, 2013

10 Funny Christmas Card Messages That Win Friends and New Business

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — PDWriter @ 10:25 am
Christmas Adventure Deluxe Holiday Greeting Card  by PaperDirect

The holidays are a time of year for connecting with those we care about, and this includes your clients. Without clients, your business wouldn’t exist, and the holidays are a splendid time of year to take the time to celebrate them and show your appreciation.

If you’re tired of the cookie-cutter, traditional Christmas card message, try breaking from the norm; get a little edgy and add some humor to your business Christmas card.

10 Funny Christmas Card Messages:

1. Holiday shopping tip: Siri is not a reliable source for asking what to get co-workers for Christmas.

2. A little known fact about holiday fruitcakes: there are actually only five in existence, and people just keep re-gifting them to each other.

Thankful Team Deluxe Holiday Greeting Card by PaperDirect

3. The holidays are all about balance: have fun at your company’s holiday party this year, but not SO much fun that you’re seeking new employment the next day.

4. We wish you a very healthy Christmas free from Ebola and overindulgence in Eggnog.

5. Holiday tip: As a courtesy to the U.S. Post Office, mail your packages early this year; they’ll appreciate the extra time to lose them for you by for Christmas! 😉

6. What do you think kids would do if Santa brought them sets of batteries for Christmas labeled: ‘toys not included’?

7. Is it us, or does Christmas seem more and more like a Disney production each year?

8. So Santa never shaves, flies around late at night, enters homes without permission, gives presents but has no clear source of income… should we really be letting this guy in our homes?

9. Question: What do you call a person who is afraid of Santa Claus?

Answer: CLAUS-trophobic!

Penguin Pals Die-Cut Holiday Greeting Cards by PaperDirect

10. Pretending to believe in the Mayan apocalypse might have worked in [year] as anexcuse not to buy Christmas presents… this year, we have you covered! Shop our Holiday gift baskets and discounted gift certificates.

The Christmas season is all about spreading Holiday cheer, and what better way to do so than with funny Christmas card messages? Break the mold of the traditional Christmas card message this year and add some humor to your business Christmas card. Feel free to riff off of one of these ten funny Christmas card messages, or create an original one that’s customized to your company and brand.

November 12, 2013

Invitation Wording for Business Christmas Parties

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , , — PDWriter @ 8:48 am
Golden Filigree Casual Invitations by PaperDirect

When you are creating invitations for a business Christmas party, you want something that is visually appealing and has business Christmas invitation wording that will encourage employees to attend. If you include only the date, time, and place, the invitations are not that “inviting” and employees may decide to skip out on your corporate party. The wording should entice employees to attend your Christmas party.

If you are giving away door prizes or having a raffle drawing, include that information on the invitation. If you are including a meal at the Christmas party, be sure to include information about the meal and any options they have. Some companies like to have their parties at restaurants; if the menu is limited, you may want to include the menu choices on the invitation.

Christmas Invitations by PaperDirect

Other information you should include on the invitation is whether dress is formal, business, or casual. If people know what to expect, they are more willing to attend. When you leave out that information, some may not attend because they are afraid to show up in formal wear when the setting is casual.

Before you choose your invitations, plan the entire Christmas party first. This way, you’ll know how much space you’ll need for your business Christmas invitation wording and can purchase great-looking Christmas invitations that have enough room for your wording. You can choose from several types; including flat, folded, casual, layered, and more. The type should depend on the type of party you are throwing in addition to how much space you need for wording.

holiday themed fold-up invites

Invitation Wording Example:

Depending on how formal an occasion you are planning, your wording may look something like this:

  • With the holiday season upon us
  • It’s that time of year
  • For some holiday cheer
  • You are cordially invited
  • To spend a festive evening
  • ‘Tis the season to wine and dine
  • Whether the season is naughty or nice, we’ll have a cold one chilling on ice
  • Celebrate good times, come on to our annual Christmas celebration
  • Christmas comes but once a year, please join us for some holiday cheer

On an invitation with multiple panels, you should let the employees know what activities will be held at the Christmas party and, if it is a dinner, what is on the menu if the menu is limited. You should also include whether alcohol will be available and whether the employees will be purchasing their own drinks or if the company is providing drinks.

christmas themed holiday invites

Writing an invitation that is inviting and informs your employees of the activities, food, and dress will encourage them to attend the party and make it a success.

Good luck – and we hope your company Christmas party is as a memorable occasion!

November 7, 2013

How to Write Company Christmas Party Invites that Impress the Board

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 12:31 pm
Poinsettia Swirl Specialty Flat Invitations by PaperDirect

Has the task of composing this year’s company Christmas Party invitations fallen upon your shoulders, and you’re at a complete loss for just the right words?

Here are some tips from the experts about how to write company Christmas party invites that will impress everyone from the mail room staff to the board of directors’ offices.

Begin with Premium Invitations

Cookie cutter invitations aren’t going to cut it if the goal is to impress recipients, so you’ll want to order premium Christmas invitations on which to compose your message and party details.

Stationery professionals like PaperDirect can quickly print your custom information and deliver your holiday party invitations right to your office or home.

Conquering the Divide
Colorful Ornament Specialty Flat Invitations by PaperDirect

Use terminology and references that are most appropriate for your work setting.

Christmas party, holiday gathering, celebrating the season, etc. are all acceptable ways to refer to the event, and you should use your best judgment based on your employee population.

Depending on your company’s business style and services, using humor may or may not be appropriate. Some individuals view Christmas as a reverent holiday not to be skewed with humor, while others find it completely acceptable.

Tip: Know your staff, and you’ll know better what to write.

Composing the Text of Company Christmas Invitations

Now it comes to the “guts” of how to write company Christmas party invites that will ensure the event’s success.

As with pre-printed cards, feel free to come up with a clever poem that fosters visions of the season or Christmas specifically before offering party details. If flourishing words and poetry aren’t strong points, consider sticking with the facts and take a formal approach – who, what, when, where, and why.

Keep in mind that brevity works in your favor, because the majority of the staff spends half their day reading reports, briefs, and the like.

Tip: Include any special honorees, attendees, or entertainment in the invitation, as well as any requests pertaining to dress or a gift exchange.

Tips for Writing your Message or Invite:

PaperDirect has created a few resources over the years for wording and messaging tips. Be sure to check them out as you craft your Christmas invite!

Getting to Yes: Business Christmas Invitation Wording

5 Creative Business Christmas Card Wording Phrases

Use the above blog posts to write an unforgettable Christmas invite.

Beyond the Writing: Successful Christmas Party Invites

Radiant Merriment Fold-Up Invitations by PaperDirect

Snag their interest before they even open the invitation! Holiday card envelopes can expound beyond green and red, so consider using your company logo colors to secure your invites.

Thinking outside the box impresses the bigwigs!

Make an impression from the moment they attempt to open the invite by securing each envelope with a customized logo seal.

Clever, affordable, and a classy touch, any board member will view this as being the equivalent of sealed with a kiss – a kiss of green in their pocket, that is!

Complete your corporate holiday invitation shopping in one place at PaperDirect. Custom printing, premium stationery, corporate gift ideas, and much more make wrapping up the holiday easy.

5 Creative Business Christmas Card Wording Phrases

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:30 am

greeting-cardBusiness Christmas card wording can sometimes feel less than festive. It’s tricky to walk the line between a fun, distinctive Christmas card message and keeping things professional. Erring on the side of caution is generally a good idea. The last thing you want to do is offend your clientele. Professional doesn’t have to mean boring, though. When you are looking to liven up your Christmas greetings, try these snappy phrases that capture the spirit of the season.

When sending cards with a gift:

         “A small gift to thank you for your business throughout the year.”

When sending cards with a marketing slant:Penguin Pals Die-Cut Holiday Greeting Cards by PaperDirect

Some companies feel that marketing within a holiday card is tacky and defeats the purpose of wishing clients and associates seasonal goodwill.

Others have found it an effective means of increasing business.

If you do plan to do it, avoid alienating customers by keeping the advertising fun and joyful.

For example a print shop could try:

        “Wishing you a season filled with peace, love and flawless print jobs.”

When you appreciate the efforts of companies with whom you collaborate:

         “We know how hard you work to make your company great. The work will wait. Take some time this season to celebrate!”

When you want to make recipients laugh at the rules of social propriety:

          “We were told business cards must be kept strictly professional, so –
           To: [Your Company]
           From: [Our Company]
           Subject: Holiday Greetings
           Happy holidays.”

When friendly with another company:

          “Wishing your team a festive office atmosphere, a never ending supply of tasty holiday treats, and relaxing time off.”
Snowy Day Deluxe Holiday Greeting Card by PaperDirectWhen you send Christmas cards for your business, you want every aspect to capture the personality of your team and your brand. You don’t have to be serious to be professional. Humor and a casual tone are good. Just don’t take them too far. If you’re not sure how a quip will go over, it’s best to leave it out.

At PaperDirect, our extensive line of Christmas greeting cards makes finding and ordering the right Christmas cards for clients, customers and business associates an easy process. With one of our beautiful, simple card designs and the right words, your Christmas card will surely make the wall of fame in any office.

November 6, 2013

Thank You Note Etiquette for Christmas Gifts to the Company

Scripty Thank You NoteCards by PaperDirect

At Christmas time, it’s not uncommon for clients and vendors to send presents to the companies they worked with over the past year. Although your business might have been the one providing the services to the client, it’s important to say “thank you” after receiving a gift. According to manners expert Emily Post, thank you note etiquette dictates that you send a note any time you receive a gift from someone who isn’t a close friend, especially if you aren’t able to say thanks in person.

Do: Write the Note as Soon as Possible

Vintage Elegance Specialty Thank You NoteCards by PaperDirect

It’s ideal to write out a thank you note for a Christmas gift as soon as you can. Try to write the note the same day, or the next day at the latest. Putting off writing the note means you’re likely to forget to do it. If you’re swamped with end-of-the-year work during the holiday season, have an employee write the note. Read and approve the note before it’s sent.

Don’t: Use a Form Letter

Depending on how many gifts your company receives at Christmas, it can be tempting to write the same thank you note over and over. Doing so will save time, but it will also make your clients and other gift-givers feel that you don’t actually appreciate the presents.

Customize each note, stating the name of the gift-giver and the item they gave. You can describe how your business will use the gift or simply express gratitude that the person took the time to think of your company. Write the notes by hand on Christmas note cards for an extra personal touch.

Do: Send an Actual Note

Holiday Holly NoteCards  by PaperDirect

In the era of email and text messages, sending an actual, paper note seems a little outdated. While it’s okay to call or email the gift-giver right away to say thanks, it’s also good thank you note etiquette to follow up with an actual card. A physical note lets the gift-giver know that you appreciate his or her thoughtfulness and that you hope to continue to do business with them in the coming year.

PaperDirect has the supplies you need to get ready for the Christmas gift-giving season. The site makes it easy to order thank you cards and other Christmas stationery online.

November 5, 2013

Inspiring Christmas Newsletters that Would Melt Even Scrooge’s Heart

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: — PDWriter @ 4:00 pm

Golden Glimmer Newsletters by PaperDirecrtIt’s Christmas time!

Christmas is nearly upon us, and it’s time to think about your Christmas newsletter. For business owners, inspiring Christmas newsletters need to strike a delicate balance. You are, after all, addressing a tender, sentimental time of year deeply rooted in religious tradition. But, you’re also reaching out to business associates and need to maintain a degree of professionalism. Having a hard time finding just the right balance? Here are a few tips for writing truly inspiring Christmas newsletters while remaining professional.

Remember, it’s Christmas!
Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. Keep your newsletter bright and cheery. Include an old-time cookie recipe, for instance, and holiday decorating tips. Or, add the secret to making rich, dreamy, homemade cocoa.

Remember your AudienceWinter Rose Frost Newsletters by PaperDirect
You may be sending your newsletter to business associates, customers and suppliers, but the holidays are about people and their families. Direct your newsletter to them. Save talk about marketing and sales figures for another time.

Be Approachable
Business relationships can often be impersonal, and that can actually hurt sales. Christmas is the time to open up a bit. Share a favorite Christmas memory from your childhood, for instance, or describe a treasured family holiday tradition.

Use Christmas Stationery
Save the plain white paper for another time; it says, “Business,” not, “Christmas.” A Christmas newsletter should be colorful and appealing, but not so visually stimulating that your message gets lost in the shuffle.

Remember the Less Fortunate
Keep in mind that the holidays can be difficult for people who are struggling financially when writing your newsletter.  Write about charitable works of your employees, as well as those of your own. Encourage everyone to do what they can for others during the Christmas season.

Pine Perfection Newsletters by PaperDirectExpress Your Gratitude
If nothing else, Christmas is a time of gratitude. Use your Christmas newsletter to thank everyone who has made your life a little better over the past year. Your employees and customers all deserve a “thank you” for making your business the success that it is.

If you keep these principles in mind, you’ll create a Christmas newsletter that will touch people’s hearts. And, if you want to find other ways to brighten up the holidays, visit PaperDirect. They make it fun and easy to shop for invitations, gift certificates, and greeting cards – everything you need to make this Christmas season truly sparkle!

Fun Christmas Games for Everyone from the Intern to the CEO

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 9:14 am

Holiday Christmas parties can either be either a drag or a blast, depending on how well you plan. Rather than carrying office hierarchies over to the company party, choose games that will help everyone feel like equals – and have some fun! Try these Christmas games for everyone at your party this year.

Fun christmas Games for the OfficePuzzled Cards

Divide the number of guests by two and find that many Christmas cards. Cut the picture of each card in half and mix the halves together in a basket. As guests arrive, have each guest draw a card half from the basket.  The next step – mingling with fellow guests to find their “better half!”

Gift Wrap Twins

Once everyone has found their match, have these pairs compete together in a fun gift wrapping game. Distribute boxes, scissors, tape, gift wrap, and ribbon to everyone and give the pairs three minutes to wrap the box as nicely as possible. The catch is that each person can only use one hand!

Oven Mitt Unwrapping

Rather than raffling off prizes to guests, make them work for them. Put a gift wrapped in many layers of paper, a die, and a pair of oven mitts on each table. Guests pass the die around the table, each rolling it, until someone rolls a six. That person takes the oven mitts and attempts to open the gift as others keep rolling the die to see who goes next. Whoever finishes unwrapping the gift gets to keep it!

Fun Christmas games for the officeHoliday Charades

Once everyone is loosened up, play a fun game of charades to end the party. Divide guests into teams of about five people, and if you have a large company, divide the room into many head-to-head battles of two teams. Have each team create Christmas-themed charades prompts for the other team to act out. Everyone will get some good laughs from this game!

Of course, before you host a fun party full of Christmas games for everyone from the intern to the CEO, you’ll need to get them all there. Choose classy Christmas party invitations that set off the event as a fun and festive one that everyone will enjoy. When you choose invitations that mesh with the fun company culture you’ve created, employees will come to the party ready to play these fun games!

November 4, 2013

How to Write Your Company’s Very First Christmas Newsletter

O Christmas Tree Newsletters by PaperDirect

Sending a Christmas newsletter to employees, supporters, clients, and customers gives a glimpse of what has happened during your first year as a company. Even if you already know how to write a company newsletter, adjust your approach a little for the Christmas season. Your newsletter should have a warmer feel because of the holidays, it should also be a snapshot of the whole year, plus a peek at the year to come. Follow these tips as you write your first company’s Christmas newsletter.

Reach a Broad Audience

You likely haven’t built up a huge mailing list of people in your specific business niche, which means your newsletter needs to appeal to a wide range of people. Choose general interest stories and don’t pack them with technical data and industry abbreviations.

Christmas Fantasy Newsletters by PaperDirect

Share Your Success Story

One of the key articles in your Christmas newsletter should be an overview of what your company has accomplished over the year. In addition, thank your readers for their contributions, which could include time, money, expertise, or loyalty.

Write Descriptive Headlines

People are often bombarded with newsletters during the Christmas season, so yours might get tossed aside if nothing grabs people. Write catchy headlines that are a complete sentence with a verb, which helps hook the reader.

Create Compelling Leads

As you write the articles, remember that readers may not dig for the most important information if it’s hidden in the middle of the article. Create a strong lead sentence that makes the information easy to find and draws in readers who are actually interested in knowing more.

Luminous Holiday Newsletters by PaperDirect

Discuss Goals for Next Year

The Christmas season is a time to reflect and to look forward, so finish your company newsletter with your upcoming plans. Show people that your start-up is here to stay, and that you have exciting new developments ahead.

After you have written the newsletter, it’s time to tackle the layout. Articles are easier to read when they are arranged in two or three columns. Make the most important headlines the largest, and use no more than two fonts for the entire newsletter. Also, rather than printing your Christmas newsletters on plain paper, choose festive Christmas paper to match the celebratory feelings of the season. Your newsletter will not only get read, but it is likely to be displayed alongside other Christmas cards during December.

8 Corporate Christmas Party Ideas

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 7:36 am

Poinsettia Petals Casual Invitations by PaperDirectThe office Christmas party is back. Whether you have a lot of employees or just a few, ring in the holiday season this year by holding an event to celebrate a year of hard work. Go beyond the basic office party with one of these corporate Christmas party ideas.

1. Hawaiian Luau

Throw a Hawaiian luau to get your employee’s minds off of the cold temperatures outside. Decorate a Christmas tree with leis instead of tinsel and silk hibiscus flowers instead of ornaments. Teach employees to hula and limbo.

Penguin Pals Die-Cut Holiday Greeting Cards by PaperDirect2. Give Back Party

Celebrate the spirit of Christmas by holding a “give back” party for your company. Ask employees to bring in items to donate, such as canned goods and winter clothing. Spend part of the party writing Christmas greeting cards to people who are ill or lonely during the holidays.

3. Bowling with Santa

Reserve a few lanes at a local bowling alley for this year’s party. Bowling will give people an activity to focus on while they mix and mingle with co-workers. Someone from the company, perhaps the boss, can dress up as Santa and give up small gifts to employees as they bowl.

4. Cookie Swap

If you are looking to hold a low-key, relaxed party, try having a cookie swap. Ask each employee to bake (or buy) a batch of cookies to bring in. During the party, workers can trade cookies and share their Christmas plans.

5. FiestaFiesta Vinyl Banners by PaperDirect

Turn your office Christmas party into a “Feliz Navidad” party. Decorate the office with bright colors, hang a piñata and serve Mexican favorites, such as tacos.

6. Awards Show

Your corporate Christmas party is an ideal time to recognize the hard work of employees. Hold an awards show themed party, complete with a red carpet and podium. Give out awards in categories such as “Cleanest Desk” and “Most Sales.”

7. Casino Night

A casino-themed Christmas party is a great option if you plan on inviting spouses and family to your company party. Set up tables for card games such as blackjack and poker. Use a deck of cards with a Christmas theme to make things extra festive.

8. Comedy Club

If your budget is big enough, hire a local comedian to entertain your employees during the Christmas party. You can also purchase tickets for the group to a performance at a nearby club.

Hopefully one of these corporate Christmas party ideas inspires you. After all, a company Christmas party gives you and your employees a chance to enjoy time together, celebrate the holiday and reflect over the last year. Use PaperDirect to order cards, certificates and place cards for the perfect party.

November 1, 2013

10 Corporate Holiday Card Messages That Don’t Sound Corporate

Sparkle Tree Specialty Holiday Postcards by PaperDirect

The holidays are a time of year when business owners start thinking about how they will craft corporate holiday card messages to show clients and partners they care about them and appreciate their business. The main challenge is in determining how to make each message sincere and professional, but not too “corporate.”

If you can’t find the perfect card, don’t stress – you can customize your own Christmas cards and postcards!

Here are some corporate holiday card messages to get you started – feel free to mix and match these Christmas messages to create your ideal corporate holiday card:

Ways To Start Your Messages:

Happy Holidays Burgundy Deluxe Holiday Greeting Card by PaperDirect

Warmest winter wishes for continued success and an enchanted holiday season…

Wishing you the gifts of the season: Joy, Peace and Hope…

May the magic and the wonder of the Christmas season stay with you throughout the coming year…

Best Wishes for a holiday season filled with joy…

Warm Winter Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year…

Best wishes for a happy new year filled with health, happiness, and success…

Wishing you a festive holiday season and a very happy New Year…

One of the joys of the holiday season is the opportunity to say thank you and wish you all the best in the coming year…

Best wishes for a happy holiday season – our sincere thanks for your loyalty and goodwill throughout the year…

In warm appreciation of our association during this past year, we extend our very best wishes for a happy holiday Season…

Words to Keep in Mind:

  1. Happy Holidays
  2. Season’s Greetings
  3. Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year
  4. Joy to the World
  5. Warm Holiday Wishes
  6. Happy New Year
  7. Tidings of Joy
  8. Holiday Blessings
  9. Celebrate!

Creating corporate holiday card messages that don’t sound corporate need not be difficult or stressful – in fact, it can be easy and fun. Just speak from the heart, be sincere, and you’ll be able to show clients, partners and associates you really care about them and appreciate doing business with them.

Use these corporate holiday card messages and ideas to get you started, but feel free to improvise and customize your message as appropriate for your brand and your goals for the upcoming New Year. For the perfect card to contain your non-corporate message, shop PaperDirect’s range of holiday cards.

9 Tips for a Sparkling Business Christmas Letter

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 9:57 am
Sapphire Christmas Border Papers by PaperDirect

Christmas is coming, and that means it’s time to create your annual business Christmas letter. This holiday season; take the time to really make it sparkle!

Spice up your business Christmas letter and make it stand out this year with these nine tips:

1. Accentuate the Positive

Write your business Christmas letter in a cheerful manner. Open with a positive message like:

“One of the blessings of Christmas is the opportunity to send warm Holiday greetings to our customers during this joyous time of year,”


“We’ve been very busy but full of cheer this Holiday season here at _______ we wish you a very Merry Christmas.”

2. Short and Sweet

Brevity is appreciated during the busy holiday season, so get to the point and write your main highlights in a succinct and impactful way.

3. Show Some Personality

Write your Christmas letter in a voice that characterizes the company brand, vibe, and personality; be professional yet accessible.

4. Write to Your Audience

Who are your customers?

Keep your audience in mind as you compose this year’s Christmas letter and choose content, phrasing, design, and fonts accordingly.

5. Begin with the End in Mind

What sort of reaction are you hoping for from your readers? Imagine how you would like them to feel while reading your letter and what impact you’d like that reaction to have on your brand.

6. Make Use of Professional Software

Organize your contacts using a printable Christmas card list (many are available for free online) to group recipients and to manage mailings. Software and/or templates should also be used to professionally design your letter.

Glee Tree Border Papers by PaperDirect
7. Avoid Too Many Embellishments

Business Christmas letters are sometimes used as a platform for bragging about accomplishments and advertising the business. Don’t go overboard and use your Christmas letter as an overt marketing tool. Now is the time to be personal and genuine.

8. Choose Photos Wisely

Be selective if including photos in your Christmas letter. Share them sparingly; include just one or two high-quality shots that really capture the essence of your business.

holiday envelope for business letters

9. Use Quality Paper

Finally, don’t skimp on the materials you use for your business Christmas letter. From the paper you use to the envelope you mail it in, make sure your business Holiday letter is printed on paper worthy of your business and how hard you work each day.

For some examples of Christmas letters, view our post: Sample Business Christmas Letters. 

October 11, 2013

How to Create Custom Church Programs for Christmas

Filed under: Christmas & Holiday Party Tips — Tags: — PDWriter @ 7:51 am
Poinsettia Swirl Specialty Programs by PaperDirect

They say Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year,” and rightfully so. It’s a period marked by joy and goodwill, spending time with family and friends and, of course, gifts and great food.

Christmas Scroll Programs by PaperDirect

But there’s one other part of the Christmas holiday that’s looked forward to by all, both young and old, and that’s the church Christmas programs that are put on by the children each year. Such masses are typically the most crowded, as church-goers flock to them to see the children play various roles in the reenactment of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, while these programs are enjoyed by everyone, nobody perhaps takes greater satisfaction in them than the children that are performing. After all, they’ve worked hard to perfect their parts and put on a good show over the previous several months. They’re the stars of the show and they’ve earned it.

That’s why custom church Christmas programs make a nice touch around the holiday season, especially to hand out for churchgoers during the services.

  1. Creating custom Programs gives your hard working children some much deserved recognition, as they’ve prepared such presentations for the whole church community to see and enjoy.
  2. Programs help the church community follow along better, as they’re able to see which child is playing each character.
Bethlehem Star Programs by PaperDirect

Christmas is a great holiday and so much goes into making the holiday season a memorable one each year. The church Christmas programs are a big part of this and also a big part of helping to get people into the holiday spirit. Creating programs for these events just goes to further benefit this cause and give props to the children who are the stars of the show.

What’s more is that such programs can also be custom made, to include any news or upcoming events that the church also has planned throughout the holiday season and into the New Year. Common items to also include might be the church logo, church phone number, address, and website.

Yes, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. And church Christmas programs for those special occasions help make it even more wonderful. Find more information on custom church programs today.

September 12, 2013

Program Designs for Your Church’s Christmas Events

Poinsettia Swirl Specialty Programs by PaperDirect

Program designs are must-haves for your church’s Christmas events. They also send a very important message. Most people who see the programs will no doubt be church members. However, others will be newcomers and/or members of the community. They might be scoping out a new church to attend all year round, and Christmas is the most common time of year to do that. What do you want to say to your current, and possibly future, congregation?

The message you send might depend on the situation. A program for a children’s church event should bear a less structured motif than the overtly religious one used for a Christmas Eve service. One decorated with snowmen lends itself well to the time of year while letting those who see it know the event is centered around children. The children’s portion of your church’s Christmas pageant, special sales to benefit the less fortunate, and other child-focused events could even have their own program.

Christmas Scroll Programs by PaperDirect

A community Christmas program should include a festive and more fanciful design. A pretty poinsettia swirl would work perfectly for your church’s Christmas fair. Or perhaps you might prefer a simple Christmas scroll instead. No matter which design you choose, these programs can list what’s for sale at Christmas fair booths, or direct fair-goers to food stands, rest rooms, or the information booth.

There are program designs perfect for every Christmas event that your church hosts. Ask your pastor or church secretary to check out the wealth of ideas for programs available through PaperDirect – THE source for all things paper.

September 3, 2013

Holiday Party Networking: 9 Dos and Don’ts

Swish Business Cards by PaperDirectWhen the line between personal and professional blurs at an evening company holiday party, know how to act. Remember: The boss is always watching. Holiday party networking should be causal and simple, with respect to the company hosting the gathering.

  1. Do talk with people from other departments in the company. This is a great way to learn more about the business and meet more people, especially if you’re a newcomer.
  2. Don’t linger by the appetizers or bar all night. Although you should have a good time, limit yourself to two alcoholic beverages and a few plates of hors d’oeuvres or you might start acting a little too casual.
  3. Do share your business card with outside guests at the party. This helps them easily connect with you later during business hours to follow-up on ideas discussed at the party.
  4. Don’t run to your office for paperwork or reports. Holiday party networking is about establishing connections, not doing the dirty work in a social atmosphere. Plan a lunch date later to go over documents.
  5. Do learn names. After chatting a while, thank the person for his ideas or express gratitude for the chat, and use his name. This creates a personal connection and shows a genuine interest.
  6. Don’t do all the talking. Listen to what others are saying and doing at the party. When in doubt ask an open-ended question and sit back and listen.
  7. Do have a two-sentence explanation for your position and goals. What will you say if the boss introduces you to a new colleague? Know your role well.
  8. Don’t dress too informally. This is still a business function–with flair. Think business casual with a nod to the holiday. A shimmering metallic purse or sequined seasonal top is an appropriate touch. Leave the jeans and funny holiday sweatshirts at home for the weekend.
  9. Do take notes about people you want to connect with later. Use a simple notepad app on your cellphone to write down topics, interests, or follow-up questions for people you’ve met.Blue Carrara Business Cards by PaperDirect

As the invitations start stacking up, get ready to RSVP. You’ve got this! Be sure to make a statement with a professional business card from Paper Direct. A variety of full color, bordered, and patterned business cards are available to print from your desktop or have shipped to the office. It’s your choice!

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