This holiday season, you should absolutely plan on thanking the people who worked with you this year. Assuming you want to continue doing business into the next year and keep the mutually beneficial relationship going strong, a few select words is a simple gesture that will leave them feeling appreciated and humbled.
Take the time to do it right and end the year with business thank you messages that will have your customers and partners excited to continue working with you next year. Here are some ready-to-use examples.
Like it or not, holiday-specific greetings can be seen as controversial because they’re viewed as somewhat exclusive. Depending on which industry you are in or which customer/partner you’re trying to thank, it might not matter and you can just “Merry Christmas” the season away. In other cases, an equally festive “Happy Holidays” might be in order. Below are some examples of both, so use your best judgment and you shouldn’t have any problems.
Business Thank You Messages For Clients
Holiday cards geared toward your clients can be either traditional or more whimsical or modern. Choose a design that you and your company like, and also make a big impression on your clients.
- Without you, Christmas Wouldn’t Be Very Merry. Thanks So Much For Everything!
- Sending You a Heartfelt Thanks and Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays!
- This year, your patronage made all the difference. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we hope to see you soon! Merry Christmas From All of Us at ________.
- Thanks For Everything This Year! Here’s Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!
Business Thank You Messages For Partners
Your holiday message to your partners should be a little more serious than a card you send to your clients. However, don’t be too stuffy! Choose a card that complements any of the message ideas below and also conveys a business-like style.
- Thanks For Helping Make Your Business Our Business This Year
- Thanks For a Great Year and Best Wishes For a Productive New Year
- Thanks for everything! We can’t wait to continue thriving in the New Year!
- Thanks so much for a productive year! We hope to continue helping make our success your success into the New Year.
- Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and most of all, thank you for your partnership. Looking forward to keeping things rolling next year.
More than anything, it’s important that your business thank you messages simply be genuine. You know best how to address your customers and partners (it’s why they came to you in the first place, right?). If you’re true to yourself and your business, you shouldn’t have any problems finding the right words! If you’re ready to start spreading holiday cheer, shop PaperDirect for eye-catching holiday greeting cards today!