We all know those feelings–the fighting-to-look-interested feeling. The trying-to-keep-your-eyes-propped-open feeling. The hoping-no-one-sees-how-many-times-I’ve-yawned feeling. And the boy-I-hope-no one-can read-my-mind feeling that accompanies a painfully boring presentation by a colleague or conference speaker.
If you have to give a business presentation, the most important point to keep in mind is that you must keep your audience interested by giving a creative presentation. Monotone lectures and ordinary slide shows are going to turn your audience off before you even get to the meat of your message. Consider these creative presentation ideas to wow your audience:
Use dynamic visuals–By dynamic visuals, we don’t mean a slideshow or PowerPoint presentation as these tend to be extremely boring. Use video or live people to demonstrate a point in your presentation. Avoid handouts and other paper visuals that require no audience interaction. You will put your audience to sleep in record time if you don’t allow them to watch something that is in motion and sound.
Motivate your audience to return promptly from breaks–To get your audience to come back on time after an intermission, you can use raffle tickets for a drawing or offer some type of quiz with a prize for the winner. While this may sound like something more for kids, adults need to be stimulated, too, and offering an incentive to return to your presentation is a great way to ensure the audience will come back after a short break.
Dress up in costume–If dressing up in costume can possibly fit into your presentation, then do it. It will show your audience you’re committed, and it will show them you’re enthusiastic about your topic. While the costume can be light-hearted and fun, you don’t want it to be so silly that your message is totally lost on the audience.
Provide food and/or drinks–The best way to win over an audience and to keep them interested is to feed them. Light snacks and drinks are a welcome addition to any business presentation.
For any creative presentation, have a back-up plan just in case things don’t go as planned.
Please visit PaperDirect for a full line of presentation helpers, presentation displays, and presentation folders.