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May 6, 2011

Keep It Simple for the Most Effective Menu Card Design

Filed under: DIY Wedding Accessories — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Pristine Tea Length Menu CardsAny wedding where there will be a meal served, whether at the rehearsal or at the reception, having meal options for the guests is a good thing. Some will prefer salads, some chicken, some beef and some may even have dietary restrictions that need to be compensated for. This means having menu card designs that not only match the overall theme of the wedding but offers those choices adds another level of sophistication to the entire wedding process.

While it is easy to get carried away with menu cards, keeping them relatively simple makes for a much more impactful approach. Instead of carrying through with graphics from the wedding theme, simply keeping the colors will be effective enough. This isn’t like the wedding program or invitationAllure Flat Menu Cards packs where you want the theme of the wedding to really come across, menu cards and place cards need to effectively present the menu information.

Keeping the fonts from the invitations is usually fine unless it is a very scripty font. If the font is difficult to read, there may be some guests that will not be able to read it properly. If this is the case them making the font larger or switching to a font that is easier to read, or even using the script font as the headers and a block font for the selections may be more reasonable.

Imperial Flat Menu CardsMenu card designs that keep the overall wedding process intact are the key to having great menu cards. They’re not the biggest part of the process, nor are they the most important, but they are definitely a key part of weddings that have meals involved. You’ll appreciate a simple menu card design as its one less difficult decision that has to be made and your guests will appreciate them too. By the time the end of the wedding is reached, they don’t want to have to think very hard either. Enjoy all parts of the wedding and simple menu card design ensures you’ll enjoy that part too.

April 15, 2011

Wedding Invitations – Response Cards and Their Wording

Enchanting Response SetWeddings take a ton of planning and making changes to plans in order to have the wedding come off exactly the way the bride wants it to. This means attention has to be paid to every detail along the way. Perhaps the most important part of the wedding planning is the invitation because that is often the first indication to potential guests that the couple is getting married. And, a lot of planning is going to be based off of how many people are actually going to show up. That’s where the RSVP, or wedding invitation response cards are vitally important.

Including RSVP cards (RSVP is actually short for the French phrase Hint Response Set‘respondez sil vous plait’ which translates into English as ‘respond if you please’) with the invitation including a self addressed, stamped envelope will give you the knowledge of how many people are going to be at the wedding and reception. This helps planning immensely because you’ll know how many wedding programs you’ll need, how much food to have on hand and how large of a reception hall you’ll need.

In order to have response cards returned, you have to make it as easy as possible for the potential guest to send it back. While there’s not a ‘correct’ way to word a response card, there are lots of ways to determine if the potential guest is coming and how many will be in their party. Any variation of this…

The favor of a reply is requested by July 1, 2011


(_) Accepts with pleasure and will have ____ in our party

(_) Declines with regrets

… will work quite well. The date needs to be far enough in the future to give them time to respond comfortably, but leaving plenty of time to finalize plans for food and other accommodations for the guests.

By including the SASE, you’re removing one more barrier that can keep people from responding. It’s easy enough to say “I’ll send it in, but I have to get an envelope and a stamp” and forget to do so. By including the SASE, all they have to do is fill out the card, stick it in the envelope and drop it in the mail.

Pristine Response SetThere are lots of great invitation and matching response card blanks available so you can make your own and word it exactly how you want. With all the great blanks available and the matching templates for your favorite word processor, you can create exactly the invitation you want and the RSVP card as well. Not only will this save you money, but it’ll save you time and help your wedding planning as well. Check out all the great designs available. You’ll definitely find at least one you’ll fall in love with.

April 1, 2011

Wedding Envelope Seals For The Best Invitation Presentation

Filed under: DIY Wedding Accessories — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Scalloped Deluxe Embossed SealsFar back in history, kings sealed envelopes with wax and an imprint of their ring to show that the envelope and the message inside were from royalty and shouldn’t be tampered with. Since the seal was wax, if it was tampered with, the recipient would immediately know it, and whoever did the tampering would feel the wrath of the king. While seals today are purely ornamental, using them takes your invitation takes it to the next level, especially when you’re using them as wedding envelope seals on your wedding invitation.

Historically, seals signified royalty and importance. Today, although the royalty factor isn’t there, one could argue that on a wedding day, the bride and groom are royalty for a day, so using a seal on wedding invitations can still have that historical relevance. While a simple seal doesn’t mean nearly as much as it did, it still adds a definite touch of class to the invitation.You're Invited Clear Embossed Seals

The invitation is perhaps the most important part of the wedding as many times, it is the first notice someone gets that a couple is getting married. Having an RSVP card inside ensures the couple knows who is going to be in attendance. The bride and groom are anticipating the wedding being a very happy occasion, and by sending out invitations, they are expressing a desire to have the recipients in attendance, and sealing the envelope with a wedding envelope seal shows everyone just how important the couple feels about the occasion.

Whimsy Heart Deluxe Embossed SealsWeddings are perhaps the most important moments in the lives in the bride and groom, so being as formal as possible, covering every detail like wedding envelope seals is essential. During the planning process, every other detail like place cards, menus, wedding programs and the RSVP in the invitations is touched on, and wedding seals, for lack of a better way to put it, seals the deal. Check out all the great wedding seals available and see which ones will fit the theme of your wedding. You’ll be amazed at how nice they are and your guests will be impressed with the added level of class they add to your invitations.

March 11, 2011

Proper Wedding Reception Place Card Etiquette

Filed under: DIY Wedding Accessories — Tags: , , , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am
Stylish Folded Place Cards

When it comes to seating arrangements at the reception, if you’re using place cards, then it’s formal enough to have a seating chart.

Place cards are used to designate where people sit during the reception which could be quite extensive if the celebration includes a full meal as part of the festivities.

This means careful balance of friends and family as well as placing the bride and groom.

This also means careful adherence to Wedding Place Card etiquette.

Head Table

bridal table seating chart

At the head table, you’ll have the bride and groom. This is called the “bridal table” and generally seats the bride and groom, with the groom at the bride’s right, followed by the best man, and groomsmen. The maid of honor sits at the bride’s left and bridesmaids are seated left of the maid of honor- similar to the wedding ceremony. For more arrangement ideas check out LoveToKnow.

Family Table

The family table will host the families of both the bride and groom with the families seated opposite one another. This enables them to spend some time together, getting to know each other. Children are usually placed together at a children’s table to leave the adults to interact. Children will love seeing their names on your Wedding Place Cards, so don’t forget to include their names when writing/labeling your place cards!


Friends of the bride and of the groom need to be mixed and seated at two (or more) different tables. Make sure people at these tables know at least a couple of people, that way no one feels like they’re “alone” at the wedding.

Alternate seating arrangements between males and females whenever possible, keeping spouses and those with dates or significant others together. Singles can be interspersed at various tables, although keeping them with friends will keep them involved in the conversational flow.

Estate Specialty Folded Place Cards by PaperDirect

If you’ve got an eye as a matchmaker, seating your intendeds together may well start the pairing you’re interested in.

Do place them with friends of both if possible, that way they don’t necessarily feel they’ve been purposely placed together and will interact normally.

Wedding Place Card etiquette designates that the card will be placed at the top of the plates or over the napkins and will designate seating. Table tent cards with table numbers or names will simplify the process of finding where your guests are seated. A seating arrangement layout or list with names and table numbers will show guests where to look for their place cards.

The most formal of occasions requires the most formal of arrangements and making sure your seating arrangement is set up per etiquette rules ensures everything is being done properly.

March 4, 2011

Customized Wedding Invitations Don’t Have To Cost a Fortune

Filed under: DIY Invitation Ideas — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Jardin Flat InvitationsGetting married is one of the most important times in a person’s life. It’s so important that you want everyone in your life to come be a part of it. You want all your friends and family to be in attendance to see the ceremony and you’ve got all kinds of plans for the reception and the ceremony that you want to share with everyone. Plus, with a little bit of realism creeping in, you want to know who will show up, so having customized wedding invitations is high on your agenda.

The drawback to having invitations made is they can be horrendously expensive. And they can take forever to get made too. First, you have to spend forever going through books filled with sample invitations to find a style you like. Then you have to find the font that looks best. After that, you’ve got to come up with the wording for it. After all that work, you have to wait for a sample to be made so Intricate Flat Invitationyou can approve it. Or make changes.  This can take weeks to accomplish before you get your invitations. Then you have to stuff the envelopes and mail them out.

Making your own customized wedding invitations cuts out a lot of the expense and even more of the hassle factor. Granted, you still have to pick out the invitations, but instead of book after book, you can go online and sort through them much quicker. You may think that getting all the set up done will be a nightmare, but with the templates you download for Word or WordPerfect or whatever word processor you’re using, it’s actually very easy. You can sit down with the template and work with it and the wording until it looks right and sounds right and print off your own sample in a matter of minutes. If you need to make changes, it only takes seconds to make them and see how it looks. After that, all you have to do is hit the print button and you’ve just made your very own customized invitations that look exactly how you want them to look.

Loops Flat InvitationsAnother great aspect of this is if you need to print more, then you print more. You’ve already got it finished and printing more only takes a couple of minutes. That way if you’ve come up with more people you want to invite, then you can send them invites in a timely manner without having to wait for the print company to send you a new batch. And you can print exactly as many as you need. Print companies expect you to order in groups of 50 which means if you need 51, you’ll have to buy 100.

Printing your own customized wedding invitations is truly the easiest and most economical way to start your wedding off. You’ll appreciate the fact you’ve got total control over how the invitation looks, plus you’ll be grateful to have the money you’ve saved for other things you’ll need.

February 25, 2011

Making Sure You Have All the Necessary Wedding Reception Supplies

Filed under: DIY Wedding Accessories — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Newlyweds BannerWhen it comes to wedding receptions, one way to save a lot of money is to plan it out and put it together yourself.  Having friends and family  help with the decorating and cooking needs saves you from having to pay others to do it.  Just like with every other aspect of the wedding, for the reception to be perfect you have to have a lot of planning to ensure you’ve got all the necessary wedding reception supplies.

Here is a list of just a few wedding reception supplies you are going to need to have a great reception.

  • Table cloths
  • Napkins
  • Knives, forks and spoonsDancing Daisies Table Tents by PaperDirect
  • Plates
  • Cups
  • Decorations
  • Balloons
  • Banners
  • Table Tents and Place Cards
  • Streamers
  • Confetti
  • Flowers
  • Food and beverages
  • Serving dishes, chafing dishes, sterno (to keep hot stuff hot. Use stainless steel serving trays)
  • Serving spoons, forks and ladles
  • Trash bags, can opener and a lighter (for the sterno and candles if you have any)

Pristine Specialty Table Tents by PaperDirectThis is just a quick and dirty list of wedding reception supplies you’ll definitely want to have. Of course, this list is working on the assumption you’ve rented a hall where all you’ll have are kitchen facilities for prep and cooking and a room with tables for the reception to take place.

Of course, if you’re going to be handling the reception yourself, the key thing you’ll need is time. Time to set the room up by putting down the table cloths and place settings, time to cook what needs to be cooked (pre-cooking a lot of stuff in the days leading up to the wedding will help with this aspect), time to set up the serving table, and last of all, time to clean up, pack up and go home.

Another key is having enough help to get everything done. Having friends and family to help with prep work, set up and cleanup will enable you to set up the reception room and have all the cooking and serving set up in just a couple of hours, and with enough help, clean up can be accomplished in as little as an hour.

Doing the wedding reception yourself may be a hassle, but it will certainly save you hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars over having it planned, catered and cleaned up. Plus you get something doing it yourself that you don’t get when you let others handle it, the satisfaction that you did it. You gave the bride and groom something that they’ll remember forever.

January 7, 2011

Wedding Invitation Wording for Military Titles

Stylish Specialty Flat InvitationsWhen writing military wedding invitations, many of the same etiquette rules apply as in general or non-military weddings. The difference however, is in the use of military titles. While some brides who are in the military choose to omit mention of military titles in their wedding invitation wording, it is also perfectly acceptable to include her military title in the military invitation wording. In a military wedding the bride/groom’s rank and service is used as well as that of their parents. For enlisted military personnel, rank is omitted. Military titles should also never be abbreviated.

For brides and grooms who are members of the armed forces, the following formats apply for military wedding invitation wording.

NAVYPristine Flat Invitations
Commander and Higher
Commander Steven James Smith
United States Navy

Lieutenant Commander and Below
Steven James Smith
Ensign, United States Navy

Petty Officers and Seamen
Steven James Smith
United States Navy

Captain and Higher
Captain Jane Marie Jones
United States Army

LieutenantFelicity Flat Invitations
Jane Marie Jones
Lieutenant, United States Air Force

Noncoms and Privates
Jane Marie Jones
United States Marines


Regardless of rank, military weddings are amazing occasions that be celebrated and respected. Using the correct wording for your military wedding invitations will help set the tone for the entire event. Use the above tips to do it correctly. Still have more questions? We recommend this site to address any further concerns. Congratulations! We wish all military brides/grooms-to-be many happy years together.

December 24, 2010

Wedding Invitations Etiquette & Wording

Fantasia Pocket InvitationsThe Value of Following Wedding Etiquette
Whether you are planning a small, informal wedding or an extravagant event, you will want to make sure that you start your marriage  on the right foot with your extended family. Wedding etiquette helps guide a bride and groom and provides an assurance you have done your best to properly acknowledged important parties and avoided any unnecessary hurt. Following etiquette can help set the tone for your future relationship with your new in-laws.

The Importance of Wedding Whisper Pocket InvitationsInvitation Etiquette
When it comes to making every effort to have the perfect wedding, no detail can be overlooked. Following the proper protocol provides the tools needed to handle the nuances of a situation and the complex relationships often involved without causing the appearance of alienation or favoritism. This is particularly true of wedding invitations, when everything from wording to whom to send invitations, matters.

Hint Specialty Flat InvitationsCourtesy Must Prevail
It is important to remember that wedding invitation etiquette is intended to assure that the feeling of others remains a priority. Sometimes, etiquette may suggest something that in your situation would cause undue hurt feeling. When adhering to a guideline would cause hurt feelings, courtesy must prevail and you do what is most right in your circumstance.

December 17, 2010

Wedding Invitation Wording for Complex Relationships

Filed under: Wedding Wording & Etiquette — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Carefree Layered Invitations by PaperDirectWhen it comes to wedding invitation wording, ensuring all the aspects of a relationship are covered is important. Knowing how, or whom to include can sometimes be difficult. However, since weddings are such special occasions, it is important to use the opportunity to honor important people in your life.

Even in difficult situations, following etiquette can not only help family to feel honored, it can also mend bridges and help set a new tone for the future of the relationship.

Wording invitations for complex relationships also gives guest valuable information about the current situation for the hosts and help them avoid uncomfortable situations. Inspire Flat Foil InvitationsFor example, perhaps a bride or groom’s parent is recently deceased and only a few people are aware. The wording of an invitation can guide a guest into understanding the situation and avoid asking or stirring up something painful. Or perhaps a parent has a new spouse that should be included. How you word the invitation is an important part of ensuring that respect is shown to all parties involved.

Here are some sample formats for trickier situations:

One parent deceased and remaining parent not remarried:
God has led two lives
to take one path
Mr. John J. Jones
requests the honor of your presence
at the marriage of his daughter
Jean Marie
Mr. Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride’s parents:
Mrs. Anne M. Jones
Mr. John J. Jones
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Jean Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado
Dinner and dancing to follow

From the bride and groom and their parents:
Before they met, their strength was of one
Through marriage, they will experience
the strength of much more than two
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
together with their parents
request the favor of your presence
at their marriage
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride’s mother:
Mrs. Anne Marie Hughes
requests the honor of your presence
at the marriage of her daughter
Jane Marie Jones
Mr. Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride’s mother and stepfather
Love isn’t love ’til you give it away . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott Hughes
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of Mrs. Hughes’ daughter
Jane Marie Jones
Mr. Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride’s relative:
(both parents deceased)
Mr. Jonathan H. Jones
requests the honor of your presence
at the marriage his sister
Jane Marie
Mr. Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

Bubble Bash Invitation PapersWhen it comes to wedding invitation wording, ensuring all the aspects of a relationship are covered is important. That’s where all the rules of etiquette apply, and that’s the detail that makes a wedding invitation special. Paying attention to those details may be one small part of the overall wedding plan, but it is still an essential part.

December 3, 2010

Traditional Wedding Invitation Wording

Filed under: Wedding Wording & Etiquette — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Loops Flat Invitations by PaperDirectWeddings are a momentous occasion that most people hope to share with friends and family. No matter the type of wedding, or where it is held, it is important that we follow wedding invitation etiquette to properly honor the hosts and or parents. How an invitation is written gives guests important cues on relationship dynamics and helps them to avoid small blunders which can cause problems. Wording for example can indicate that the bride’s mother alone is hosting the affair, which gives guests a cue that the father is absent or deceased, and treat the situation accordingly.

Here are some examples of less complicated invitation wording situations:

From the bride’s parents:

For everything there is a seasonEntice Folded Invitations
a time and a purpose
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jones
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Jane Marie
Mr. Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride’s parents
with mention of the groom’s parents:

A life of sharing, caring
A love of endless giving together
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jones
invite you to share in the joy
of the marriage uniting their daughter
Jane Marie
Mr. Steven James Smith
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith
On Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride’s parents:
Each hour, each day, each yearPristine Specialty Tea Length Wrap Invitations
We grow as two, yet as one,
We grow apart, yet together
Forming an eternal love
John and Anne Jones
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado
Dinner and dancing to follow

From both sets of parents:
We have experienced love . . .Pale Roses Casual Invitations by PaperDirect
in our parents, our families and friends
and now a new love in each other
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jones
and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Smith
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their children
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the groom’s parents:
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Smith
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of
Miss Jane Marie Jones
to their son,
Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

Destination wedding—from the bride’s parents:
The most joyous of occasions
is the union of man and woman
in celebration of life . . .
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jones
invite you to share the joy as
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
are married in a
torch light ceremony
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at seven o’clock in the evening
Waimea Falls,
Oahu, Hawaii

Reception invitation:
Love was meant to be shared
with parents, family and friends
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jones
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage reception of their daughter
Jane Marie
Mr. Steven James Smith
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at seven o’clock in the evening
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

Contemporary—from the bride’s parents:
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jones
invite you to share the joy
as two special people
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
become one in marriage
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at seven o’clock in the evening
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

Reception invitation from the bride and groom:
My family, your family — blending as one
Sharing, caring — a new life’s begun
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
are pleased to announce their marriage
on Saturday, March Sixteenth
during a private ceremony in Hawaii
Please join us for a celebration
when we return as husband and wife
Friday, April 10th at 8:00 p.m.
La Baguette Cafe
Denver, Colorado

Fun contemporary—from the bride and groom:
His love is the sunshineHeart Shaped Wishes Casual Invitations
that keeps me warm
To me, she’s the rainbow
after the storm
His love gave me wings
it has set me free
And wherever she is
that’s where I want to be
We invite you to be with us
as we begin our new life together
Ms. Jane Marie Jones
Mr. Steven James Smith
are pleased to announce
they will be married
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride and groom and their parents:
Before they met, their strength was of one
Through marriage, they will experience
the strength of much more than two
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
together with their parents
request the favor of your presence
at their marriage
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride and groom and their families:
It is our moment to celebrate
the love that unites us
Together with their families
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
request the favor of your presence
at their marriage
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
1234 Main Street
Denver, Colorado

From the bride and groom with reception following:
In the presence of our loved ones
we will exchange vows of marriage
and pledge to live all our tomorrows
together in love
Jane Marie Jones
Steven James Smith
request the honor of your presence
to share in the celebration
of their marriage
Saturday, the sixteenth of March
Two Thousand Ten
at three o’clock in the afternoon
Mountain View Community Church
Denver, Colorado
Reception to follow
The Victorian at Heritage Square

November 19, 2010

Proper Wording for Wedding Programs: Make Ms. Manners Happy

Filed under: Wedding Wording & Etiquette — Tags: , , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Adornment Program PaperWedding programs have long been used to give guests an idea of what is going on during the ceremony. Not only does it give a sequence of events so people have an understanding of what is going on, but it helps in giving guests an idea of what will be happening. And, when all is said and done, it gives the guests a way to memorialize the day. It is suggested that all guests teens and older be handed a program as they come into the ceremony.

As an example of how to properly word a wedding program, see the following:

The Marriage Ceremony UnitingInspire Gold Program Paper

Jeannie Renee Wilson
Edward Robinson Smith
on Saturday, June 18, 2006
at half past five o’clock in the evening
St. Michael’s Cathedral
Toronto, Ontario

Order of Ceremonies:

Prelude …………………….. “Here We Are”
Solo …………………………….”Love is All There Is”
Lighting of the Candles
Seating of the Mothers
Processional ……………….”Canon in D Minor”
Wedding Message ………Rev. Jim Reeves
Solo ……………………………..”O Canada”
Exchange of vows
Exchange of rings
Announcement of marriage
Solo …………………………….”Frankie and Johnnie”
Presentation of the Bride and Groom
Recessional ……………….”Ode to Joy”

Wedding Party (in order):

– Parents of the Bride
– Parents of the Groom
– Grandparents of the Bride
– Grandmothers of the Groom
– Maid of Honor
– Matron of Honor
– Bridesmaids
– Junior Bridesmaid
– Honorary Bridesmaid
– Flower Girl
– Best Men
– Groomsmen
– Ring Bearer
– Officiant
– Pianist
– Soloist

Charisma Program PaperWhile all parts aren’t necessary, these are the suggested guidelines in order to maintain proper etiquette and protocol. When it comes time to print or have these bulletins printed, this would be the proper sequence.

October 11, 2010

How to Dress Up Invitations

Filed under: DIY Invitation Ideas — PDWriter @ 9:00 am

Loops InvitationsTime to dress up invitations with some creative ideas. When it comes to invitations, everyone has a “standard” one that comes to mind. This “standard” is usually a wedding-type invitation where you have a scripty font and the information like time, date, where to go, etc. And while there’s nothing wrong with this type of invitation, why not make your event more memorable by dressing up your invitation to make it stand out?

Since making your own invitations is a fairly simple manner, sitting down and designing them goes from being a challenge to being a breeze. Making invitations stand out from the rest isn’t difficult because all you have to do is figure out the different things you want to see on one and apply it. There are lots of elements you can change that will make people really notice your invitations.

1.) Use colored paper. White is overdoneUmbria Layered Invitations
2.) Use a different font besides a script one. Bold and even fonts that go with a themed event will work wonders
3.) Use borders. Regardless of whether you use a simple line border or if you use something as fancy as tree leaves, a border helps focus attention on the information.
4.) Use the invitation as a pointer to a web address only. This way all the information you want someone to have, including addresses, directions and even a map are readily available. Most of this won’t fit on your standard invitation
5.) Use different shaped paper. Instead of the white rectangle of card stock, use rounds or ovals, or even less standard designs for your invite.
6.) Use colors. Having your font in a different color than black gets attention. Colors on borders helps too
7.) Use graphics or pictures. You can even use a picture as a watermarked background, giving your invitation a totally custom feel

 Peaceful Pine Layered InvitationsThere are dozens more little tips and tricks you can use to dress up your invitations, but these are some quick hints that will make your invite stand out. The more attention your invitation gets, the better your turnout will be. The point to an invitation is getting people to pay attention.

September 22, 2010

How to Address Wedding Invitations

Filed under: Wedding Wording & Etiquette — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:30 pm

Pristine Wedding InvitationsInvitation Envelopes Etiquette & Wording

As with any aspect of a formal occasion, every nuance of etiquette needs to be followed. There are conventions for thank you notes, for invitation wording and even on how to properly address wedding invitations and envelopes. By sticking to the rules of etiquette that are pertinent to this particular aspect of the wedding invitation, the “perfect wedding” can be achieved. While there are some that won’t care if it is perfect, there are those that want every single detail to be exacting. This guide is for those people.

The outer envelope should contain the names of the invited guests and their address. Write your return address on the outside envelope in the event that the sender doesn’t have a recent address. Traditionally, the return address, without names, is written on the back flap, not on the front of the invitation envelope. This will also ensure that those guests who want to send cards and gifts directly to your home will have the correct address.

Each guest’s title and family name is written on the inner envelope, along with the first names of the invited children.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller
David and Susan

Use formal names. If you would like to use middle names be sure to write out the full name.
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Joseph

Spell out words such as apartment, avenue, street, and state names.
543 South Maple Street
Denver, Colorado

Abbreviate only Mr., Mrs., Ms., Jr., and Messrs. Write out professional titles, such as doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller
Doctor and Mrs. Henry Anderson

Address envelopes to both members of married couples even if you only know one.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Adams

The phrase “and Family” should only be used when everyone under the same roof is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris and Family
Doctor and Mrs. Henry Anderson and Family

Address envelopes to unmarried couples with the names on separate lines, listed alphabetically by last name.
Ms. Roberta Smith
Mr. Joseph Thompson
Mr. Henry Albright
Mr. Jeremy Barnes

Single guests should be listed by name on the outer envelope.
Mr. Robert Smith

For single guests, you may also add “and Guest” to the inner envelope.
Mr. Smith and Guest

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