Many people name autumn as their favorite season. Cool temperatures, leaves changing color, holiday season soon approaching, and a nice crispness to the air all contribute to make fall the most enjoyable season of the year for many of us. If you are a business owner, you may want to take advantage of the fall weather to utilize some marketing techniques that may not work so well at other times of the years. Advertising outdoors in the fall is a great way to get your name out there and get customers through the door.
While advertising tools such as email lists and vinyl banners can be utilized year-round, there are some advertising tools that are more feasible when the weather is nice–not too cold and not too hot. Outdoor advertising can be powerful and effective because creating a robust visible impression to build recognition just works.
- One way of advertising outdoors in the fall is handing out brochures or flyers in market places and other crowded areas (college campuses are a great place to reach a variety of age and socioeconomic groups). With the cool fall temperatures, you can hire people to hand out information about your business in marketplaces that have a lot of foot traffic. By handing out a flyer or coupon, you have attached a living, breathing person to your business. With the right person outside marketing, you can increase your business inside greatly. A warm personality and friendly disposition, along with some sort of special offer (buy one, get one free or 50% off first purchase), is a fantastic way to get customers or clients in the door.
- Car “wrapping” is another means of advertising that works best (and most safely) when the weather is nice. We spend so much time sitting in traffic going to work, school and chauffering the kids around, and when people sit in traffic long enough, they will take notice of t
he scenery around them. Private autos can be transformed into mobile advertisements (if you’re willing to forever alter the appearance of your vehicle).
- Hire a sign twirler. More and more of these brave young men and women can be seen on street corners all across the United States; sign twirling is an inexpensive way to target a certain intersection or zip code.
The greatest benefit of outdoor advertising is that the cost per customer contact is very inexpensive.