After Midnight Casual Invitation

Unique Bachelorette Party Ideas

Bubble Bash BannerA bachelorette party is a really great way to celebrate your womanhood and the end of your single life before you settling down with the man of your dreams and the one you will hopefully be spending the rest of your life with. Having all your friends and family there to celebrate with you and getting a carefree and crazy are the top two requirements of a great bachelorette party. Along with those requirements, here are a few great bachelorette party ideas.

Create a wish list. Whether you’re the bride-to-be or the hostess for the bachelorette party, After Midnight Casual Invitationa bachelorette wish list is a great way to make sure that everyone is having a great time. The bachelorette writes down three to five things she’s always wished she could do as a single woman. Of course, keep it clean and don’t do anything that will get you in trouble with the husband-to-be! Maybe you’ve always wanted a trip to Vegas or to buy a certain item. This is the bride-to-be’s night so see if you can fulfill some of her wishes before she takes the plunge into marriage.

Create a scavenger hunt type of task list for the bride-to-be. For instance, give her a sweatshirt with men’s names on it. The goal is to find one man to match each name and get him to sign the shirt. Send her on a scavenger hunt at the venue where the party is held. Create a list of items she must find in the hotel or restaurant or wherever the party is held. Take photos of the event as this will create memories for years to come (and some laughs!).

A day at the spa instead of a nightclub or restaurant. Not only is this extremely relaxing, but it will give the ladies a chance to bond over manicures and massages.

Azalea Casual InvitationsHold a progressive dinner party for the bachelorette party. This is a great opportunity to visit several homes in a single evening. A progressive dinner party involves everyone going from home to home to enjoy a different course at each home. Keep the number of guests manageable if you plan a progressive dinner bachelorette party. You can only eat so much and the travel can be a bit tedious of there are too many locations to which you must travel.

PaperDirect is your online source for just about everything you need to throw a great party including festive party invitations, response cards and banners.