It’s not too much of a stretch to suggest that the age-old tradition of sending greeting cards to your friends, customers, volunteers, clients, or employees can be something of a minefield. Anyone who’s hoping to spread a little holiday cheer this season may be slightly hesitant for fear of their message not being politically correct.
Not to worry, though! Here is a quick list of politically correct holiday greetings that will convey the joy and gratitude you feel without insulting anyone, regardless of race, creed, or religion. No matter what you need them for, we’ve got the perfect politically correct holiday greeting card and message for you.
- Here’s wishing you the fondest Season’s Greetings and continued Happiness into the New Year.
- Happy Holidays to a Big, Bright Spot in Our Lives. Wishing you all the best in the coming year!
- Hoping your Holidays are as heartfelt and joyous as you deserve!
- No matter where this holiday season finds you, here’s hoping you’re surrounded with love and good fortune. Happy Holidays!
To Employees
- Thanks for all your hard work in [Year], and here’s to keeping things chugging along in [Next Year].
- All the best to you and yours this holiday season and thanks for a wonderful year. We couldn’t have done it without you!
- For all that you’ve done to help make our workplace a better place, we say a tremendous Thank You. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for [Year]!
To Customers
- Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, and All the Best for a Prosperous New Year.
- Thanks for your invaluable partnership in [Current Year], and best wishes for a bright and happy [Next Year].
- Best wishes for a happy Holiday Season. We’ll see you in [next year]!
Another quick note: While you should absolutely get a set of holiday greeting cards complete with a universal message, it might also be helpful to include a personalized conclusion to each card. It doesn’t even need to be unique. You could use one of the above statements, and then write in, “To a One-of-a-Kind Soul” in each card. It takes only a little extra time and it can make a huge difference.
More than anything, you simply need to remember that no matter the occasion and no matter the recipient, your holiday greeting only needs to come from the heart. That might sound a little schmaltzy, but there’s no better time of year to get a little sappy and express yourself to the people who are most important to you. You’ll be happier you did, and they’ll be grateful you took the time to say so.