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May 3, 2011

How to Conduct a Mail-In Survey

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Kids at Play LetterheadOne level of marketing means getting feedback on various aspects of the business. Being able to poll customers about the quality of products and service will enable you to see where areas of improvement are so you can have an even more effective business. But finding the best way to conduct a mail-in survey can be a problem if you’ve not done one before.

The approach to take on a survey like this would be to define what you hope to accomplish. Depending on how much information you want to derive, deciding on what kind of mail out you want to use will also be affected. The best way to ensure you get as much response as possible, it is suggested to do a one page letter explaining the survey, a singleKids at Play Envelopes page for the survey and also include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Adding the envelope removes the expense of the recipient having to go to the hassle of finding an envelope and the expense of postage.

While you may want to get a lot of data from a survey, limit it to a maximum of 10 to 15 questions, and make the questions answerable with a yes or no checkbox. If a survey is too complex or requires a lot of choices, the recipient will rapidly become bored with it and not complete it. While that may seem like a stingy limitation, consider the surveys you’ve received and why you did or didn’t complete it. That will create a basis for yours.

A lot of information can be delivered from just a few well developed questions as well. One way to refine your survey would be to do a limited test run on a small number of clients. This will show you where possible improvements in the survey can be made. The goal is to have as close to 100% response rate as possible, and having a survey that is easy to complete is key.

There are other ways to encourage survey completion as well. Use an incentive of a discount or of a free product or gift for those who return the surveys. This may seem like a bit of a bribe, and in a way, it is. But there are no real rules on how to conduct a mail-in survey, and the need for the information the customers can give you back will be of far more value than the “bribe”. Check out all your options to get the most from your survey.

May 2, 2011

Fantastic Newsletter Designs!

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Use newsletters to communicate to your employees about what is happening from safety to birthdays and anniversaries.  Newsletter can also be used to communicate to your customer about product and business information.

Swirly Sun NewsletterSwirly Sun Newsletter

Bright Future NewsletterBright Future Newsletter

Friendly Neighborhood Homes NewsletterFriendly Neighborhood Homes Newsletter

Hands Holding Plant NewsletterHands Holding Plant Newsletter

Sunflower Garden NewsletterSunflower Garden Newsletter

April 25, 2011

Handwritten Notes Leave A Strong Impression In Today’s Electronic World

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Patterned Personalized Note PadsWith the speed of business in today’s economic world, it seems like every bit of communication going on is either by email, cell phone, Twitter or Facebook. Big business even uses their own in-house instant messaging and collaboration systems to make sure everyone is working off of the newest information possible. This need for speed has relegated the handwritten note to the Post-it note category, and depersonalized virtually everything. But a real live handwritten note can really make a huge impression on whoever receives it.

There are lots of occasions when you want to add that extra level of personal touch to a correspondence.  When it comes to reaching out to a potential client, or growing a relationship with an existing one, handwritten correspondence reaches a level that no email or phone call can. By having high quality, personalized stationery to add that special Stylish Specialty NoteCardstouch, it also means more to the recipient because they know you’ve taken the time and effort to become a bit more personal with your correspondence.

Whether it’s a handwritten thank you note to the HR manager who interviewed you for a potential job, the salesman who wants to add that personal touch to encourage a call or commitment,  all the way through the CEO who sends a personal note of congratulations for a job well done, when it comes to making someone feel like they are personally appreciated, nothing shows that as well as a handwritten note. Anyone who receives a handwritten note expressing appreciation and gratitude for who they are and what they do brings a smile to their face.

Dancing Daisies NoteCardsMaking connections in business is everything. Good products and great service are only one part of a much bigger picture and finding the ways and means to create and strengthen those connections is vital to the strength of a business. Handwritten notes can do that in ways that gifts and phone calls just can’t do because people appreciate the fact that a person takes the time to relate to them as a person. You really can’t do that in an email.

April 11, 2011

Job Interview Thank You Note – Choosing the Right Response

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Patterned Thank You NoteCardsRead on to learn how to write your best job interview thank you note. In today’s tight job market, we have to do everything we can to ensure we’re noticed. Human resource departments are inundated with applications and resumes every time a job opening is available, so doing things to stand out takes a little extra effort. Not only do you need to use high quality paper for your resume and cover letter, but you have to really hit all the bases just right simply to get a job interview. If you’re lucky enough to get that job interview, one way to continue showing that you’ll be an exceptional employee is to respond with a job interview thank you note.

As with the resume and cover letter, you have to be very careful with your thank you response for job interview. Simplicity Personalized NoteCardsWhile you do want to express gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the job interview, you don’t want to overdo it. Nor do you want to appear too anxious to get some type of response from the prospective employer. Keeping that careful balance between showing appreciation and wanting to become an employee without being overbearing is necessary.

Using phrases like “I appreciate the opportunity of the job interview” and “looking forward to the challenges and opportunities working for your company presents” are good. These show you do appreciate the time and effort they’ve taken during the job interview and that you’re thinking ahead about the job that’s available. But you don’t want to overdo it.

Royal NoteCardsAvoid going overboard with an excessive show of gratitude. While companies know you need a job, coming across with a sycophantic attitude won’t get you the job. Neither will wording that shows you assume you’ve got the job either. Being aggressive or arrogant won’t win you any Brownie points and may actually cost you the job in the process.

Some interviewees won’t bother to send a job interview thank you note at all. While sending one is definitely appropriate, keep in mind that balance has to be the main priority when writing it. A well worded job interview thank you note can be the key to getting that great job. But a thank you note that goes overboard can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Products shown above

Patterned Thank You Rhubarb Note Card

Simplicity Personalized Note Card

Royal Notecard

April 5, 2011

Business Card Paper Stock – The Right Look, The Right Weight

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Cruise Ship Alaska Business CardsWhen it comes to business cards, the choices seem endless, but that should be seen as a positive–not a negative. The vast selection of business cards at PaperDirect will amaze you, and we’re sure you’ll find one that perfectly represents you and your business.

There’s a bit more to business cards than meets the eye. Yes, we want them to look professional, have an easy-to-read font and eye-catching images, but there are some other decisions that must be made when it comes to choosing your business card. Have you ever thought about the weight (or thickness) of your business card?

Weight Information for Business Cards

As mentioned in the title of this blog, business cards are printed on some form of “paper stock” whose visual effect, method of printing, and cost will vary. When you choose a business card design from PaperDirect, you can click directly on that card and get weight information. For example, a traditional business card that is standard size (2″ X 3.5″) comes in custom printed weight (you customize online and we print) and desktop printable weight (you print on our designed paper). Here are the custom printed specifications:

  • New heavy stocks (111 lb)
  • Premium white stocks and super glossy (130 lb)
  • 80 lb white stocks and super glossy
Here are the desktop printable specifications:
  • 65 lb cover stock
  • 8.5”x 11” sheet
  • 10 cards/sheet
  •  2” x 3.5” business card

Paper with a heavier weight, especially with rag bond edging or embossing will add that level of quality and feel you get from high quality business cards.  Regardless of how great the design is or what is pre-printed on your cards, the real first impression your card will make is the way it feels when someone is holding it.

Save Money on Your Business Cards

One way to save a lot of money on business cards is to make them yourself. There are lots Crane Business Cardsof templates available for popular word processing and graphics design programs that make lying out and designing your own cards a breeze. All you have to do is put the company logo or graphic you want on the card, set up the text with names and company info and print them off on business card paper stock. You can actually layout and design business cards in a matter of a few minutes and make changes in seconds.

Coffee Beans Scoop Business CardsMake sure your business card makes a good first impression for you. It may cost you a few pennies extra per card for heavier, higher-quality business card paper stock, but that first impression will be priceless.

PaperDirect is your one-stop online shopping source for business cards and other necessities for business owners and managers. The PaperDirect blog often has suggestions for business card designs and business cards as a networking tool. Have a comment or question? We’d love to hear from you. Simply click “Leave a Comment” and let us know your idea or question!

April 4, 2011

March 29, 2011

Business Letterheads – Which Are The Best Designs?

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Back Nine Letterhead PapersMany times the first impression you get to make on someone is via some type of correspondence. A letter of introduction or some kind of note to set a meeting to begin a relationship with a company on your company stationery is often the first thing a prospective client sees. This means the business letterheads on your stationery has to make a positive, memorable impact on them, so having a well designed letterhead is essential.

A full sized 8 ½” x 11” piece of paper is a huge piece of real estate to work with when it comes to advertising space. Granted, the bulk of that area needs to be reserved for the communications, but that leaves a lot of space that can be used to show clients all of the capabilities and products of your company. The center of the document does need to be reserved for the reason you’re corresponding, but the entire area of the unused margins can be used for letterhead and other information.

Naturally the company logo, the address, phone, fax, email and website information has to Friendly Neighborhood Homes Letterheadbe on the business letterhead page somewhere.  Since the basic company info including the log usually winds up at the top that leaves the other areas, especially the left margin and the bottom available for use for many different purposes. Since all text in the US is read left to right, the left margin can be used for a lot of things including descriptions of products and services available.

While the top of the page is generally used for the company logo and address, the bottom of the page can be reserved for other information. Do put the company address, phone number and fax number at the top of the page, but use the bottom inch and a half to put other information like website info and email addresses. This enables you to put Fighter Jets Letterheada lot of contact information into what is generally considered unused space. Most printers are perfectly capable of allowing you to print stationery in “outside the margins” areas, and you can easily set your favorite word processor to put the correspondence data inside the margin areas you’re using.

Letterhead doesn’t have to be a big challenge, but all too often it is. The keys to making an effective business letterhead all have to do with efficient use of what is usually considered useless space. By taking advantage of these areas, you can get a lot of information about your company and your products in front of a customer without having to put forth a special effort, and the cost in terms of implementation is minimal.

March 22, 2011

Top 5 Ways to Use a Door Hanger

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Perfectly Plain Door HangersDoor hanger campaigns can be a very effective way to reach a local public. Door hangers have a lot of uses, and we’ve all received them for various things, and since they’re hanging on the door of our homes when we get home from work or discover them as we leave, the marketer knows you’ve seen their advertising. They are very effective tools and taking advantage of them can be a big boost to your bottom line.

Here are 5 great ways to use door hangers:

1. We’ve all gotten door hangers from the local pizza place advertising delivery. If you have a similar type business, you can have a very successful advertising campaign with door hangersBrights Door Hanger Papers

2. Use door hangers as invitations. They can be used to promote a grand opening event or other event that has a specific time and place to be. As a way to invite the local public, it is very effective

3. Door hangers can be used to promote a sale. Local stores can expect a rise in traffic after a door hanger campaign

4. They can also be used to distribute coupons for money off a product or free samples. This encourages the recipient to come into your place of business to take advantage of the offer

5. Door hangers can also be used to deliver free product samples. This can be a very effective tool to get people to use a new product

Brights Door Hanger PapersDoor hanging campaigns are usually very inexpensive ways to get your business name in front of the public. High school kids can provide the labor, and a lot of territory can be covered in a very short amount of time. Door hangers gives you two surfaces to put information and graphics on, so being able to get a lot of information in front of a potential customer is easily accomplished.

Check out the next door hanger you get and see if you get any ideas on how a door hanging campaign could benefit your business. Whether you’re selling a product or a service, being able to attract a local customer base with an inexpensive door hanging campaign will certainly do great things for your bottom line.

March 21, 2011

4 Tips to Make Your Image More Professional

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Colorful Letterhead PaperWhen a business is small, being a bit informal and relaxed is totally acceptable. However, when your business grows, or you’ve developed a lead for an important client, up scaling your image is necessary. There are a few professions where having your own “space” is reasonable, as with artists and highly skilled individuals, but most of the time, clients expect to work with a certain level of professionalism. That’s where making your image more professional will profit you greatly. Here are 4 quick tips:

1.       While kicking around in a t-shirt and jeans canFull Circle Letterhead Papers work with various professions, when it comes to working with the public, there needs to be a level of cleanliness and orderliness to your appearance. While a suit and tie may be needed under certain circumstances, many times a simple button down shirt or polo with khaki’s or even jeans is perfectly reasonable.

2.       Change the quality of supplies you use for correspondence. Instead of using plain white paper, use personalized stationery on good quality paper. Using a higher quality paper will add a level of professionalism to any document. Don’t rely entirely on electronic correspondence for everything. Clients and customers appreciate being able to hold something in their hands as well.

Tattersall Blue NoteCards3.       Send a physical thank you card or letter of appreciation will add a layer of professionalism to your approach. There are lots of great thank you cards available and adding a hand written note inside will ensure your clients know you appreciate their patronage.

4.       Don’t do everything on a PDA. Carrying a portfolio or leather covered pad to make notes on will show the customer you’re truly paying attention to their needs

There are lots of little things you can do to sharpen up your image but these four are a quick and dirty list that really has a visual impact on what your customers and clients see. Regardless of how high the quality of your work actually is, appearance is everything.

March 14, 2011

Help Your Next Business Fundraiser Succeed With Custom Raffle Tickets

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Brights Tear Off Tickets StockA lot of businesses either help with fund raising for various charities or are non-profits and use raffles to promote awareness and to raise funds as well. Being able to make your own custom raffle tickets gives the ability to reduce expenses since the job to make the tickets isn’t being sent to a print company and it also enables you to print as many tickets as you want. This means a raffle can have 100 tickets or 10,000 tickets if you like. Not only that, but creating your own tickets mean you control every aspect of the raffle process.

Blank raffle tickets are very inexpensive and you can get a template Picnic II Tear Off Ticketsfor your favorite word processor so making the tickets at your business or home is a breeze. Tickets are designed to be torn in half after you fill out the information on it so you have to design your tickets accordingly. The side with the information is fairly straightforward. All you need is a blank for the person’s name, the address (optional) and a phone number to contact them in case they win.

You can use the other side for anything that’s necessary. Not only can you put the charity info on it, sponsor info, a picture of the grand prize, how much the ticket is, but you can put anything else that seems appropriate. Usually you want the ticket to be a part of the sell process, so having color on it to attract attention is a good thing as well. Since the purchaser is going to keep that part, having advertising info for the sponsor and the charity means whoever sees the stub will see the ads which encourages more people to sponsor raffles.

Aqua Splash Tear Off TicketsDon’t forget the back of the ticket stub as well. This area often gets overlooked as a way to include sponsor information or more information about the charity or reason for the raffle. Depending on the size of the ticket, a lot of information can be placed on both sides. Don’t forget to put the date of the drawing somewhere so the ticket-holder will know when to expect a call if they win.

Custom raffle tickets are a great way to raise money. Since they can be used to raffle off anything from a gas grill all the way through a car, they’re inexpensive and easy to sell. The ability to create your own custom raffle tickets gives you all kinds of flexibility. They give you the ability to advertise easily with a minimum of cost.

March 7, 2011

3 Resume Examples

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: , — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Natural Linen Resume PaperTo land that next job, you’ll more than likely have to submit a resume. HR departments get flooded with resumes whenever a job opening is posted, so having a resume ready will save you from having to rush around to make one. But, you want to custom tailor each resume you send out, since some experiences will be more important than others to different employers. While the basic structure of a resume is relatively standard, there are different things you can do to stand out. Here are three sample resume examples you can base your own off of:

Regardless of how you do your resume, you want it on good rag bond paper. At the top, you’ll want your name and address in a clean, easy to read font. Centered is usually most effective, but to the left and right can work as well with a divider line. Here’s a couple of resume examples.

John DoeMonterey Sand Resume Paper
123 Anystreet
Your Town, Your State     12345
Home: (123) 456-7890     Cell: (123) 456-7890
Email address:

John Doe
123 Anystreet
Your Town, Your State     12345
Home: (123) 456-7890     Cell: (123) 456-7890
Email address:

John Doe
123 Anystreet
Your Town, Your State     12345
Home: (123) 456-7890     Cell: (123) 456-7890
Email address:

Gilt Edged PaperWhile there are variations on this, different fonts and styles, this is the basic options. As for the main body, you’ll want to highlight the last couple of jobs as well as whatever specific highlights from your career that is pertinent to the new job. Custom tailor the resume to each job you’re applying for to emphasize skills.

For instance, say you’re a graphics designer with a lot of video experience. You’ll list your job experience, but tailor the duties for each job you’re looking at applying for. For a print job, a resume example would be:

“Has experience with Adobe Creative Suite with emphasis on Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign.”

Whereas a video based job may read:
“Has experience with Adobe Creative Suite with emphasis on Flash Catalyst, After Effects and Encore”

And for a web designer position the description in this resume example would read:
“Has experience with Adobe Creative Suite with emphasis on Dreamweaver, Flash Builder and Fireworks.”

All three statements are true, yet pointed directly at the job you’re applying for. Other skills are implied, but in the interest of saving valuable real estate on a resume, only the most pertinent details are emphasized.

Lastly, you’ll want to put your education and references on the second page. Limit your resume to 2 pages as the HR people won’t take the time to go through an extensive one. Put your education on top, with emphasis on degrees and activities that pertain specifically to the job. And tailor your references the same way. Those references who will attest to your skill set for the job you’re applying for will be the most effective.

Making a resume specific to the job is going to be the best way to get that next job. A generic resume may be acceptable, but customizing each resume will give you a much better chance of going for the interview and getting that next job.

February 28, 2011

Letterheads for Medical and Dental Offices

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Create an image of professionalism for your medical or dental office with these Medical & Dental Letterheads.

Beating Heart LetterheadBeating Heart Letterhead

Smiling Tooth LetterheadSmiling Tooth Letterhead

Health Care LetterheadHealth Care Letterhead

Rx LetterheadRX Letterhead

Test Tubes LetterheadTest Tubes Letterhead

February 21, 2011

How to Write a Cover Letter

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Authority Letterhead PapersThe first impression you get to make when applying for a job is more than likely going to be your cover letter on your resume. While a solid, well executed resume is going to be essential to getting that job, that first impression your cover letter delivers will be key. HR personnel are geared to filter through resumes in any way possible, so making sure you write a cover letter well keeps yours from getting kicked out right off the bat.

To write an effective cover letter is a balance of appreciation, hope and promise. You’ll want to express appreciation for the opportunity to apply for the job. In today’s job market, you want to let people know that you do appreciate opportunities.President Letterhead Papers

Next, you’ll want to express the hope you’ll be interviewed and hired. Not only that, but you want to express the hope that you’ll have a positive impact on the company. Being a team player and up-building the company before you’re even hired is going to leave the reader with a positive impression and impact them with your desire to be a part of the company.

Last, when you write a cover letter you want to express how your skill set would be a benefit to the company. You want to leave them with the impression that your skills are exactly what they’re looking for and then some.Royal Letterhead Papers This will leave them with the impression you’ve got a lot of promise to help boost the company’s bottom line.

To close, recap with a couple of sentences reinforcing the hope and promise statements, then close with one last statement of appreciation. This leaves the reader with an overall positive impression of you. You’ll have set up your resume and your desire to work for the company. HR personnel are used to seeing a bunch of bland cover letters, so having one positively impact them will be a big help to your job search.

Letterhead paper shown above

Authority Blue Letterhead

President Red Letterhead

Royal Letterhead

February 7, 2011

How to Write a Great Business Letter

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Envision LetterheadWhile paper correspondence seems to be falling by the wayside in our fast paced business world, following style, form and function is still a necessity. Regardless of whether you’re sending a letter in an email or via snail-mail, there are rules that still need to be followed. Great business letters, regardless of the method of delivery, are designed as formal communication. This means taking a few things into account when it comes to the style and content.

First, keep in mind who your intended audience is. If it’s an individual, you’ll want to handle it in a somewhat more personal manner than if you would a group. Also, keep in mind the purpose of the letter versus who will be reading it. Don’t get too technical with someone who won’t understand the references, but don’t underestimate or undervalue the points you’re trying to impress upon the recipient.

One aspect to keep in mind if using regular mail is the stationery used. Having your Internet Global Letterheadbusiness letters on good quality stationery with the company logo embossed on it will always add a huge level of professionalism to any correspondence. Even negative business letters have a better reception when delivered on high quality stationery.

Writing a great business letter doesn’t mean it has to be stuffy and impersonal. Bringing a level of informality and personable attitude to the letter ensures the person reading it comes away with a sense of satisfaction that they’re working with someone friendly and reasonable. However, don’t be too informal and jokey as that could come across as too flighty and inconsequential. That would actually defeat the purpose of the letter.

Generally, a great business letter will start off with a paragraph introducing the overall scenario. The International Green Letterheadsecond paragraph gives an outline or agenda for the rest of the letter. Subsequent paragraphs will define each section of the outlined areas, and a final paragraph will tie up any loose ends with an encouragement to work towards a successful completion of the purpose of the letter.

Even letters that are simply sent as a thank you will need to follow a similar style. But, after all is said and done, business letters are the backbone of corporate correspondence, and should be handled as such. Nothing of any importance can be started or handled without a great business letter.

January 20, 2011

Promoting a Golf Tournament

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

When it comes to playing golf, a true golfer will play anytime, anywhere and just about with anything. That’s one reason why putting together a golf tournament is usually a breeze, since everyone who plays golf wants to get on the links. Promoting a golf tournament is usually a breeze too since anything with the word “golf” in it automatically attracts their attention.

Regardless of the reason for a tournament, whether it be as a for profit event for the golf course or as a non-profit event to benefit a worthy cause like breast cancer research, anyone who likes golf loves a golf tournament. In order to have the maximum amount of monetary throughput, promoting a golf tournament in virtually any and every way possible is required.

Country Club PostcardsWhile big courses and companies can afford to do radio, television and newspaper ads, many smaller companies, or sponsors for benefit tournaments simply can’t. That’s where both inexpensive and creative ways to promote a golf tournament comes into play. Benefits especially can get a lot of attention by using some of these techniques.

1.    Postcard mailers, perhaps the least expensive mailer available, postcards can deliver a ton of information in a very small Tee Time Border Paperspackage. Tee times, dates, costs and locations as well as a map if need be can easily fit on a post card.

2.    Door hangers, send high school kids, especially if they’re on the golf team, out and about in neighborhoods with door hangers. You can put almost as much info on a door hanger as you can a post card.

3.    Parking lot flyers, having all the information on a flyer and having people walk around the lot and put them under windshield wipers will definitely garner attention for the tournament.

Tee to Green Business Cards4.    Business card ads, have business cards promoting the tournament with a website address dropped everywhere. Restaurants and businesses that have cash registers are great places to leave a small stack of cards. Leaving them everywhere ensures at least someone will look.

5.    Have at least a one page website put together with info and directions. Even though golfers are usually less than spectacular in the computer department, if they’re interested in finding a local tournament, having a page show up will definitely get looked at.

There are lots of ways to promote a tournament like this. Even using word of mouth to spread it around the community can save a lot of time, headaches and hassles.

January 18, 2011

7 Things to Avoid In a Professional Thank You Note

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Elegant Thank you Specialty NoteCardsThank you notes can be one of the trickiest things on the planet to come up with. You don’t want to come off too impersonal, but you don’t want to be too personal either. You do want to express your appreciation to the client or vendor that you’ve done business with, however you don’t want that appreciation to overstep or sound stilted. When it comes to making a professional thank you note, here are some tips that will help:

  1. Don’t get personal with their name. Unless you’ve known them as friends for Classic Thank You Greeting Card Setyears and know they don’t mind, addressing someone as “Dave” or “Jen” as a diminutive of their name may be offensive.
  2. When using stock thank you cards, make sure there’s nothing about them that could be misconstrued as overly political or have religious overtones
  3. Speaking of religious overtones, unless you know someone’s faith, you run the risk of alienating a lot of clients if you use any religious references in your notes. While expressing faith is one thing, putting it into a thank you note may not be appreciated
  4. Don’t sound desperate or beg for their business. Stick to the point and thank them for the business they’ve already given you. Some may even see the thank you card as a plea for more business in and of itself
  5. Keep it simple. A long, drawn out note of any kind, let alone a thank you card is going to be overbearing
  6. Don’t send a generic message that is obviously sent “to everyone”. Even though you don’t want to be too personal, even a professional thank you note will at least use their name
  7. Don’t make them cheap looking. Use good paper or card stock and a quality font. When you’re expressing appreciation to a customer or vendor, you want them to respect your company

Thanks Personalized NoteCardsThere are lots of other things to avoid that are quite obvious. Language rules, check your spelling, don’t use slang or other words that may offend the recipient and above all, don’t expect a reply back from them. Customers and vendors do want to know you appreciate doing business with them, and will continue to do so when they need to. Professional thank you notes aren’t hard to do, and definitely show people you do care and appreciate them.

January 17, 2011

Top Do’s And Don’ts for Job Searches

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Carrara Business CardsIn today’s economy, if you’ve got a job, you have to keep it if at all possible. That doesn’t mean you can’t be doing other job searches looking for a better one, but until you’ve got that new job nailed down, you can’t count on finding that new job before quitting. And if you’re one of the scores of unemployed, finding a new job is a major priority. In order to optimize your chances, there are several things you can do to improve them and several things to not do that would hurt. Here’s a quick list.

1. Make sure your resume is up to date. And don’t make it unnecessarily complicated. HR people don’t want to plow through page after page. Hit the last couple jobs and any high spots, then an education and reference page. Limit your resume to 2 pages tops.

2. Keep a pocketful of business cards and hand them out to anyone that may be a lead, paperclip one to your resume as well. When you hand them out, let people know of your job searches.

3. Be persistent when checking back on a job, but don’t overrun the person taking Earthtone Tiles Business Cardsresumes. Give them a day or so to get to your resume before calling to check, unless you know they’ll be doing something with them sooner. Call back every day or so until they ask you back for an interview or state the job is filled.

4. Don’t be afraid to take a job beneath your skill level. Jobs right now are at a premium and while there are jobs available, it may not be what you want, but being employed at least will show you’re making an effort to maintain employment. The statement “It’s easier to find a job when you have a job” is true.

Scroll Business Cards5. Talk to everyone you come in contact with. Even in grocery store lines. You never know who’s in your business that can connect you during your job searches. If you come across someone who can be a lead, make sure you give them a business card.

The point to job searches now is networking. Online forums and other resources like Facebook and MySpace can be a source for leads too, so make sure you’re exploring all your options. Opportunities to connect within your industry are all over the place, and connecting online may lead to an opportunity you wouldn’t find any other way. There are jobs out there, but you have to be willing to make the effort to go get them. Don’t be afraid to extend yourself to get that next job as that’s what it’s going to take.

January 4, 2011

Inexpensive Marketing Ideas: 8 Ways to Promote Your Business

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

When it comes time to find ways to market your products and services, there are literally thousands of things you can do. Unfortunately, it seems like it costs more money to promote your business than you can recover from the advertising. However, there are several inexpensive marketing ideas you can use that really work. Here are a few for you:

    1. Brights Table TentsOne key is to make sure people see your name in as many places as possible. Sponsoring sports events on banners will be seen by hundreds of people during the event
    2. Buying space on local restaurant table tents and menus will put your name in front of people every day

Balloon Dreams Border Papers

  1. One way to put the business name in front of people is by putting flyers on windshields in grocery store parking lots
  2. Hire some high school kids and hang door hangers with your business name on it. This is very successful if you offer a discount or free product.
  3. Having inexpensive giveaways like pens and pencils with the business name and logo on it or Post-it notes and fridge magnets are always good to draw people
  4. When you go anywhere, make sure you leave Studious Business Cardsbusiness cards somewhere people will see them. If you use the business card promos you see all over the web, that is definitely one of the most inexpensive marketing ideas.
  5. Buy ad space in high school sports programs and annuals if they sell it. This reaches people for years.
  6. Use Craigslist to advertise indirectly on. If you offer something for sale and use it to reference your business, it’ll be seen by hundreds, or even thousands, of people

There are lots more tips and tricks out there for inexpensive marketing ideas for your business. While there may be a little money involved in some of them, there are quite a few that are totally free.  Marketing your business doesn’t have to cost a lot, and the return on the investment can be huge.

November 18, 2010

Memorable Holiday Letters Made Easy

Filed under: Designing Your Business Communication — Tags: — PDWriter @ 8:00 am

Jolly Holiday Christmas Border PaperWhen it comes to the holidays, it’s gotten to the point where too many people feel it has become a hassle to mess with all the trappings. Traveling to family, buying presents, exchanging gifts, having to cope with the crowds and traffic, and even all the commercialization of the season has become overwhelming.


People have lost the focus of the holidays which, contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with Santa Claus. While all the commercials push buying all these amazing gifts, the real purpose is to connect to your friends and family. Instead of spending all kinds of money on gifts they probably won’t even like, why not put your time and effort into a letter written on holiday stationary that shows your true feelings instead of a gift?


While a lot of us may cringe at the thought of having to sit down and focus on writing a Bethlehem  Christmas Border Paperletter, if you stop and think about it, which would you rather have? Another gift you put back in the closet or wind up re-gifting to someone else, or a warm letter from a friend or relative that actually reaches out and touches you? Most of your friends and family feel the same way.

Share the Latest News with Everybody

Sitting down and writing a letter to each person we want to connect with this year can be a daunting prospect. However, if you stop and look at what you’re going to be doing, it actually turns out to be fairly easy. What you’ll do is write the middle section of the letter to “everybody.” That way, the core of it, mostly about what is going on in your life with job, immediate family, hobbies, etc. will be the same.  That simplifies the entire process immensely.

Baroque Christmas Border PaperPersonalize

After that, write an introduction paragraph or two and a closing paragraph or two that is specific to each person. That way, when they get the letter, it will be to them. It will reach out to them specifically instead of being a “generic” letter. That way, not only have you made it personal, but you’ve also made it relatively easy as well.  Then put it on holiday stationary and you’ve just given a gift that most people really will appreciate.

September 17, 2010

9 Tips for Delivering Powerful Presentations

Filed under: Marketing & Sales Promotion Techniques — PDWriter @ 11:43 am

Powerful presentations are vital to gain visibility for your company, prospect for new customers, and sell your products or services.  Read our tips for powerful presentations to make your delivery successful. Regardless of the structure involved, there are rules you can follow to make sure your presentations reach out and grab your audiences effectively.

Verbal presentations can be one of the most frightening aspects of your job (more so than being bitten by a dog or flying in an airplane, research shows). We hope to help relieve some of that fear and stress by providing you with these useful tips and ideas you can use for your next presentation:

1.   Appear confident in front of your audience; stand erect but relaxed.
2.   Speak so everyone can comfortably hear you, making sure to modulate your voice naturally.
3.   Speak at an appropriate pace for your material—neither too quickly (you’ll lose your audience) nor too slowly (you’ll put them to sleep).
4.   Use visual aids, overheads, or a software program like PowerPoint® to help keep your audience’s interest alive.
5.   Make frequent eye contact with your audience. Think of your presentation as a series of brief, one-on-one conversations with individuals. This keeps you from talking at your audience.
6.   Use a tone of voice that projects authority. Be enthusiastic in your delivery, and speak with belief in your message.
7.   Keep your presentation as brief and simple as possible.
8.   End your presentation with a clear message reiterating the most important points that you want them to remember.
9.   Engage your audience shaking hands with them either before or after your presentation.

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