You adore your business team. Employees go the extra mile and come up with creative solutions each time you ask. If your verbal pats on the back are starting to feel a little lame or overused, surprise your standout employees with something a little more. These creative employee recognition ideas will express your gratitude and make a lasting impression!
Write a Thank You Note
Skip the email. Instead, use a nice pen and a thank you note to explain why you’re thrilled with your employee’s performance. Taking the time to express your feelings on paper shows more care than a simple thank you email.
Give a Gift Card
Keep a stash of $10 gift cards to popular coffee shops and lunch spots that your staff frequent. When you want to recognize a moment in which your employee shined, say thanks, then hand the employee a gift card as a small acknowledgment of their hard work.
Share Some Sparkle
Lapel pins featuring the company logo, positive words, or industry related icons show your gratitude. Be sure to pin them to little cards printed with a quote about positivity or teamwork before you gift them to high-performing employees.
Sit Down and Chat
Sometimes all an employee wants is a bit of your time. Visiting one-on-one, even for a few minutes, to highlight what went well and wrapping up with a statement of appreciation can perk up anyone’s day.
Share Something Sweet
When the afternoon snack cravings hit, be the star of the office with a drawer full of snacks and words of recognition. If a department hit a sales goal, drop off a basket of granola bars, cookies, and doughnut holes for them to share.
Prepare Award Certificates
If you’re preparing for a routine meeting but have big news related to an office accomplishment to share, prepareĀ recognition certificates and turn the announcement into a ceremony. Framed certificates can later be displayed on office walls for visitors to admire!
Are you ready to be on your A-game when it comes to creative, on-the-spot employee recognition ideas? Stock up on paper certificates, lapel pins and mini trophies at PaperDirect.