PaperDirect Blog PaperDirect Blog

January 29, 2016

What to Write on Plaques, Trophies & More

Filed under: — PDWriter @ 9:56 am

Struggling for a clever or heartfelt message that fits on a plaque or trophy? Here are quick, ready to use phrases that you can take and directly use on your company trophy, employee of the month plaques, or any other type of appreciation.


You are the champion!


On a scale of 1 to 10, you just nabbed an 11. Way to go!


For you’re a jolly good employee!


You didn’t just raise the bar good to great. You raised the bar from great to extraordinary.


Wonderful Work!


Nothing we can say can match the appreciation we feel for your phenomenal work.


Exceptional All Around!


Tremendous, Simply Tremendous.


You’re out of this world! (Is there life out there, by the way?)


Thank you for all you do – And the fabulous way you do it.


When the stuff hits the fan, you always know where to find the cleaning supplies. Thank you!


Terrific. Sensational. You!


Simply Marvelous!


Your dedication rocks.


You’re truly an inspiration.


Looking for plaques and/or trophies? We’ve got them. Happy appreciation!

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