Once you graduate high school and college, you may not think that getting a graduation certificate for anything would be a real stretch. However, there are lots of reasons you may receive, or need to make graduation certificates. Completion of extra curricular classes and courses, especially those held within a company can be a good reason for graduation certificates. Regardless of the reason for a certificate, making a great certificate that the recipient will be proud to keep and even hang on their wall is a snap.
There are all kinds of graduation certificate stock paper. From the rather plain to the extremely detailed and fancy, the variety available is amazing. Once you decide on a style that suits the company or event, all that’s left is to fill in the information. That’s all it takes to make extraordinary graduation certificates.
Using a script type font adds another layer of official attitude to the document. Having the company or school logo on it also adds to that level of being an official graduation type of document. Once those are in place in your layout, go back and fill in the recipient name and the reasons for the certificate. There are templates for most of the certificate stock available for popular word processing programs that make layout and design of your graduation certificate a simple process.
After the certificates are complete, have them signed by corporate officials or by supervisors of the event or class. This certifies that they verify the certificate as being valid, and gives the recipient that extra level of appreciation of their accomplishment. Recipients of these awards have put forth a lot of effort to complete the class or event, and giving them a signed certificate of graduation certainly validates their efforts.
The great thing about making extraordinary graduation certificates is the fact that they’re not expensive. Even if you go to the added expense of a frame, you can still put together an impressive certificate for presentation for less than $10 each. Without a frame, a great certificate can be one of the least expensive awards you can give out, and the recipients are still deeply appreciative of the fact their efforts are acknowledged.